Archived "pr" Managers?

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
I have noticed a problem recently with the server. And that problem is that new players have nobody to help them. When I first came on the server, I had literally NO IDEA what I was doing. I derped around for 2-3 minutes, than did the most ineffective thing possible by running off the harbor and swimming to the nearest landmass. It took me 10 minutes to get a hang of the chat system, and even more time to actually get the hang of the community. Massivecraft is pretty fun, but the problem is that the internal workings of the community and plugins can be REALLY confusing to new players. That's why I suggest that certain community members can apply for the position "PR managers". Their only job is to greet, help, and educate new players on the server politics, lore, and plugins. These PR managers will have colored names and the ability to speak in help or global more rapidly. This will benefit the server in several ways. First, there will be no more people who directly rp against server lore. The PR managers will educate them on how no, not all vampires can be nice and happy; yes, you really should use a skin that matches your race instead of that creeper in a suit skin; and no, you cannot claim you are Mrs Baver. Second, this will lead to a lot more new players staying around instead of going around spawn, getting lost, then ragequiting. Third, this will give the server more of a "user friendly" vibe. I know that the server already has a good reputation, but if server sharding comes out and Massivecraft is still as confusing, it will quickly get a reputation for being very confusing and complex. Now you may ask me "can't the admins just do this? I mean, there's game managers." I reply to this with something I once heard someone say. "The community members seem to be more helpful than the admins". At first, I thought it was a joke or slander about the server, then I realized, the community members DO tend to help out new people more than the admins. I realized this is because of the fact that admins do not have much time to help new players, due to the fact that they are busy rping, answering helpops, or just being a player. This is why I think, especially with server sharding looming ahead, we need a good amount of PR managers.
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Hmmmm, this is a really good idea. I remember when i first started, i was lost for the first hour or so.
I think this is why they made the Help channel.
We wouldn't need this if people spent 2 minutes of their life reading the signs at spawn...
Well I find it that new people find having guides more comfortable than reading a wall of text.
When I'm bored on Massive, I help people. You don't need a position for this. What is the point of distinguishing these people from everyone else? If you want to help out new players, what's stopping you?
I was lucky enough to get sucked into Massive before shit got complicated :3
Nothing's stopping me, but I can't help people 24/7, and usually there is no one to help new people, so I think we need a group to do that.
I wouldn't mind being a pr manager. Btw if folk come out loving kitties it is not my fault!
I dislike this idea. Illo hit it spot on. If you want to help people, focus help chat and do so. IF players don't know how to press T and type "I need help" then they shouldn't be playing Minecraft. If we were to distinguish a rank for this, it's essentially labelling you as higher above a normal player, even though ANYONE can help new players. You'd have no extra permissions, and it's a waste of colour.
We have a great guide at spawn designed to tell new people stuff they need to know.
I don't think you are lookin for the term PR manager, as this implies public relations and public relations are managed by the CM department. If you are looking for some sort of player mentor and guide system, on the face value of it, it might sound cool but I think it's a bit redundant. We attempt to model new player experience in a similar fashion as world of warcraft. The Help channel is available and guides are available on the internet. While I agree the help interface could be easier, I doubt we will need players dedicated to helping new players. If they want to do it I won't stop them, but they shouldn't expect any official recognition for their work or a medal.
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