Archived Power Loss On Death

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Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all, Asomira here, and today I have an interesting topic of discussion "Faction Power Loss on Death". To me this feature seems to be archaic and outdated and serving no real purpose. The basic concept of it is that you retain so much power for you faction, and if you die, you lose a little bit of that stored power you have stored up and it replenishes over time. Now the reason that I think this should be removed is that it can only slow the growth of newer factions and serves no purpose for the feature of factions called conquering. Some of the opposing reasons for this is that slowing new faction growth is a good thing, because it prevents hundreds of little One chunk factions from appearing over night. But that is already the case. a possible way to fix that problem is one of my earlier discussions:
over the economy of MassiveCraft.

Let me know what you guys think, I encourage constructive argumentation over subjects that we as players could influence.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I really do not like any of the suggestions you have to be quite honest. It sounds like you're trying to just deplete the point of factions. "Oh I died 5 times, well I guess I can't claim anymore or have the freedom of building." You're basically limiting factions as to what they can do.. Like I said, not a big fan as it does nothing but piss people off.
Now I must agree to the main topic here...

The feature of loosing faction power has loss its main function due to the way massivecraft has setup the factions system here.
On a normal pvp factions server it is the very core of your defence. Stay alive and your base remains safe. Die and you will slowely have to ensure the safety of important chunks by keeping a higher power level than claimed chunks.

Simply said. once you loose too much power. people can access your chests. claim 'your chunks' and wreck your base.
Since this isn't part of the massivecrafts pvp system. The Power loss on death function looses its core function. Rendering it 'nearly' useless.

I agree that we shouldn't loose power on death out of convenience. It is not easy to manage all your members and keep them alive without restricting them to the safety of your faction walls. And even within they aren't Always safe from death. Allowing people not to loose power on death will make it easier for some to properly claim the chunks they need to provide new recruits with some land for their own, without having to worry about whether they have enough power to boost your cap to allow you to claim it.

I understand that the downside of this is that some factions will be able to claim up to their full potential giving them extreme ammounts of claimed terrain. It does not change what people are capable of. Its not like they cannot claim that much land without the disable of the function. Its just that it is more easier to do so.
I'm going to bring up suggesting the removal of power loss to a meeting.