Archived Power For Regals

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Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
I'd like to propose the idea of getting power for a player for regals.
Im thinking of a really high amount, like 1000 regals for 1 power.
so would have rich players much more influence and rich faction could buy more land if they want to pay for it. Money would be more important and the market will rais.
So what are you guys thinking of this idea?

greetings, Nikanulu
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'd like to propose the idea of getting power for a player for regals.
Im thinking of a really high amount, like 1000 regals for 1 power.
so would have rich players much more influence and rich faction could buy more land if they want to pay for it. Money would be more important and the market will rais.
So what are you guys thinking of this idea?

greetings, Nikanulu
I'd like to propose the idea of getting power for a player for regals.
Im thinking of a really high amount, like 1000 regals for 1 power.
so would have rich players much more influence and rich faction could buy more land if they want to pay for it. Money would be more important and the market will rais.
So what are you guys thinking of this idea?

greetings, Nikanulu

For any suggestion involving money->advantage I would like people to make the FHFDoom test.
FHFDoom has 42. 000silver or 420.000 regal.
Will this suggestion allow him to do something outragious unfair or overpowered?
The answer is yes in this case. He could in this case make an alt with 400 power and rent that alt out to faction who want to claim a ton. Or just use it to claim accross a world.
So I'll buy a faction for 2000 Regals, but then I will need to pay an extra 1000 Regals just to claim a chunk? I don't think so buddy.

Or in other words;
Spartan I think he means more like people can buy more max power points. Sill best clip though lol.

Example: Every player starts with 10 power as max and they get +10 if they are premium. Now say we have a player that starts out non-premium he pays 5000 regals (1000*5) so he gets +5 max power. So now Said non-prem player has a max power of 15. Had he been prem he would have went from 20=> 25 max power. (This is how I perceived it at least).
'Well.. Lets not be that aggressive towards this little man..
Lets just hang him, then we dont have to bother about the subject.

Nobel's in Favor, Say I do.

Let's keep this thread constructive. If you feel that something is not good in this thread, then please point it out or don't comment at all.

As a first public warning, anybody who posts something that is not constructive and is unnecessary to the discussion will be given a private warning. So please, let's keep this constructive and friendly. :)

~ Imboring56, Your Friendly Neighborhood Forum Mod
People who just merely post a vapid and useless picture or .gif on a thread requesting constructive feedback really are the scum of this forum. Post something useful for Christ's sake.

And aside from the cost and lack of a limit of chunks that can be bought, this is the EXACT idea that nray93 had posted earlier:

A forum staff posts an idea, and people shower him with positive ratings. New guy tries to post an idea to help out the server, and you shoot him down with nine "disagrees" right off the bat instead of helping him flesh out his idea? Why not tell him, "Hey guy, I think this would work out maybe if you put a limit, or altered the price here." Be helpful and positive, don't be an insecure, mindless douchebag and all gang up on someone just to hurt his or her feelings.
Okay, the attitudes towards newer player's posts on this forum are just horribad. If you see someone who's been on here a few months post an idea, you go into the thread with a constructive attitude. On the other hand, if anyone that's new to the forums posts an idea, you go into the thread thinking "UGH, another noob idea, can't wait to shoot it down!"

Towards the idea, I think it could work if it costs a sufficient amount of money and there's a limit to how many chunks each person can buy.
People who just merely post a vapid and useless picture or .gif on a thread requesting constructive feedback really are the scum of this forum. Post something useful for Christ's sake.

And aside from the cost and lack of a limit of chunks that can be bought, this is the EXACT idea that nray93 had posted earlier:

A forum staff posts an idea, and people shower him with positive ratings. New guy tries to post an idea to help out the server, and you shoot him down with nine "disagrees" right off the bat instead of helping him flesh out his idea? Why not tell him, "Hey guy, I think this would work out maybe if you put a limit, or altered the price here." Be helpful and positive, don't be an insecure, mindless douchebag and all gang up on someone just to hurt his or her feelings.

Is is not the "EXACT idea" that I posted. I posted this my version of this with certain limitations to avoid excessive abuse of it. The difference is the formating.
A nicely formated suggestion with clear points and more information is generaly better recieved then a short suggestion with unclear points and vital information missing. You can´t expect people to know what you mean unless you explain it to them.
I am addressing this because I feel a slight indication in your Post that you think that positive ratings are based on rank/power.

Now to make this constructive:
- Try to elaborate more on what you mean with your Idea. We don´t know what you mean unless you explain it to is throughly.
- State why it would be good. List the advantages. Also state why it would be worth the time. This means you should state why the effect is large enough for it to be worth cayorions time (I asume he is very busy with all the fixing and broken stuff).
- State the problems that might occur with it and how you intend to avoid/solve them. It is easier for you if you bring up the worst problems and give a solution beforehand instead of having others to bring it up.

Now to the more specific comments (regarding the Original Post):
- 1000r (100s) is relatively much for a player just so he can have 1 more power.
- No limitations on how much power could be aquired this way make this very abusive in the hands of very rich people. Think of limitations to avoid this problem.

Yes, new player suggestions are generaly shot down relatively fast. But they are not shot down without any reasons either. I have seen many ideas fail because they were not tought out enough. If an idea has less then hundred words then you can already guess that it isn´t gonna be very detailed and leaves lot´s of points to criticise and/or against it.
Altough I do not understand why someone would negatively rate someone just because someone is new.
You (should) rate the Idea after all and not the Person.
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