Archived Potential New Disease Idea

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Aug 2, 2012
Reaction score
Hello. I was just thinking that maybe you could add a new disease to the server. Here's my idea, enjoy:
Werewolf-Disease of the Plains
Ancient historians believe that the disease started in the midland plains of Ceardia. They believe that a young man was bitten by an infected wolf in an ancient village. The disease soon spread as more and more wolves became infected, infecting more humans of Ceardia. These werewolves soon were driven to the mountains of the north, not heard from for thousands of years. However, recently they have returned to the land in increasingly alarming amounts. Now, they are in nearly all of Aloria and they are here to stay.
-Night vision (always)
-Jumps very high (when transformed)
-Has speed increased (when transformed)
-Has increased attack (when transformed)
-Weakened attack (when not transformed)
-Can't enter water (when transformed)
-Can't wear armor (when transformed)
-Gets nausea while turning into werewolf (transformation every full moon takes about 30 min. in-game time)
-Special attack: Claw (Uses up hunger) does critical damage (when transformed)
-Can only get food from killing animals (always)
-Is vulnerable to silver (iron) (always)
-Does slightly more damage to vampires (always)
-Return back to normal at sunrise
Infection and Cure:
There are two ways to become infected,
1-Get bitten by an infected wolf (1/100) You can tell they are infected because of their eyes and tails
2-Get bitten by another werewolf -or- Get killed by one (1/10) times get infected from being killed by one
There are two ways to be cured,
1-Go to an altar of forgiveness during a full moon Crafted with: 1 iron block, 2 redstone blocks, 5 torches, 30 coal blocks
2-While infected but not yet able to transform consume a silver-tainted apple. Crafting recipe: Iron ingot over apple

I really hope that you consider this as a new disease :) Thank you.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hey @MegaPanic101
It is always great to see new suggestions for what can be added to the Lore or to the Server in general. It is one of the best ways Massive can continue to grow. But as many suggestions as there have been, and as many times as it has been proposed, werewolfism just isn't canon, and currently has no place in our lore. While this may change one day, I do not want you to be discouraged by the feedback you may receive for bringing this topic up once more. Whether positive or negative, I would encourage you to continue to think of ideas for what could benefit our Lore or our server.
This server is team Edward. Unfortunatly we do not need any shirtless werewolves prancing about. Good thought put into your idea, however!
-Can't wear armor (when transformed)
Ehm... Explain a bit more?....
I don't really like that part because it makes them useless in PvP. It'd only work if they had an extremely high natural defense buff but that'd make them extremely op as well + not being able to wear armor at night makes your idea REALLY complicated.
(not sure wether werewolfs are needed anyway...)
I would think that there would be a possibilty of the allowance of something being somewhat like a werewolf- I think, although I am not sure, that Thylans can be infected and become a vampire but when it mutates to the Thylan, the Thylan can infect humans and during this - The virus becomes damaged from the mutation to the Thylan and the Virus essentially mutates the human body so, what if the virus cuts learning again and just changes the humans form into a large human thylan like- Half wolf, half human and there, you have your somewhat werewolf. Although this could be wrong, i'm not scientist.
I believe werewolves were a thing at one point[? Correct me if I'm wrong guys.]
But they either​
Ehm... Explain a bit more?....
I don't really like that part because it makes them useless in PvP. It'd only work if they had an extremely high natural defense buff but that'd make them extremely op as well + not being able to wear armor at night makes your idea REALLY complicated.
(not sure wether werewolfs are needed anyway...)
Imagine a huge mutated wolf thing wearing armour. Armour is meant for humans not demon wolves.
I believe werewolves were a thing at one point[? Correct me if I'm wrong guys.]
But they either​

Imagine a huge mutated wolf thing wearing armour. Armour is meant for humans not demon wolves.
Imagine humans wearing diamond armour... Same comcept eh?

I don't think that werewolfs ever have been a thing on here btw. I only remember suggestions that never made it through.