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Post Scriptum

Feb 17, 2024
Reaction score
Another; no less plain piece of parchment nailed up within the Black Market.​

Last night, the Brigand Scale oversaw the attempted kidnapping of Sylas and one other. He had Sylas taken to the same campsite as the previous victims, with intent to use them in their rituals. The camp was surrounded and the bandit captured, who has now been dealt with. Though he may stay dead this time, those who served him and his employers continue to run amok. Listed here are the names of those who aided them, and the location of the ritual site where the victims were taken.

New additions will be at the top of this list

- Osira
A self-described priestess and mage living within the Vampire District. She was the one overseeing the rituals in the pursuit of personal power, though had up until now kept her involvement concealed. She participated in the attack on Sylas, likely out of desperation on Scale's part as their manpower shrank. They are described as a blonde woman, with fair skin and golden eye, and is likely also a Sanguine.
- Kautau
The previously unidentified Northman. This one was some form of undead and proved resistant to execution; but has since fled the city to avoid reprisal. They can be considered dealt with."
- 'Django'
An ailor with red hair and ranchers clothes; allegedly one Scale's mercenaries. The name may be an alias.'
- 'Flare'
A member of Scale's crew; who in his carelessness revealed the location of the ritual site. He has not sought forgiveness, and should still be hunted accordingly."
- Mesmessei
Not a new member but worth restating; this is a sanguine blood-mage and Scale's primary employer, being the one who was paying for the kidnappings and arranged the rituals. He has made some kind of pact with an outside entity for sacrifices, and will likely continue in spite of his servant's demise. Described as a 'slimy' man with pale skin, red eyes, and long ears with a blatantly vampiric appearence.
- Unnamed Feka
New associate, likely only hired in the last week. Described as a Grey Feka Asha with Teal Eyes.
- Gecko
Scale's second in command, who has been strangely absent. It is believed he may have been killed in one of the skirmishes against Scale's forces. Usually wears a dark, armored uniform.

- The site of the rituals does not have a former address; but a map showing the location is attached. It is located north of the city proper, along the coast of the bay on which several small coves are seated. It is described as a repurposed campsite, which has been outfitted with several cages, a pit for disposing, and a large bloody ritual circle. It is believed to either Mesmessei or Scale's; though given Scale had his own safehouse whilst the cove was already in use, the former is slightly more likely. Initial plans were to burn it down after it was raided; but it has been left intact so that interested parties can search it for evidence.


The surviving brigands will likely continue to serve under Mesmessei, who with Osira will continue their actions in pursuit of power. If you're interested in cooperating to seen them finally dealt with, or have information to share, you may contact us at the Black Market or the Sucker Punch via intermediary to arrange a meeting. Alternatively; the Serpents Hollow is also interested and may be approached as well.

As a final addendum; for the dead man's servants. If there were any time to crawl back into whatever pit you came from, now would be advisable. Any who continue on this path will share their master's fate.

Ciao for now,

Attached are a set of directions and maps, presumably leading to the encampment.
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