Archived Possible Event For: The Regalia Prison

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Oct 6, 2014
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NOTE: THIS WAS BASED OF A VIDEO GAME THAT I LIKE *Cough* Arkham Asylum *Cough* Story Line: The Prisoners Have Broken Out Of The Prison And Are Lead By One Lone Prisoner... Who Could It Be? (I Thought You Might Be Able To Think Of One To Surprize The Players) You And Others have To Get Through The Insane, Murderers, And Clever Master Minds... Kill Them Of Course As They have Done The Crimes They have Done And Tried To Escape From It As Well. Find The Top 3 Thugs In There, And Kill Them. The First And Most Insane Is Daska, A Squid Maiar That Has Killed & Eaten 7 Men & 5 Women (possibly a squid with hostile personality and dmg), The Next Was A Undead Named Arkz That Ate Pets Of Nobles, It Was Comepletely Sane Aswell & Knows Fire Magic To Fry The Animals! (Skel With Armor & Ghast Balls?), And Finally A Klein Named Shwartzein, That Can Be Very Speedy And Tends To Use Poison On Her Claws To Kill her Enemys (Sheep With Speed And Poison Attack?), And The Leader In The Center Of The Prison That Needs To Be Gotten Through With The Body Gaurds That Are The 3 Fugitives That I Listed Off, And Thats The Misson That You Need To Acomplish, Kill Prisoners.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Did you intentionally spam the forum with 20 threads?...
Or it could be some truly impressive computer lag/error lol. Nicely done either way, I think you've got the record by about 18 threads :P
I've deleted all the duped threads -- everything following this response should be one relating to the thread rather than the previous mix-up.

Whether this was simple lag or not, I hope you can be a bit more careful next time. Thanks~!
This would be kind of... odd for an actual event in game, as it is using pre-determined characters and isn't really that lore compliant.

This would probably be best utilized as a non lore-compliant forum roleplay rather than something done actually in-game.
This would be kind of... odd for an actual event in game, as it is using pre-determined characters and isn't really that lore compliant.

This would probably be best utilized as a non lore-compliant forum roleplay rather than something done actually in-game.
I agree, it's a neat idea though.
Pretty sure all three of those prisoners would have been executed upon being arrested.