Archived Possible Alternative To Pacifist

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Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score
The Corellian TARDIS parked outside Hogwarts
Right, so this is just an idea I thought of off the top of my head, and I figured this might be a happy compromise between the old system (which favored survivalists/RPers/etc to come extent) and the new system (which favors pvpers).

In the current system, factions with many enemies will hardly be able to build while their enemies are online, as they will constantly lose their materials and any god tools they were using. You can no longer roleplay with lore items in faction worlds without the constant threat of losing your favorite items. You can't darkroom against powerful mobs/many mobs in a Darkroom alone anymore, because if you die you almost certainly lost your stuff. (Zombies and pigmen have a wonderful habit of picking up your god gear, then despawning before you can get back).

I understand that most survival servers don't have something like 'pacifist', but most survival servers don't have boss mobs that can three-hit you, or wonderful cities (that can't be built when you're constantly losing your supplies and tools).

So, this is just an idea, feel free to critique it, agree with it, or say it's garbage.

/mode PVP
In this game mode you will lose your entire inventory upon death, you will do normal damage, you will have the normal chance to drop heads, basically what we have now.

/mode Peaceful
It will take five minutes of PVP inactive to change modes to ensure you don't use this to avoid losing your loot.

You will exit this game mode if you punch another player.

In this gamemode, you cannot go PVP active (you will automatically go to PVP mode if you do), and you will not drop your inventory upon death. However, you will have a 100% (or at least very high) chance to drop a head if killed by another player.

This will give people a chance to build their factions without constantly losing their tools and materials, making it so new factions can never build if they make enemies. It will mean that if you intend to PVP, you will lose your items on death. If you don't, you won't. However, PVPers will still have an award. If you don't want to lose your head, you'll fight. You will also be able to darkroom without worrying about a deathwatch beetle sneaking up on you and three-hitting you, causing you to lose all your stuff.

Feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I actually really like this. It checks off everything on the list

-Make PVPers happy (getting something out of a kill, the head)
-Make Builders happy (they dont have to loose their stuff when building
-Make roleplayers happy (they can RP in peace without worry of loosing their stuff)
-Make survivalists happy (they can activly choose what side they want to be on)
So in other words, this mode you are proposing could also be:

Instead of commands, use the old pacifist system but increase the cooldown to pvp inactive to 5 minutes + increase risk of beheading while pvp inactive.

The downside I see is that you won't be able to use your bp for 5 minutes as bp is disabled while pvp active.
@Omnomivore you have it a tad backward. Its more like. The system thats active now. But you have to have been PVP INACTIVE for 5 minutes. So after 30 seconds u can use ur BP again but wait 5 mins for the pacifist command.
I think this would honestly be worse then giving everyone pacifist. I'll elaborate more when I get home.
Well. Considering I made a post a couple days ago about increasing the head drops when pacifist, it's pretty obvious this has my support.
So in other words, this mode you are proposing could also be:

Instead of commands, use the old pacifist system but increase the cooldown to pvp inactive to 5 minutes + increase risk of beheading while pvp inactive.

The downside I see is that you won't be able to use your bp for 5 minutes as bp is disabled while pvp active.

Basically, as well as the option to stay pvp active for pvpers, but I suppose in a raid you'd hit back before you got killed anyway, so yes, basically. I figured that this would keep pvpers from running 'going pacifist' in a fight, which would keep the positive pvp changes, as well as make it so non-pvpers don't constantly lose their valuables when they're trying to build or survival. As for as the backpack disadvantage, I'm not sure how you would fix that without making it unfair in PVP (backpacking your sword right before you'll die). But in my opinion, having to wait 5 minutes to open your backpack after fighting/being attacked is better then constantly loosing your god gear while darkrooming or building.

If anyone knows a good fix for this downside, do tell!

@Omnomivore you have it a tad backward. Its more like. The system thats active now. But you have to have been PVP INACTIVE for 5 minutes. So after 30 seconds u can use ur BP again but wait 5 mins for the pacifist command.

The only problem with tihs, is in pvp you can just run away for 30 seconds then /bp your gear. Kinda defeats the purpose of 'dropping no matter what if you intend to PVP'. :P

I think this would honestly be worse then giving everyone pacifist. I'll elaborate more when I get home.

I look forward to seeing your reasoning.
The only problem with tihs, is in pvp you can just run away for 30 seconds then /bp your gear. Kinda defeats the purpose of 'dropping no matter what if you intend to PVP'. :P
Correct but remember now that beomming PVP active is 2-sided now. If im chasing you, used to be you could BP and quickly save some stuff but if im chasing you and hitting you, you remain active
I really like the idea. Because even i with god gear almost died the other day, because i took some fall damage and a spider almsot finished me off. i wasnt keen on dropping all my current inv on that moment xD
This suggestion will be left open for discussion and further staff review.