Archived Positive Solution To Vampires Without Nerfing!

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Ok so I hear news of vamps not hiding, broadcasting to be infected, not acting rp...
If this was really an "RP" server why can't you kill the vampire?
They act as they do because they have no reason to act otherwise.

Kill them I say! They would not ask to be a vampire and play in the pond right in front of you if you could.

I think that you should be able to kill a vampire anywhere! be it in a pvp free zone , faction in truce, but not yore own faction members(for group combat reasons)
If a vampire dies in a pvp free zone ore "in any ocasion you would not be able to kill anyone else" they just get sent to their spawn and only drop the xp they have.
That is right their spawn! which is somewhere in a sewer system with a one way door so they can teleport in peace ore something.

Also i was wondering.... can vampires bite anyone? if they type /bite then right click on you while sneaking?

But if it where up to me I would make it so you can kill anyone anywhere but some places you can get killed in and not loose yore stuff. And have guards that can imprison you for murder where you can't /warp out. Unless you killed a vampire... That is a good deed right?
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So basically you're saying vampires should be killed anywhere with a premium feature(not drop their inv/armor)?
This means that people would run around spawn punching everyone trying to find a vamp to get loot from.
This means that people would run around spawn punching everyone trying to find a vamp to get loot from.
If someone did uncover a vampire, the vamp would easily have the speed to get away. Anyway from what I understood from this thread it seems the vampire would not drop their items just the xp they have.
For RP who is to say vampires are bad? I have no problem with a race that feeds off of animals and cake.

As far as PVP them anywhere that won't work. Not only with plugins but we don't want Regalia and every other city to turn into a giant free for all.

Plus then you'd have vampires able to band up in groups and wreck havoc on people shopping, RPing, and most everything. A group of 4-5 of them could camp spawn and just rip everyone apart that teleports there.
I have Heard Enought.... I am really Mad at everyone Slaying Vampire Around Saying they are Worthless and Scardy Cat that "hide"(Why did they hide? Is it because people is trying to Hunt them?) I really Wish People Can stop hunting Vampire down...
While I heavily dislike you Dworvin, I do agree some action should be taken to clean the streets of vampires. However, the Team knows of this issue and are working to solve it. I ask you have a bit of patience and perhaps not post in Suggestions so much.
Add a /hide command.

Will disable vampire features.

If a vampire uses vampire abilitys (high jump, bloodlust, etc) or if they start smoking (To stop vampires hanging out in fountains) they are automatically flagged for PVP. There will be no notice to say they are flagged, because it will rely on players seeing them doing it (because RP, vamps can use skills as long as they are not seen).

They can fight back once hit, but they will probably die since they will get ganged up on.
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