Archived Portals

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Chris Knight

Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score
I Noticed that in the info about Creative Gates, it says if one portal in the chain is blocked, it will skip to the next, but on Massivecraft if you block a portal, it will break the chain, and whichever portal is supposed to go to the blocked portal will say the portal doesn't lead anywhere.

For example, if I make 3 identicle portals, and go into each one, I will end up in the next portal in the order activated. if I block the second portal with a sign, the first one will not lead anywhere, where it should skip the second portal and lead to the third.[DOUBLEPOST=1356497888][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, so the info I read about Creative gates over a year ago doesn't exist anymore, but my point remains the same. That is how it's supposed to work, and used to work, but doesn't anymore.
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I agree. I think nobody cared about it at the time, but now a lot more people know about it.
We've already explained to everyone that bug fixes like that are non important right now.
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