Archived Portal Traps.... With A Different Design

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
The Aralithian Empire
So let me ask all the pvpers who view this thread, have you ever been running through an enemy faction chasing that one last guy who has 5% health left? Your so close to getting him... Until you step on a portal trap.... The instance you hear it, you know it's to late. I'm sure many of us have been there before and we end up in a room surrounded by the enemy with pvp active on. I know we all hate losing our god weapons and potions. So I've decided to propose a new kind of portal traps, ones that when you step through them it will teleport you away from the battle thus effectively letting you keep your god weapons, but not killing you in the process, the second proposal is that you would be teleported into a closed off room (completely safe from enemies) for like twenty seconds which will be an advantage to both sides of the battle, when your in the trap, you can repot and such. While the people who set the trap, can repot as well or grab more weapons if needed. Tell me what you think of this idea!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I know they were made illegal but having portals which teleport them to like another world would be kind of cool, it would slow down attackers and can be used for escapes. It also would not kill them but it raises the issue of it being a portal trap or a hidden portal?
Yes @billy_dont_rage I'm awRe they are illegal, I made this thread hoping a mod would see it and go "those portal traps aren't to bad" and they would be hidden @Skip_HD
No I'm hoping a mod might see this and go, if we make kinda a plugin for this, portal traps might be legal again.
Even if portal traps were legal, couldn't an enemy use this portal as well? Someone could be chasing you while you run in, then as they follow you, you'll be stuck in the same room.

There's a reason this didn't exist before portal traps were legal, and that's because it's impractical. The only way it could be plausible is if you used a stone button on an iron door to go to a portal, but then it wouldn't be a portal trap. You might as well just go to another faction to repot and then go back, which isn't the most practical idea?
I'm glad these were made illegal, and I hope they're never made legal again, in any way, shape or form. Bias aside, making them legal under certain circumstances that don't somehow kill the player seems practically pointless, as it would work against both sides of a fight. By this point, it'd just be creating too many specific rules on what's legal and what's not that staff have to enforce and that players have to know about. Much simpler if the rule regarding them is to simply not make them for PVP purposes.
okay, wait a second, this makes no sence at all, i shal try to point out why (we negate for this teh fact these are illegal okay?)

So let me ask all the pvpers who view this thread, have you ever been running through an enemy faction chasing that one last guy who has 5% health left? Your so close to getting him... Until you step on a portal trap.... The instance you hear it, you know it's to late. I'm sure many of us have been there before and we end up in a room surrounded by the enemy with pvp active on. I know we all hate losing our god weapons and potions
let's start here. so we are the one is chasing teh one with 5% right? that's what you say.

but then...
So I've decided to propose a new kind of portal traps, ones that when you step through them it will teleport you away from the battle thus effectively letting you keep your god weapons, but not killing you in the process
now explain me, were for goodnes sake is the advantage in this? mind, we are on enemie teritory here chasing somone with 5% HP left and we get sudenly warped away, that is good for them not us.

it doesn't stop there
the second proposal is that you would be teleported into a closed off room (completely safe from enemies) for like twenty seconds which will be an advantage to both sides of the battle, when your in the trap, you can repot and such. While the people who set the trap, can repot as well or grab more weapons if needed.
this is again good for them, not us, also why for goodnes sake would you report you own "trap" if it leads you to safety?
unles i'm missing something obvious this makes totaly no sence
Honestly, it is disallowed and probably won't be changed soon.
This plugin isn't made for PvP only usage, and works perfectly as it is today.
Making new specific rules will just confuse players even more.
Portal traps are just no fun in PvP anyways, it's more fun to just fight in a "fair"/"normal" environment than getting trapped and outnumbered.
Nice to see people putting their ideas forward, but I am going to respectfully disagree. I, personally, have never been fond of portal traps and I would not like to see them make a come back.