Preserved Sheet Porico De Cuellar

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Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score


Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Porico de Cuellar
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar
  • Main Ambition: To be able to make a living off of his music, or any living at all.
  • Birthdate: June 10th, 284 AC
  • Known Languages: Daendroqin, Common.
  • Sexuality: Mostly Homosexual, barring rare circumstances. Panromantic.
  • Special Permission: Expert School of Music
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Porico left his birthplace, Kilarallis, only because of paranoid suspicions that his neighbors sought to make a coat out of his skin. And even then, he only left after spending two years attempting to isolate himself from said neighbors, without perfect effect.
  • He has a paranoia that stretches to almost all parts of his life, a delusion that everything could be potentially dangerous, everybody could be out for him, with very few exceptions. This is usually a cause for him to become reclusive, especially in moments where his paranoia peaks. He makes few attempts to dismiss the paranoia, though it has become a secondary focus of his life to rise above the natural danger of the world, as he sees it.

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Pea green
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Hair Color: Light Blonde
  • Hair Style: Loose and Messy.
  • Clothing: Varied
  • Height: 5'10
  • Body Build: Skinny
  • Weapon of Choice: Anything he could use to defend himself.
Skill Information (Optional)

  • School: School of Music, Instrumental.
  • Level: Expert
  • Source: Several group classes during his childhood, mixed with a long-lasting dedication to practice.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Porico is always paranoid, somebody interacting with the Altalar will find their intentions questioned constantly. The smallest things can set him off, he is prone to calling people liars, even if there is no evidence as to them being such. However, this is only the way he acts when he's mild. He experiences episodes, periods where his paranoia spikes, his imagination takes over him and he becomes locked in a delusion that nobody could convince him is untrue. They can come on randomly, with no clear rule as to how long they last or the amount of time in between episodes. For example, as a teenager Porico once became convinced that his Father was in danger, because of a cat the man had brought him, he believed that cat was planning to murder his dad, after months of living with the animal, months of his Father dismissing Porico whenever he warned him, his delusion became bad enough for him to take violent action, killing the animal. Thankfully this is a rarity reserved to delusions as long-lasting as the cat scenario. To most strangers, the man will simply appear to lack trust.
  • Second Paragraph: His paranoia is only driven further by auditory hallucinations, most often voices. Ones that grow more intense and focused the more paranoid he becomes, subsequently fueling said paranoia and making his delusions much more real. He does not mention these hallucinations to anybody for fear of being labeled a lunatic, no matter how convicted he is in their reality. His constant paranoia about the intentions of other people makes it so it is very rare for him to open up to others, and even when he does it is a trust easily broken.
  • Third Paragraph: Those few who can breach through his reluctance to become close with people will usually become subjects for the man to vent his feelings and secrets to. These are the few that may even know about Porico's hallucinations if he cares to share them. It is immensely difficult to wedge into a position of trust with the Altalar, which is the main cause for how few actually reach this point. And, as a further result, these people are treated very intensely by him. He becomes overly protective of them, possessive to a fault, as long as they can maintain his trust, he won't want to let go.
  • Fourth Paragraph: The Altalar has a very loose sense of morality, influenced by his feelings that everything is out to get him. He doesn't hold much of a conviction against hurting people, or slighting people when he feels that they could easily do the same to him. It could be best described as an apathy towards moral consequences.

  • Violinist - With at least ten years of practice focusing on the one instrument, Porico could very well consider himself a master of its usage. A good portion of his free time is revolved around maintaining a practice of the instrument. Over the years he has become very good at memorizing songs, with many already locked underneath his belt, though even with all of this focus on the instrument, he has yet to take it much further than its status as an intensive hobby.
Life Story (Required)

  • Infancy
    • Porico's biological parents are a mystery to him, two people he was separated from soon after he'd been born. He spent a very short period of his infancy in an orphanage before he was picked up by an Ailor, one who had recently lost his firstborn.
    • Effectively this made him a lone child to the male who had taken him in. The one and only person he considered as a father.
  • Childhood
    • There is a large gap between Porico as a child and him as an adult, as a boy, he was not prone to delusions, was not extremely paranoid. In fact, he was a very calm, mild child. Without too interesting of a life.
    • Up until he became eleven years old when he took up an interest in the violin, an interest that his adopted father provided for, through a variety of classes and occasional private tutors.
  • Teen years
    • It was only at thirteen that he departed from ecstatic, irregular violin practice to move onto more structured learning. In the form of an academy close to his home, from that point on, he began to dedicate most of his free time to the school and his learning, not leaving himself much room for distractions.
    • The only change came at the age of sixteen, a change that paved the way for the Porico as he is now. This was the age where his paranoia was set off, along with his delusions, and many other symptoms, it was at this age that he began to get hallucinations where there were none before.
    • However, this did not put a halt in his musical drive. It left him more cautious of his instructors and his fellow students, making him more prone to learning and experimenting on his own, he learned all the same.
    • This would not remain the same however as eventually, his paranoia lead him into believing he was no longer safe around his caretaker, he left his home at seventeen, with various accusations and curses leveled towards his adopted Father before he left it all behind.
  • Adulthood
    • His immediate destination was the city of Gwarrannan, where he lived for many years, making acquaintances with his local neighbors. As for music, he was now completely on his own at this point, when it came to learning music. And he was comfortable with this, expanding his knowledge on the violin through personal experience. It was rare for him to find any work, but he enjoyed it this way.
    • One of his new neighbors was a woman known as Julia, Daendroqin Ailor and the love of his life, as he came to convince himself. She was kind to him, managed to gain his trust and didn't put down the Altalar's delusions when she heard about them. However, one thing she did not tolerate was the eventual confession Porico's feelings. She immediately broke ties with him.
    • This caused a downward spiral, for the man. He quickly mirrored his love's reclusiveness, locking himself in his house, staying silent whenever neighbors would come to check on him.
    • Eventually, after a week of staying inside, with some breaks to get food, water, and other necessities. He began to grow paranoid, over the intentions of his neighbors. Their attempts at helping him were twisted in his mind until he began to feel that his neighbors sought to hurt him.
    • He left Kilarallis after two months of hiding in his home.
  • Currently
    • His immediate destination was Regalia, where he afforded himself a new house, a door with several locks. And he now lives with the same delusion that his neighbors are after him.
    • However, he is still trying to get by, much more than he had weeks before he left his home. He's found himself socializing with people the way he usually does, and he has even branched out and found multiple jobs.
    • It is a deck of cards that can easily crumble.
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Oh, dear me, seems that I missed this entirely. You have my deepest apologies.

  • Remember that psychological elements are frowned upon, but the way you write it has me feel comfortable permitting it. If I hear about it being portrayed in an offensive manner, I will have to ask for it to be removed. Just forewarning.
  • You are permitted two additional Talents. Not pertinent for approval, but they exist if you want them.
  • Include the School of Music in the Life Story section. If they are a professional, they surely must have centered their life around playing it. I want to see it included here.
Make above change and tag myself once completed. Apologies again for the mix up. @HodlinG
Intentionally only added one talent because it didn't really feel fun to force myself to squeeze out three.

Colored everywhere his musical training was mentioned in Green.

Asking for a re-review. Race changed Ssanil to an Altalar. Colored changes that weren't simple name switches in Green. Though that only happened twice, in the life story.
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Changed his name, to be all Daendroqin.
  • Certain aspects of the personality made it very hard to approach people in character.
  • Stuff that happened early into playing him further locked the character into a hard to play path.
  • Would prefer a fresh start with a character that has a similar mental condition, but a personality that makes him more friendly and outgoing.
@Wumpatron @RightChat