Archived Populating Regalia

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Insert amazing title here
Sep 26, 2013
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As you walk through the streets of Regalia you see the amazing buildings, the gorgeous scenery, and players running around. You know what you don't see? Anyone inhabiting this giant city besides a few npcs... The ONLY people in the tavern are the cooks! So here is my suggestion.

Just add people! A simple npc that when clicked on says something random or stupid, yes kind of like skyrim...

This will add more immersion into Regalia and create the filled city environment we have never had.

But wait! It's to much work! And to that I say... no. It takes a few commands to create an npc, give it a skin, and then an activator to say something when clicked. This information on exactly how to do this is on the wiki if anyone desires. I'm sure @CRASHIR and @Slayer1618 can confirm this.

Point being, simple npcs around Regalia add immersion and do not take very long either.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
But wait! It's to much work! And to that I say... no. It takes a few commands to create an npc, give it a skin, and then an activator to say something when clicked. This information on exactly how to do this is on the wiki if anyone desires. I'm sure [Crashir and Slayer] can confirm this.
If I remember correctly, this has been brought up and shut down before. Causes issues with performance.

But, if that could somehow be bypassed, that'd be fun and interesting.
NPCs cause an immense amount of lag, therefore this is not possible to do. It has nothing to do with how "time-consuming" or "difficult" it is, it simply goes along with the same reasoning as to why certain blocks are banned within Regalia, both for the performance of the server and for less frame rate issues.
NPCs with a few dialogues may be nice for a day or two but eventually people will lose interest, at which point they won't add anything except taking up space and resources. Regalia is meant to be populated with players interacting with each other, populated the streets with NPCs instead would defeat the purpose.
@Enkiduu @Timisc Understandable. Disappointing, but understandable. Would eliminating unused npcs that are old fix this issue or is it a density issue?
I'd rather see players portraying these NPC's than anything. If you see a niche that isn't filled by a player at present, consider yourself lucky to find an easy character to make. I made a navigator when there were no navigators, and it was a fun gig to do. If you want to be a street sweeper, go be a street sweeper. Want to be the doomsday crazy guy in the park on a soapbox, well go be them.