Preserved Sheet Ponnoc Kymiin

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Nov 22, 2022
Reaction score


Character Information

  • Full Name: Ponnoc Eärendil Kymiin Bel-Sol Solleria-Tol Visëu
    • Nicknames: Pon, Ponnie, PonPon
  • Race: Fin'ullen

  • Age: 30

  • Religion: Agnostic
  • Gender: Non-Binary
  • Pronouns: They/Them
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Eye Color: Sea blue









Core Concept

  • Ponnoc is a mischievous flirt, who enjoys teasing just about anyone regardless of gender. With a more slender and delicate frame than most Fin'Ullen, they rely on their looks, social knowledge and agility to protect themself. Getting under people's skin is their favorite activity, and likes to use their carnal talents to get what they want.

  • They have a passion for smithing, particularly blades that can be hidden away or blades that are elegant and intricate, yet efficient.

  • Just imagine the human personification of a sneaky snake.


Strength: 1
  • Building Scale Pack

Constitution: 4
  • Rage Counter Pack
  • Debuff Endurance Pack
  • Interception Pack
  • Familiar Disrupt Pack

Wisdom: 1
  • Enchant Shift Pack

Dexterity: 7
  • Sharp Reflexes Pack
  • Cutthroat Backstab Pack
  • Cutthroat Timer Pack
  • Cutthroat Target Pack
  • Cutthroat Dodge Pack
  • Cutthroat Reversal Pack
  • Soft Landing Pack
Arcane: 1
  • Technique Parry Pack

Faith: 0

  • I guess I can skip this? they don't got any special abilities that are non-race related.


Common (Free)

Altalar (Native)



  • Ponnoc has an androgynous, slender build. Their hair is the classic Fin'Ullen deep black, long and silky that flows down to their middle back. Their skin is pale white, yet adorned with much silver jewelry around their neck and ears. They are a bit tall at 6 feet, and are always wearing fine fabrics of either black, grey, or silver.

  • Ponnoc's Merfolk form is reminiscent of a black moor goldfish. (Image below for reference).

  • Qjo8o7X0VwV9hvPVp3VTOEO_W6ns-KmnrhHjIdQq1yOW-t_jGxd_A6EzcJoAbpVG2p7xavwiKCb877HqQefK8D0dxdtThiWu-86KudOCrtQQd03_WB5tM3jHUVn1oW3fdhNFPQzNXfvdjh4J4G0pyhVmAgBFxhjuGi52zPCfZZfDboDppBfNW0jo1kql3A

Life Story

  • Ponnoc was born in Tol Visëu, to a wealthy family who had a hand in silver/metallurgy. Their popularity in smithing is the main cause of their wealth, being in a city with lots of moving merchants, they had plenty of customers. Ponnoc was a weaker child, thin for a Fin'Ullen, so they learned early on to use their charm and wit to get servants or other Fin'Ullen to do the hard labor they could not.

  • In their adolescence, Ponnoc began to grow a reputation as a flirt with their peers. When it came to training combat, Ponnoc had to learn that speed, agility, and evasion were their best shot at winning. Other adolescent Fin'Ullen spoke behind their back, calling Ponnoc lazy, weak, and slimy. Ponnoc didn't have many friends among the other young Fin'Ullen for their distinct lifestyle.

  • Ponnoc managed to spread the fame of their family's business by using their skills in persuasion and seduction with other aristocratic families. They learned that with the right connections and the right secrets that you could easily get whatever you wanted. When it became the time for Ponnoc to take over the family business, they refused, wishing to work in the sidelines and stay out of the public eye.

  • Ponnoc wormed their way into other powerful, wealthy families due to their talent of charm, passion, and manipulation. They became untouchable due to connections they had, was able to get away with being an atypical Fin'Ullen, and spent their latest years perfecting their bladecraft. During the day, Ponnoc sold their family's creations and charmed customers, while at nighttime splurged on expensive luxury items with their and others' money.

  • Ponnoc had made a very difficult decision. One of the wealthy families that he had been philandering with had a hand in human trafficking. At night, the guilt of enjoying the luxury of a business so vile had suffocated them, and when the leader of the family had been asleep, Ponnoc slit their throat with a letter opener. After a quick escape into the night, Ponnoc realized that the only people who would accuse them would be the family of the person they killed, which were...quite dangerous. Thankfully they could not officially arrest them for fear of a scandal, but it did not mean that they didn't have the means to kill discreetly. Ponnoc did not want to take any chances, and decided to run, to move to Regalia, to start

Plot Hooks
  • Ponnoc is a Countirh, yet does not act like a regular noble. They are rather accepting and aloof.
  • Ponnoc is usually wearing slightly revealing Fin'Ullen traditional clothing.
  • They walk around with a baby Qomond, which is a dog-sized shark with four legs. It's pretty cute.
  • Ponnoc is known to flirt with just about anyone, watch out.
  • Ponnoc is also known to switch their gender appearance around quite a lot, going from a revealing two piece outfit, to a full body armor, or even a formal suit. They live to confuse.
  • Ponnoc is a talented smith who makes elegant jewelry, weapons, and tools.
Some of the more serious plot hooks ;)

  • Ponnoc can be rather…flirty, and tends to proposition people they are interested in. Let me know if your character would or would have slept with Ponnoc, I like to make a list for funsies, and makes for fun regular rp. (Not ERP you stinkies)
  • As per their background, they are currently residing in Regalia in hiding from a crime family from Tol'Viseu. Though on the surface are in Regalia to "expanse the family business. If you are a crime family, and want to integrate any of this into your story, and want to make a cool thing happen or something, let me know ;)
  • Ponnoc is sympathetic to Kathar and the Occult. They kinda don't care so y'all are free to interact
  • At the Night of Remembrance, there was a shrine for a "Thalli Kymiin", yet no one showed up to honor this shrine. Curious.
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Wisdom: 2

  • Hoterie Wisdom Pack

  • Empire Linguist Pack
Linguistics are a charisma packs.


Common (Free)

Altalar (Native)

Calem (Linguistics)

Etos (Linguistics)

Skodje (Linguistics)

d'Ithanie (Linguistics)

Lëtz (Linguistics)

Dressalo (Linguistics)

Daendroquin (Linguistics)

Kriv (Linguistics)

Anglian (Linguistics)

Breizh (Linguistics)

Altalar (Linguistics)
Only clarify native language here really. The pack says enough about what languages the character may speak, or just put the pack here to condense this list.

In their adolescence, Ponnoc began to grow a reputation as a flirt who charmed men, women
This has incredibly bad optics. Please re-read this aloud to yourself.

Ponnoc had made a very difficult decision. One of the wealthy families that he had been philandering with had a hand in some not-so-ethical trade. At night, the guilt of enjoying the luxury of a business so vile had suffocated them, and when the leader of the family had been asleep, Ponnoc slit their throat with a letter opener. After a quick escape into the night, Ponnoc realized that the only people who would accuse them would be the family of the person they killed, which were...quite dangerous. Thankfully they could not officially arrest them for fear of a scandal, but it did not mean that they didn't have the means to kill discreetly. Ponnoc did not want to take any chances, and decided to run, to move to Regalia, to start anew.
Playing a character who sleeps around is fine but implying questionable things sort of isn't. You should probably be more clear in what you mean by "not-so-ethical trade".

Tag me with @Caelamus when you're done.
Sorry! How's that for the changes? (I addressed all that you said)
I just meant to say that they're a flirt, sorry my word choices weren't too great.

I don't know how to quote things like you did in your response, sorry :,,)
Hello! I revised my Rougery and Charisma point buy, and I'd like a review please :)
Switched around a few things:

Got rid of Coward Pack and Skirmisher Pack and replaced it with Duelist Pack and Unyielding Pack.

Got rid of Evasion pack, Reaction Pack, and Scoundrel pack, added Trickery Pack, Balance Pack, Parkour Pack.
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I rearranged a good bulk of the abilities due to recent changes to some parts of the proficiency system. If I could have a re-review pleeeasse? <3
Re-Review requested, all I did was remove Climber pack in favor of Counterplay pack.
Approved! But next time, don't forget to tag wingedjade or your next reviewer when updating your application.