Polandball, Massivecraft Edition!

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MassiveCraft's token ethnic
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
somewhere in the Sicilian countryside
Southern Coalition


Hey everyone, I've decided to start doing r/polandball styled comics, except for MassiveCraft! If you don't know what Polandball is, here's a little history on it, and how we're going to do Polandball MassiveCraft-style.​

"Polandball has its roots in an August 2009 'cyber-war' between Polish Internet users and the rest of the world on drawball.com. The website, which offers a virtual canvas, allows Internet users to draw whatever they want, and to draw over others' drawings. On the Internet in Poland, an idea was raised to draw the Polish flag on the ball, and thousands of Poles together managed to take over the drawball with a painting of white on top of red, with the word "POLSKA" written in the middle. After co-ordination from 4chan, this was then covered over by a giant swastika.

Krautchan.net is a German-language image board whose /int/ board is frequented by English-speaking netizens. The beginning of the Polandball meme is credited to Falco, a British user on /int/, who in September 2009 created the meme using MS Paint in an apolitical way to troll Wojak, a Pole on the same board who contributes in broken English, after which Polandball cartoons were enthusiastically drawn by Russians.

Polandball comics have no defined authors, and anyone is able to make one. This has culminated in the meme propagating across various sites on the Internet, including Reddit and Facebook, where each country has its own subreddit and page, such as USAball and UKball."

Okay, since the total amount of Alorian nations isn't that large of a number, I've decided that in addition to "countryballs", there will also be "factionballs". This will allow for more diversity in the comics, and amoung other things. However in order to represent each faction, it will require a flag. Below I will have a handy-dandy form for faction leaders/co-leaders to fill out if they would like their faction to be in these comics.

Faction Name

Faction Accent

(What accent should your "factionball" have, German, Italian, Spanish, etc.)
Faction "Stereotype"
(What essentially your faction is/would be most known for)
Faction Flag
(Try to give a description of what you want your flag to look like, a final product will be PM'ed to you before being used in the comics.)
Special Characteristics
(Do you want any special looks to your factionball, such as a fedora, cape, sword, etc.)

Faction Name
Faction Accent

Surprise me.
Faction "Stereotype"
Dominating the server, being bad guys...
Faction Flag
It's in Red, Yellow and Black. Much like Germanys own flag.
Special Characteristics
Faction Name
Faction Accent
Uppity British
Faction "Stereotype"
"Stick-up-the-butt" elitist roleplayers and grammar nazis.
Faction Flag
Sommit like this.
Special Characteristics
An inexplicable wand or something. Something indicative of DnD nerds. :B
Faction Name
Faction Accent
Faction "Stereotype"
Dumb and barbaric northern roleplayers from Jorrhildr. We're self loving, annoying idiots and love to think we have lots of power and charm.
Faction Flag
Here. Also see my profile pic for a reference.
Special Characteristics
A viking helmet. During battles Nimstrand-ball wields a pathetic looking wooden axe and expects everyone to fear him.
Faction Name
Faction Accent

Faction "Stereotype"
Faction Flag
Purple and Black
Special Characteristics
A Wolf
Edit: My Lazzulai said I could do this even if I was a scrub... So... YAY!

Faction: Ravensong
Faction Accent: German
Faction "Steryotype": Crazy/insane/derpy people, in a good way. (We don't just randomly stab people. <3)
Faction Flag: Black with a purple sun-like insignia in the center. (Sorry Mithril. .-.)
Special Characteristics: A raven.
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This sounds like fun! @Satisarah

Faction Name

Faction Accent

Faction "Stereotype"
Noble and kind to all civilians, but strategically hiding behind Magnanimus' back once PVP trouble arises.
Faction Flag
Yellow V on red background
Special Characteristics
Possibly gold staff/cane?
Hmmm... Wouldn't this become more interesting with noble/other houses included besides the factions?
Faction Name
Faction Accent
Faction "Stereotype"
Never able to stay in one place, often on the move and finding new homes, and being inconsistently best friends then dire enemies then best friends again with all the big pvp facs. Also randomly giving acts of charity.
Faction Flag
stripes of blue on top, yellow in the middle, and green on bottom
Special Characteristics
Basically a burlap sack of food and stuff
Hmmm... Wouldn't this become more interesting with noble/other houses included besides the factions?

No, because Polandball is about country stereotypes. Factions are Massive's equivalent for small countries and villages. I guess it could work with continents as well, but I suppose there aren't enough of them, and not all of them have flags etc.
Faction Name
Faction Accent
Upper-class British
Faction "Stereotype"
Sheltered heiresses/Inherited estate from Granny.
Faction Flag
Golden Union Jack
Special Characteristics
An intermittently appearing Cheshire cat.
I mean. I'd really like to see a version of this with the Races represented. But this gon be guud.
Faction Name
Faction Accent
Faction "Stereotype"
Barbaric and agressive, overconfident, impolite
Faction Flag
Dark blue with a white stripe in the middle
Special Characteristics
Free furs for everybody!!
Ohgod, I have alot of flag-making to do... Thank you all for the support, I'll get to working on the factionball flags soon, so to everyone who req'ed on here expect to have a final product somewhere from the 5-7 of June!
Ohgod, I have alot of flag-making to do... Thank you all for the support, I'll get to working on the factionball flags soon, so to everyone who req'ed on here expect to have a final product somewhere from the 5-7 of June!
Excited squeaking noises.
@ItalianFerrari Sorry about the change in plans so suddenly, but upon special request of my fac leader ( @Lazzulai ), she'd like the flag to be purple, black, and red... I guess any further symbolizing or stylizing is up to you then. :3
Faction Name
Faction Accent
Faction "Stereotype"
Uber Capitalists and allies to all the major powers
Faction Flag
Blue cross with 2 regions green, other two orange http://gyazo.com/ca941623b4aa569eb29af9d7e031c617

Special Characteristics
A money bag
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@Brycea111 @Tra_kad @Shana @Chanter_ @Ben_2025 @vidivo @ForsakenSlayer @Ryciera @Gorthaur
Apologies for the short notice, but since my school has finals next week and will be finishing on June 11th, (Pacific Standard Time) I will be putting these on hold temporarily. I have a boatload of missing work that needs to be done, and I have to study for those finals. I do want to thank you all for your support of this, it really means ton to me. If anyone wants to speak to me about the comic or has any questions, feel free to Skype me (For those who don't have it, it's adamscafuto) or some other form of communication as I will be off the forums until the previously mentioned date. Thank you guys once more for all the support and have a Massive day!
Faction Name: Raeth

Faction Accent

Faction "Stereotype"
Cowardly but overconfident, extremely wealthy.
Faction Flag
Cyan, Red, Cyan, vertical stripes.
Special Characteristics
Should be wearing a turbin at all times, and be friendly with all factions except Liath and Raptum - irrational hate towards both of those.
Faction Accent
Faction Stereotype
Red communists that love being communists
Faction flag
Red, yellow, and red stripes
Special characteristics
Always should be wearing red and have some russian food. or be spreading communism
@Brycea111 @Tra_kad @Shana @Chanter_ @Ben_2025 @vidivo @ForsakenSlayer @Ryciera @Gorthaur
Apologies for the short notice, but since my school has finals next week and will be finishing on June 11th, (Pacific Standard Time) I will be putting these on hold temporarily. I have a boatload of missing work that needs to be done, and I have to study for those finals. I do want to thank you all for your support of this, it really means ton to me. If anyone wants to speak to me about the comic or has any questions, feel free to Skype me (For those who don't have it, it's adamscafuto) or some other form of communication as I will be off the forums until the previously mentioned date. Thank you guys once more for all the support and have a Massive day!
Completely understandable, thanks for letting us know. Good luck on the finals, and I look forward to seeing the flags after :)
Couldn't help myself, doubt anyone remembers Insurgo tho.
Faction Name
Faction Accent

Lower English (Like Cockney)
Faction "Stereotype"
Cowardly, always hiding or being slaughtered.
Faction Flag
Orange back ground with a stone wall at the bottom and half the yellow sun on top.
Special Characteristics
Always carries around a nice door to hide behind.
@Omnomivore @EforEpsilon
@Brycea111 @Tra_kad @Shana @Chanter_ @Ben_2025 @vidivo @ForsakenSlayer @Ryciera @Gorthaur
Apologies for the short notice, but since my school has finals next week and will be finishing on June 11th, (Pacific Standard Time) I will be putting these on hold temporarily. I have a boatload of missing work that needs to be done, and I have to study for those finals. I do want to thank you all for your support of this, it really means ton to me. If anyone wants to speak to me about the comic or has any questions, feel free to Skype me (For those who don't have it, it's adamscafuto) or some other form of communication as I will be off the forums until the previously mentioned date. Thank you guys once more for all the support and have a Massive day!
Hah, I'm going into finals soon too. Whatdya know. -slowly crawls into a corner to cry-