Archived Plugin Suggestion: Grappling Hooks

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El Torero.
Aug 7, 2012
Reaction score
Finally, a suggestion not to do with Vampirism! What is this mystical and rare suggestion you ask? Read the title!

I understand that sharding is taking a while and is an all hands on deck staff project, so maybe get Cowboys1919 if he consents some of the cool community coders to code it! Okay, time for the details.

I have seen suggestions for roped arrows, but this is a bit hard to see as anything but a client-side mod, so there is a humble tool that already exists with a rope animation, that can cling onto solid blocks.

The fishing rod.

It shouldn't be any old rod, it should be hard to get! Here are some suggestions for Hard-To-Gettedness:

  • Make it combined with a (possibly late game) item in an anvil, like some sort of mob skull that can be obtained with McMMO.
  • Make it combined with something like iron bars in an anvil (The anvil is pretty resource taxing anyway).
Once it is made, it will have the enchantment glow on it and will have a tooltip saying "Grappling Hook". But the grappling hook will be a pretty OP tool. Here are some nerfs:
  • If you collide with a wall during your swing (It can't be coded to be at the realistic point of most force, the Apogee unless you're Cayorion a god at coding so make it anywhere on it) you will take fall damage relative to how many blocks wide the radius of your swing is. This is good because no coding is required to make you better at negating the damage from skills, because it could probably be coded to support McMMO's acrobatics.
  • Make it so the hook can only stick to certain objects, like Iron Bars, fences, horizontal logs, cobble walls, etc. If the hook lands on an unsupported block, it will automatically reel in and it will say "Your hook slides off this block type!". And then make a cooldown time of around 10 seconds before your next throw, which can be raised or lowered in the .cfg file.
  • There would be a certain range, start with about 20 blocks/metres. If it's out of range, it will fail to grip the object and reel in.
  • There is a chance of the hook not catching the block.
Now, if you decide to go the extra mile and make a skill for it, a whole path of new things will rise up:
  • You can negate the swing damage similar to acrobatics in McMMO, instead of graceful landing, pressing shift will have a chance for "You braced yourself". Perhaps there could be a x2 or x3 chance booster for Tigrans, y'know, because cats always land on their feet :P
  • After certain levels you unlock the ability to hook other block types. At lvl 50 you could catch wood blocks, at 100 you can catch stone, etc, and it would go up until lvl 600 where you can grapple obsidian blocks.
  • The range can increase with levels.
And the final thing, that has troubled massivecrafters for a long time. Nübs hiding behind doors on raids. I have heard suggestions of doors being breakable at high axe levels. What if above level 150 grappling, you can rip wooden doors off of their hinges, and at 300 you can tear down iron doors.
All in all, this would benefit roleplaying, PvP and massivecraft's coolness meter.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
What with these new kids and their gadgets.

Back in the old days, we used to have old fashioned battering rams!
I like it. I like it. As long as it's sufficiently not OP, then I think there might be something to this...
Hmm. I'm still debating inwardly about this though.
I would love to vault walls with the grappling hook, Ezio style, and assassinate people within their 'impregnable' cities, fortresses and keeps. Vote yes to grappling hooks!
What with these new kids and their gadgets.

Back in the old days, we used to have old fashioned battering rams!
Shhhhh, lie down on the bed, old timer. Here, let me help you with your soup.
Price of Enderpearls before plugin: 50c

Price of Enderpearls after plugin: 10c
lol.. but were grappling hooks used in the medieval times?
Yeah they were, a grapling hook tied to a roap would be thrown up to hook on the wall then attackers would climb them, however they had some problems such as defenders cutting the rope when attackers were nearly at the top. They were most effective if used in stealth after defenders had been drawn away from that part of the wall.
I have seen other servers use this idea and they use it this way: The arrow vaultes you up into the air with like a switch (or anything) and depending on the hright the arrow that gets shot out of the wahatever it is thats as high you get vaulted into the air and the velocity, also tha angle too. But I highly support this! Coders, GET TO WORK!
Oh jeez, it seems non vamp suggestions are popular.

What with these new kids and their gadgets.

Back in the old days, we used to have old fashioned battering rams!

Pfft. Battering rams. What a crude instrument, requiring more than 8 strong men. Nothing shouts out class like a curled up grappling iron in one hand, and cut and polished glass of 1960's Red Label whisky in the other.

I like it. I like it. As long as it's sufficiently not OP, then I think there might be something to this...
Hmm. I'm still debating inwardly about this though.

Yeah, I'm working on de-OPing it. If you, or anyone else has nerf suggestions, please share. Also, make a habit of rereading the main post, because I'm gonna keep editing it, with some concept pictures and I will add suggested nerfs.
lol.. but were grappling hooks used in the medieval times?

Yes. Very much. While the big (Pardon my use of a Russian word, but its onomatopoeic meaning is just so relevant ) zshlobs beat down the main door with a hellish racket *Coughs in Marty's direction* the skilled units used an elegant tool, requiring much finnesse to sneak over the walls and massacre the dummies expecting a gate assault.
Price of Enderpearls before plugin: 50c

Price of Enderpearls after plugin: 10c

EP are OP. I vote disable Ender Pearls in enemy territory because they are so OP and make it so a grappling iron is used. At least have a skill for EP's that nerfs it. In fact, have a skill for magic related things, it would cover enchanting, brewing, Ender Pearls.

I would love to vault walls with the grappling hook, Ezio style, and assassinate people within their 'impregnable' cities, fortresses and keeps. Vote yes to grappling hooks!

Shhhhh, lie down on the bed, old timer. Here, let me help you with your soup.

Thank you for your support, but please note that combat wouldn't be the only purpose of this. Also, by the Renaissance Grappling Irons were pretty much out of fashion in the west :P. I do think you have the right idea with getting into "impregnable fortresses", this plugin would add a whole new world of mobility and exploration.
One problem I can see...

Disconnected by server:
Flying is not enabled on this server.

That may be a problem as you cannot enable flight as it allows people to fly hack, also if the server lags, it is known to kick someone for flight when they do something(I know it was a recent bug report but I cannot remember what they were doing).
One problem I can see...

Disconnected by server:
Flying is not enabled on this server.

That may be a problem as you cannot enable flight as it allows people to fly hack, also if the server lags, it is known to kick someone for flight when they do something(I know it was a recent bug report but I cannot remember what they were doing).

that maybe a very huge problem indeed. but on the bright side this will make it easier to raid people, and I suggest people make bigger walls.

and will there be a "height" limit to how high the hook can reach, like maybi hmmm 10-15 blocks?
This would be awesome, but as Yajrab said, there would be lots of disconnects due to "Flying". I get kicked all the time for just bloodlusting.
One problem I can see...

Disconnected by server:
Flying is not enabled on this server.

That may be a problem as you cannot enable flight as it allows people to fly hack, also if the server lags, it is known to kick someone for flight when they do something(I know it was a recent bug report but I cannot remember what they were doing).
Yeah, that would be a problem. Perhaps make the swinging a bit like an EP teleport, where you just move very fast.

that maybe a very huge problem indeed. but on the bright side this will make it easier to raid people, and I suggest people make bigger walls.

and will there be a "height" limit to how high the hook can reach, like maybi hmmm 10-15 blocks?

I'll add the block limit to the main post :). I might boost it up to 20 though, because a strong adult could have tossed a grappling iron that long or further, so I might make the range increase after certain levels. Also, it will still be possible to make near impenetrable fortresses, just add a lip of some high level material like stone bricks to the sides. It will be fun to look for other ways to get in, and equally fun to build the fortifications because you don't know the variables that come with the grappling skill of the intruder :P
Yeah, that would be a problem. Perhaps make the swinging a bit like an EP teleport, where you just move very fast.

I'll add the block limit to the main post :). I might boost it up to 20 though, because a strong adult could have tossed a grappling iron that long or further, so I might make the range increase after certain levels. Also, it will still be possible to make near impenetrable fortresses, just add a lip of some high level material like stone bricks to the sides. It will be fun to look for other ways to get in, and equally fun to build the fortifications because you don't know the variables that come with the grappling skill of the intruder :P

I see, make it based on your race.. such as a dwarf can only do 10-12 blocks, an Mirar/ agni can do like 15-20 Vampire + Jump boost can do maybi 30 tigran and undead about the agni and Mirar can do... and very true. Best of luck on this plugin.
I see, make it based on your race.. such as a dwarf can only do 10-12 blocks, an Mirar/ agni can do like 15-20 Vampire + Jump boost can do maybi 30 tigran and undead about the agni and Mirar can do... and very true. Best of luck on this plugin.

Unfortunately it might be hard to integrate this into the races plugin, also I think that races have enough eternal nerfing going on without other things adding to the tally of people going "Ermagersh (INSERT RACE HERE) ers seeer erverpewered, lerk gert red erf ert!". And thank you for your well-wishes, but I'm not making it, just suggesting :P
I like the Idea.

But yes it would not be funny if you got kicked for flying by using Grappling Hook...
Unfortunately it might be hard to integrate this into the races plugin, also I think that races have enough eternal nerfing going on without other things adding to the tally of people going "Ermagersh (INSERT RACE HERE) ers seeer erverpewered, lerk gert red erf ert!". And thank you for your well-wishes, but I'm not making it, just suggesting :P

oh then meh
You guys do know there are these things called ended pearls that do almost the exact same thing as what you want, just without the "cool" effects.
I've read through this, and see no bad things. In my opinion ender pearls are way to buggy, allowing you to glitch through doors etc. This would make raiding a lot more medieval. The kicked for flying bug wouldn't really apply to this, as it would probably work the same as ender pearls, teleporting you instead of you literally flying through the air.
It would be awesome if you were able to actually fly through the air, though :D
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