Archived Plugin Concept

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Nov 22, 2012
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United States of America
A server plugin that lets people do /mm compose and it brings up a book and quill (not in inventory, just pop-up). You write your message and sign the book with the title being the name of your target. They do /mm inbox, see new message as #1 in list, and do /mm read 1. The book pops up so they can read it, and can exit out. The message will stay in their inbox until they do /mm read 1 or /mm delete 1.

I think a plugin like this would be EXTREMELY useful on the server, because the current /mail is tricky for long messages. This plugin would simplify in-game PM-ing and make everything a lot easier.

Thanks for reading, please take the poll. :)

Note: /mm inbox would bring up a list in the chat box with lists of messages like this:

1- Norsk_Xenophile
2- Cayorion
3- Notch
*no more mail*

And you do /mm read 1,2,3,etc. to read the messages, with /mm delete 1,2,3,etc. deleting them. Reading one would just bring up the book without going your inventory, it would basically just be the image of the book (or something like that).
ALSO, I have no idea if this would work, so hopefully a programmer comes by soon and checks this...
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
There are already the /mail send (message) and /mail read commands and they work fine you just have to send multiple messages so I don't think this is necessary... But if this idea was/could be implemented I wouldn't complain because it does seem a lot nicer than the current /mail
This sounds good on paper but in effective it could be used to get free books, unless instead of getting a book it would just open the book GUI and just send the message in a book. Even then sometimes messages culminate to greater than 36 (max inventory capacity) and note often than not people don't have an empty inventory when typing /mm read. This means there will be books not received. more so if it was allowed a player could receive books multiple times than they may find a bug that allows them to clear the book. All in all I think there's to many variables to rely on it. But it is a good idea in theory
Next time, don't make your poll suggestive and just make a 'yes', 'no' and 'don't know' option instead of a bunch of 'yes' ;)
Yeah, lol, can you tell that I was pretty optimistic when I was writing it up? :P I wasn't thinking about how many yes's and no's I had on the poll, I was thinking about how many people would vote a "yes". :P
Yeah, it wouldn't be a book and quill, and there would be absolutely NO way of getting free books from this.
Thing is, as a developer I see that there would be quite a few bugs and it can't be assumed that there will be no way. This server has brilliant developer's but if something can't be done, it can't be done. Not to mention that it might run into bugs from the MassiveBook plugin like the owner of the book (the sender) being able to clear it. Two friends could store hgue amounts of books this way.
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