

Cerridynn paced around the hallway of her little medicine shop, a large ledger in her hands that was bound by worn leather. This ledger was nothing to do with keeping track of her income, it was instead filled with pledges accumulated from her time in Regalia. Cerridynn muttered to herself over and over again about her plans, never once ceasing her constant pacing and rythmic click click of her heeled boots.

The hallway was narrow and had few doorways leading to other parts of the building. Storage, preparation area and even a room she slept and wrote her evening letters. Every wall was lined at the bottom with concrete held stone which only edged inches off the ground before changing to planks of aged wood, which in turn was hidden by lavish rugs and banners of all colours. The night air sifted through the windows ajar and the moon drifted behind the clouuds. The hallway descended into the greyness of night. A small candle sat atop a lamp table, this had been burning for hours and was almost depleted of wax and wick to burn. The small candle flickered right to left as Cerridynn passed it with each step.

Earlier that day Cerridynn had kicked her plans into drive and started on more names in the ledger, specifically Maximus Krupp. He'd sought the counsel of the Priestess to bless his ill brother, Aemolius Krupp, but it had come at the price of a vow. Maximus had given her the strangest of looks before he had walked back to be aside his brother inside the Sawbone Clinic. Maximus never questioned the woman, knowing if one doubted her motivations they will be met with a distasteful glance. The pledge will be kept and Cerridynn made sure of it.

The Velheimer woman's steps slowed, her clicking coming to a stop nearest to a desk located in the front of the shop. The thick book dropped onto the sturdy tabletoo with an audible thump, dust billowing from where it lay nestled amongst jars and herbs. Cerridynn produced a quill from one of the nearby inkwells and simply flipped open to a half filled page. Names dotted lines with small descriptions of actions that was asked of Cerridynn, these descriptions even specified a date or two. The edge of the quill dipped into the inkwell with delicacy before being moved diagonally to the a blank line in the ledger. Cerridynn's thin, dainty hands scrawled the name Maximus Krupp carefully before writing but one sentence (written in Skopje of course) next to it, 'Blessing of the dead and dying.', followed by the date. The quill dropped and the book flew shut with a sudden smack, it was then moved gingerly under desk inside a coded safe- an audible click of the deadbolt inside the box was followed by a metal clang thereafter.

Cerridynn's heels clicked as she made her way down the hall for the last time that evening.

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Cerridynn paced around the hallway of her little medicine shop, a large ledger in her hands that was bound by worn leather. This ledger was nothing to do with keeping track of her income, it was instead filled with pledges accumulated from her time in Regalia. Cerridynn muttered to herself over and over again about her plans, never once ceasing her constant pacing and rythmic click click of her heeled boots.

The hallway was narrow and had few doorways leading to other parts of the building. Storage, preparation area and even a room she slept and wrote her evening letters. Every wall was lined at the bottom with concrete held stone which only edged inches off the ground before changing to planks of aged wood, which in turn was hidden by lavish rugs and banners of all colours. The night air sifted through the windows ajar and the moon drifted behind the clouuds. The hallway descended into the greyness of night. A small candle sat atop a lamp table, this had been burning for hours and was almost depleted of wax and wick to burn. The small candle flickered right to left as Cerridynn passed it with each step.

Earlier that day Cerridynn had kicked her plans into drive and started on more names in the ledger, specifically Maximus Krupp. He'd sought the counsel of the Priestess to bless his ill brother, Aemolius Krupp, but it had come at the price of a vow. Maximus had given her the strangest of looks before he had walked back to be aside his brother inside the Sawbone Clinic. Maximus never questioned the woman, knowing if one doubted her motivations they will be met with a distasteful glance. The pledge will be kept and Cerridynn made sure of it.

The Velheimer woman's steps slowed, her clicking coming to a stop nearest to a desk located in the front of the shop. The thick book dropped onto the sturdy tabletoo with an audible thump, dust billowing from where it lay nestled amongst jars and herbs. Cerridynn produced a quill from one of the nearby inkwells and simply flipped open to a half filled page. Names dotted lines with small descriptions of actions that was asked of Cerridynn, these descriptions even specified a date or two. The edge of the quill dipped into the inkwell with delicacy before being moved diagonally to the a blank line in the ledger. Cerridynn's thin, dainty hands scrawled the name Maximus Krupp carefully before writing but one sentence (written in Skopje of course) next to it, 'Blessing of the dead and dying.', followed by the date. The quill dropped and the book flew shut with a sudden smack, it was then moved gingerly under desk inside a coded safe- an audible click of the deadbolt inside the box was followed by a metal clang thereafter.

Cerridynn's heels clicked as she made her way down the hall for the last time that evening.

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