Archived Player Tradin' Cards!

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professional at living
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
That's right folks. I'm suggesting player trading cards! So, it'd pretty much be a voting item, with two types. An individual card, and a pack. A card would be a simple piece of paper with the name of the player, maybe his RP name, and maybe his MCMMO skill level. The pack would be a piece of paper with the name of the pack. (Ex: Naga pack, Staff Pack) If you right click on it, it would open a small chest inventory, with all the cards included in the back. Like a naga pack would have all the most active nagas. And the staff pack could be divided into different types of staff. Well, that's all.
Maybe she could explain it better... idek.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Creative, not 100% sure on RP-accuracy but still sounds fun :P
If you get all the approved Nagan Cards, do you get a wish from a Serpent God?
-Snickers at thought of a special pack containing odds and ends characters and cards-
Possible names:
Massive: The Gathering
@MiningMac5 @Feyona_ @Wannag

Oh, yes! I do find this to be a lovely idea (partially do to it being my idea xD)! Thanks Mining for bringing this to the forums! I hope the staff enjoys this possible new voting item and adds it to the list!

Credit goes to: Wannag (thought of packs for races, staff, and etc.), Feyona (provoked continued thought on the subject), and MiningMac5 (for bringing it to the forums)!
Think of it as a 'legend' based trading card system:

Screen names will count as old 'Legendary' things, and it would include a short saying perhaps submitted on the forums per person. Basically there's a short submission-based period, and you'd have to be a relatively well known player (perhaps have a certain number of votes on your name to be considered a well known player?), so it turns into a legitimate trading card game.
Sooooo good! Hope it's not too hard to code tho, of course, the heck do I know about coding XD**********.com%2Fimages%2F24998739340739859053.png&supertype=&cardtype=Planeswalker&subtype=&expansion=Magic+2012&rarity=Uncommon&cardtext=Commander+William+Coen%2C+Head+of+House+Coen.+Master+Smith&power=3&toughness=6&artist=&bottom=Copyright+Pileran+%26+Sons&set1=1&set2=&setname=
Am I doing this right? @BillyA835
Ehue... @BillyA835 @Adventurecait8 @SupremeCripple

Am I doing this right? @BillyA835
Nope. I was originally going to make one of Xalvador (My Main) But had no Image of him.

It only gets Narcissistic if its way OP.

Well... dragons are by nature expensive and OP. That's what makes us... us. XD

My proof for this one is my dragon deck. :)

But, I guess I'll put it for.... good measure?
(I totally would've used Molimo over my alias but... it is already used. :|)

Anyways, on topic, after thinking about it, I think there could be a few problems with this... (Narcissism for the win!) but I still think it'd be great.
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