Archived Player Hubs: Appreciate Player Builds

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Apr 29, 2015
Reaction score
I suggest a idea of "Player Hubs" which would fall under the recent /tp command.

This idea would work through having a item in the /tp options where if you click it, it would open up another area filled with "approved" player hubs that you can teleport to and appreciate a build.
Players could use a new category on our very own MassiveCraft forums, to apply for their build to be made permanent and kept only for admiring.
They might wish to do this for builds that were once used for Role-play reasons but since the owners has decided to make it a permanent hub for people to enjoy.
Staff could have a set of guidelines and rules that someone would have to meet to be a candidate for player hubs, maybe including a "finished build" and different levels of approving like so...
Level 1: Fill in the application, and provide pictures of the build along with its dynmap coordinates.
Level 2: World staff visits, and three world staff approvals.
level 3: Admin approval.

In addition to this, the new category on the forums could show-case permanent hubs, give some background information on them like what they were used for and their importance.

Why I think this would be a good idea?
I'm aware that making a faction permanent is already a feature used on MassiveCraft and on the rare occasion has been seen, but from what I've seen, it has not yet been formalised.
Organising it like so could show a new way to appreciate player builds, and also show new players what they could accomplish through the faction plugin.
It would give players an idea of how they could use their faction through the back-story area, and just over-all be used to appreciate previous and current players in a way that says "thank you for your contribution".

Let me know your thoughts below, I do appreciate feedback, or maybe you might have something to add on this idea. What ever the case is, please keep in-mind to keep it civil and constructive.
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