Archived Player Freedom

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Staff member
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
Canada, Alberta
Hi, i am Sir_Daragon. And i believe the server is being slightly too strict. Now i understand they take these measures to prevent grief, and misconduct, but if they can grant player freedom slowly and controlled, this server could be more exciting. Here are my Ideas:

1.) Make TNT a faction flag. Like monsters, Open, Animals, Taxkick, make TNT a faction flag, this would greatly help in the mining district. Players mining DRs could blast mine and it wouldn't affect wilderness claim. Dwarf factions mining Enormous Lord of the ring style Caves woudlnt need to spend millions on /fix , And this could be extended to also creeper being able to break blocks in wilderness, or keep it as it is.

2.) This related to the previous one. Enable more MCmmo abilities, yes i understand the server wants to keep a medieval/realistic style, BUT this is factions, and a game. if the server wanted to truly be realistic, elytras wouldn't exist. MCmmo abilities should be enabled. mining ability-Blast mining, fishing abilities, as of right now, there is basically no reason to grind fishing, since all its perks are turned off(except for salvage).

3.) Legalize more traps. From what i understand, traps that instantly kill players are illegal. i like the fact that portal traps are illegal, but if a faction is being raided a lot, like Tyberia or Asteria, it should be more legal for players to make traps using potions to kill the raider. since now, small factions that cant defend them self are stuck dying or paying tribute. but by making traps it would give more people hope to stay and fight back, give them time learn the Massivecraft ways(also it makes entertaining Youtube Videos #Mafro).

This server has many plugins, but nearly half of them are turned off, Why must it be this way. yes there is less banned players, but no server can be without banned players. if someone decides to go grief, ban them, it wont hurt the server. I am not saying to turn everything on and evilly laugh as massivecraft kills its self. I, and some other players i hope just want more liberty.
This Server is great, and i have invested a lot in it and i don't wanna see it die, but i know it has more potential.
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fishing abilities, as of right now, there is basically no reason to grind fishing,
This is because the last time fishing was enabled it ruined the economy enough that we're still feeling its effects three years later.
Hi, i am Sir_Daragon. And i believe the server is being slightly too strict. Now i understand they take these measures to prevent grief, and misconduct, but if they can grant player freedom slowly and controlled, this server could be more exciting. Here are my Ideas:

1.) Make TNT a faction flag. Like monsters, Open, Animals, Taxkick, make TNT a faction flag, this would greatly help in the mining district. Players mining DRs could blast mine and it wouldn't affect wilderness claim. Dwarf factions mining Enormous Lord of the ring style Caves woudlnt need to spend millions on /fix , And this could be extended to also creeper being able to break blocks in wilderness, or keep it as it is.

2.) This related to the previous one. Enable more MCmmo abilities, yes i understand the server wants to keep a medieval/realistic style, BUT this is factions, and a game. if the server wanted to truly be realistic, elytras wouldn't exist. MCmmo abilities should be enabled. mining ability-Blast mining, fishing abilities, as of right now, there is basically no reason to grind fishing, since all its perks are turned off(except for salvage).

3.) Legalize more traps. From what i understand, traps that instantly kill players are illegal. i like the fact that portal traps are illegal, but if a faction is being raided a lot, like Tyberia or Asteria, it should be more legal for players to make traps using potions to kill the raider. since now, small factions that cant defend them self are stuck dying or paying tribute. but by making traps it would give more people hope to stay and fight back, give them time learn the Massivecraft ways(also it makes entertaining Youtube Videos #Mafro).

This server has many plugins, but nearly half of them are turned off, Why must it be this way. yes there is less banned players, but no server can be without banned players. if someone decides to go grief, ban them, it wont hurt the server. I am not saying to turn everything on and evilly laugh as massivecraft kills its self. I, and some other players i hope just want more liberty.
This Server is great, and i have invested a lot in it and i don't wanna see it die, but i know it has more potential.
Traps that instantly kill players are not illegal. The only traps that are illegal are ones that prevent players from being able to TP out but also don't kill them. New players can ask for help when being raided and learn from their defenders. We don't need more traps. We need more people with large enough genitalia to fight back.

While I do agree tnt would be helpful for mining out large areas, I feel like it would be easily misused and cause more harm than good.

And come on, we've already got a surplus of God gear thanks to the gift4alls. Let's not kill off the crippled economy by bringing back fishing rewards.

Sorry if it seems like I just shut down all of your ideas but these are just going to cause even more complaining, more staff work and more problems.
Traps that instantly kill players are not illegal. The only traps that are illegal are ones that prevent players from being able to TP out but also don't kill them. New players can ask for help when being raided and learn from their defenders. We don't need more traps. We need more people with large enough genitalia to fight back.

While I do agree tnt would be helpful for mining out large areas, I feel like it would be easily misused and cause more harm than good.

And come on, we've already got a surplus of God gear thanks to the gift4alls. Let's not kill off the crippled economy by bringing back fishing rewards.

Sorry if it seems like I just shut down all of your ideas but these are just going to cause even more complaining, more staff work and more problems.
This is good actually, since i know my ideas aren't 100% perfect, seing the pros/cons can help the staff decide what they can do.
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I think he meant "aren't" 100% perfect, going off of the syntax in the rest of the sentence. He wouldn't be talking about cons if he didn't think there were any.

Also, if he believed his idea was totally flawless and was willing to state as much, he would offer a counter-argument, if only to prove you "wrong." If he didn't want to argue, he would brush you off with an insult of some kind.

My natural habitat is the youtube comment section. This stuff is second nature to me.
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Lmao. I did mean my ideas *aren't* 100% perfect. Thanks yall i didnt noticed XD
Don't worry, dude. I usually edit my posts about 4 times within the first minute of posting. Just make sure to check it over a bit before posting or it could be worse next time.
When i was notified of my typo it was too late i couldnt edit it. Also im terrible at proof reading
When i was notified of my typo it was too late i couldnt edit it. Also im terrible at proof reading

Same here with the proofreading hahaha

Usually if you can get it edited before someone points it out or quotes it I'm pretty sure people understand that it's an accident or some level of inaccurate. Even then, in most cases people will understand what was happening when they see that it was edited. Just make sure not to accidentally say something controversial and you should be fine.

From my experience, as long as you aren't in a huge debate or something it usually takes about 1-4 minutes before people actually care enough to look, so really if you didn't manage to catch it on the original posting you just need to look it over and fix it when you're done.
I dont see this thread as huge and controversial. I just wanted to point some changes that could be made. And people to have their opinion.
Lets just hope stuff does get changed but with current event. I dont think its gonna happen.

And i just figured out how to edit
The typos were fixed and corrected.
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I think he meant "aren't" 100% perfect, going off of the syntax in the rest of the sentence. He wouldn't be talking about cons if he didn't think there were any.

Also, if he believed his idea was totally flawless and was willing to state as much, he would offer a counter-argument, if only to prove you "wrong." If he didn't want to argue, he would brush you off with an insult of some kind.

My natural habitat is the youtube comment section. This stuff is second nature to me.
I know I was being sarcastic haha :p
but nearly half of them are turned off
Can you provide statistical data to back up that claim or are you literally just pulling a point out of your behind?

can grant player freedom slowly and controlled
Players have plenty of freedom. Not every feature, like badly balanced mmcmo features, are disabled because they can be abused. Sometimes features are simply disabled because we don't want to be "that kind" of a server. The individual points you've brought up won't be considered for various reasons, some of which have already been pointed out above.
Can you provide statistical data to back up that claim or are you literally just pulling a point out of your behind?

Players have plenty of freedom. Not every feature, like badly balanced mmcmo features, are disabled because they can be abused. Sometimes features are simply disabled because we don't want to be "that kind" of a server. The individual points you've brought up won't be considered for various reasons, some of which have already been pointed out above.
Well now my questions/idea have been dxplained
Can you provide statistical data to back up that claim or are you literally just pulling a point out of your behind?

Someone remind me to fact check this later, like after we can build/break etc. And does this include the features that are enabled but non functional due to technical problems?
and as far as the forum ratings go, are the staff or whoever removed it that uptight to where they felt like 'this is so goth' and 'please read the subject again' were too much for people to handle? I mean cmon those were the best
3.) Legalize more traps. From what i understand, traps that instantly kill players are illegal. i like the fact that portal traps are illegal, but if a faction is being raided a lot, like Tyberia or Asteria, it should be more legal for players to make traps using potions to kill the raider. since now, small factions that cant defend them self are stuck dying or paying tribute. but by making traps it would give more people hope to stay and fight back, give them time learn the Massivecraft ways(also it makes entertaining Youtube Videos #Mafro).

only traps that are not allowed are portal traps everthing eles is allowed

This server has many plugins, but nearly half of them are turned off, Why must it be this way. yes there is less banned players, but no server can be without banned players. if someone decides to go grief, ban them, it wont hurt the server. I am not saying to turn everything on and evilly laugh as massivecraft kills its self. I, and some other players i hope just want more liberty.
This Server is great, and i have invested a lot in it and i don't wanna see it die, but i know it has more potential.

1. the only anti grief plugin we use is factions it self
2. the only plugins that players cant use is ones that are in staff testing so i dont get what you mean by "This server has many plugins, but nearly half of them are turned off"
This is because the last time fishing was enabled it ruined the economy enough that we're still feeling its effects three years later.
We still feel the effects because of poor server decisions. Updating enchanting to 1.8 mechanics. Allowing Gift4All. Enabling /fix as a free premium feature. Capping Mcmmo armor damage. Increasing armor durability 3 fold. To say that Fishing is the reason for the current economic status is ignorant.
Instead of enabling mcmmo default fishing the following things should be applied.
- Fishing occasionaly drops lore items
- Increased bite chance (1.6) and lowered Exp drop rates.
- Biome specific fish (Only certain fishes like Nemo, will dropped while in the correct biome)
Increased bite chance (1.6) and lowered Exp drop rates.
Last I heard, this feature was completely non functional due to issues in the spigot api, it isn't effective to set the bite chance. So unless McMMO is doing something stupid with nms access, I'm pretty sure this is stuck at default vanilla times.
We still feel the effects because of poor server decisions. Updating enchanting to 1.8 mechanics. Allowing Gift4All. Enabling /fix as a free premium feature. Capping Mcmmo armor damage. Increasing armor durability 3 fold. To say that Fishing is the reason for the current economic status is ignorant.

Instead of enabling mcmmo default fishing the following things should be applied.
- Fishing occasionaly drops lore items
- Increased bite chance (1.6) and lowered Exp drop rates.
- Biome specific fish (Only certain fishes like Nemo, will dropped while in the correct biome)
Of course it's not the sole reason. That doesn't make re-enabling it and further saturating the supply in the economy is a good idea, however.
I fully support the use of TnT in wilderness, and having TnT being a Faction Permission so that only players with a certain level of authority/trust can use TnT when in their faction territory. This would greatly expand mining both for resources and construction.

As for the rest, I don't really have an opinion on the rest. Except forum stuff, honestly "Evil, Disagree, Read Again, and Goth" are all perfectly acceptable features. I want to be able to show my disapproval of a post without spamming a thread, I should be able to.
As for the rest, I don't really have an opinion on the rest. Except forum stuff, honestly "Evil, Disagree, Read Again, and Goth" are all perfectly acceptable features. I want to be able to show my disapproval of a post without spamming a thread, I should be able to.
Yes, please
The reason for its removal was because players would disagree (Rating) without providing an opposing argument. A disagree rating is extremely primitive and should be used in heavy moderation. I'd suggest making it a premium only feature to curve potential abuse risk.
lol what if there was a premium rating that was just a dollar sign. Doesn't have any meaning other than "look I can afford this"
(not salt to prems, just a joke)
I don't really have much opinion on the last two points, but I don't believe any faction changes would be coming any time soon. Features like "more ranks" are something that were liked by staff but put on the backburner due to lack of tech people which you can see in the actual idea thread. I like the idea but not sure when anything that changes the faction may come. Like I said however, I enjoy the idea.
The reason for its removal was because players would click on a negative rating without providing an opposing argument. A Disagree, Evil, or Read Again rating is extremely primitive and should be used in heavy moderation. I'd suggest making it a premium only feature to curve potential abuse risk.
In my experience the disagree rating was rarely abused except for a couple individuals who were generally disliked regardless, and just as many of them were premium as not. I'm relatively sure you can be restricted from using ratings, however, so I think just moderating them and banning people from using ratings who spam posts with disagrees would be fine.
Last I heard, this feature was completely non functional due to issues in the spigot api, it isn't effective to set the bite chance. So unless McMMO is doing something stupid with nms access, I'm pretty sure this is stuck at default vanilla times.
How is changing the fishing from 1.10 to 1.6 any different than changing pvp from 1.10 to 1.8?
How is changing the fishing from 1.10 to 1.6 any different than changing pvp from 1.10 to 1.8?
In the combat update, features were added, but nothing was taken away that used to be there. This means that it was only a matter of suppressing the new behaviors and changing values to mirror the old ones. However, fishing is a different story.

The way that fishing works in vanilla was almost entirely redone. The old mechanic was that it would throw numbers periodically, I believe every game tick. And it would check that number against a key value which was the chance. So to change the bite rate, all you had to do was change that number.

The newer system is that, when you cast the line, it generates a number between 100 and 900. It then counts down from this number and when it reaches 0, it gives you a bite. There are a few modifiers such as when you have lure. When you have lure, it subtracts 100 per level of lure from the starting value.

Quite simply, we don't have a concept of 'bite chance' anymore, only bite time. The only way for this to be reverted is to completely hijack the fishing system and manually throw the numbers yourself, trigger a bite when the conditions are met, etc. And all of this has to be done outside of the bukkit api because there is no functional api for fishing mechanics anymore.
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