Archived Player Count Number Shows Friends?

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The raspberry tea obsessive
Nov 5, 2013
Reaction score
The Mad Hatter's tea-party
With the new update, LAN worlds and servers have a feature where if you hover you mouse cursor over the player count number, it shows who is online. Massivecraft doesn't have this feature most of the time, because too many people are online to show every single person's name. The idea that I would like to put up for discussion and debate is this: If you hover your mouse cursor over the player count number, it shows any of the players in your 'friended' list who are online. This is possible, I have seen a couple servers that have customized their player count number hover info. What do you all in the Massivecraft community think of this idea?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If this is indeed possible, I would absolutely adore this.
Hard if not impossible to code... but supported.
With the new update, LAN worlds and servers have a feature where if you hover you mouse cursor over the player count number, it shows who is online. Massivecraft doesn't have this feature most of the time, because too many people are online to show every single person's name. The idea that I would like to put up for discussion and debate is this: If you hover your mouse cursor over the player count number, it shows any of the players in your 'friended' list who are online. This is possible, I have seen a couple servers that have customized their player count number hover info. What do you all in the Massivecraft community think of this idea?

I think that this would be a good idea yet to code such a thing would take a very long time to do and to send the information to that certain person would definitely cause massive server lag
I realize that this would probably take a long time to implement if it were implemented, but it would make things a lot more convenient in many ways, and it would be highly useful in many other ways. For instance, if you wanted to go online if a friend was online, but not really otherwise at that moment, it would be nice if you could see which friends are online BEFORE you go online.
It's a great idea and would be awesome to implement but I believe impossible for us to do so. If I'm right then that is client side as in the Minecraft program that does it and I believe that means that it's all up to the client (Minecraft program) on what appears there. But if it is possible then yeah, supported
What if you had so many friends online, your computer screen exploded right in front of you? (for some popular people that is the case, but I think adding it in would be a game mechanic not a server mechanic)
I need a naga seal of approval... Anyways, here's: +1 Naga Approval!
Though I don't know if it could be codded, it would be rather nice.
I would find this pointless but that's just me. To be honest, I don't spend anytime checking how many people are online past the point of "clicking on the server". After that, I'll just /show the people I want to know are online.
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