Archived Player Access To Event Chat

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As simple as it is, give players access to make announcements either in the event chat or a player-hosted-events chat. Have this be on an hour or two long cooldown.

I do not play factions, so I can't speak for the benefits and drawbacks there.

For roleplay, it would allow players to announce events happening that are free-to-attend. Duels, boxing matches, shop openings or calendar-announced events too.

It could give every player the means and knowledge to attend events; right now, it's mostly skype chats spreading the word.

The obvious drawback is, of course, possible spam.

A suggestion to counter this would be to limit event announcement to trustee players or premiums.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
See, one reason pretty much everybody has event chat enabled, is because its only used when staff run events. If players were to start running unofficial events using E: chat... it might become more ignored.
See, one reason pretty much everybody has event chat enabled, is because its only used when staff run events. If players were to start running unofficial events using E: chat... it might become more ignored.

Create a different channel then. I personally would prefer having a communication channel where player-ran events can be shared. Makes it easier to find roleplay with purely on-server means that are available to any player and don't discriminate between them.
I'd not be keen on the idea of players able to use the current Event chat, I could see that leading to abuse. A new chat for player events could be handy, though.

Alternatively, there could just be a simple system for players to get Staff to announce their events for them.
A new event chat for player events would be good, i like that idea more.