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Pitiful Defense


Resident Troll
Apr 14, 2020
Reaction score

To the Remaining Members of the Steelhand Clan - In exception of Torgeir Ekiltsen

Bad enough as is to have my name ran through the mud as if it is being drawn and quartered for the past three months, then too there are the goons. Those who will defend their masters immoral ways and reputation to their dying breath, without regard to those who have to bear their tyrant's insult. However, I have had enough of the insults and lies, and there is no longer a noble stigma that is to protect you. To those dwarves who see this and side with me, you are in the majority, do not let their tactics deceive you, and I would like to get in contact with you to explain myself. To those who follow Godrun to their dying breath, this is directed at you specifically, and I will not apologize.

For those readers unaware, the Steelhand Clan was Godrun Fjallslatter's clan while he was still under the graces of the good House Njordhem. Some members of that clan still seem to think me the bad guy, so allow me to enlighten you all of the misdeeds done to me by Godrun. To start with the least egregious, he dragged my name through the dirt among peerage and among commoners alike, claiming all sorts of horrible things such as me wanting to genocide the dwarves. A ridiculous sentiment, though it seems some thick-skulled individuals still wish to believe in it. He cut off all business interactions I had with the dwarves, making it so bad I had to move to Crookback. He tried to get into a physical altercation with me, still as a noble, within dwarf district. And finally, he vandalized his own fucking shop and then framed me, after which he lost his noble titles. Is that enough of a recap?

And then the remainder of his clan asks me for an apology, when they cannot name a single thing I've done against the dwarves.

So tell me, why am I apologizing? I did not see the Clan working hard in Crookback, nor did I see them at Greygate all day pleading their case with a Constable. I did not see the Clan name slandered and drug through the mud in front of the peerage of which I used to have good reputation with. I did not see the Clan viewed as outcast by their own race for a bullshit challenge that should have never occurred. So I will not apologize, rather,
I ask for a hand written apology signed by all of the Steelhand Clan, and I expect it by Friday. If I do not get it, consider it an admission of guilt, that you side with Godrun, who admitted to framing me in order to kill my reputation in Regalia.

It pains me to do this, really, it does, I don't want to anger the dwarves who held no part in it, but I am angry, very angry. I sure as hell am not apologizing, and it should be considered a shame on the entire Clan that you would be so bold enough to ask me. The only thing you should ask for is forgiveness.

P.S House Njordhem was very lovely, and they do not deserve any backlash for any of this drama, they are a good house filled with good people, my blame is not on them, rather the goons Godrun hired.

Fuck Off,
Enki Lok-Ningishzida

Forgemistress of Ignis Fornax

@YeetAnonymous @NebulousFilms @KKadoren
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Incoming Letter

An apology will likely not be signed by all the Steelhand clan, for there are a number among them that have no desire for an apology from you, including myself. Regardless of which, this conflict will end, and all else will be dissolved, and those who caused the trouble will be reprimanded as such. Seeing as it was primarily select individuals, there will not be any sort of formal apology given. This conflict has grown to childish levels, and as such, neither side need apologize, and just move on with their lives and leave one another alone.

To continue this needless conflict would suggest that Enki Lok-Nigishzida desires for such a needless squabble to continue, instead of doing what is best for both parties and leaving it behind both of the groups. Should You wish to end the conflict, we will speak over blood oath, that no more petty squabbles like this shall occur, unless one side actively tries to threaten or harm the other in a serious manner.

Wisdom Guide,
Bjorn The Fellhanded
Incoming Letter

An apology will likely not be signed by all the Steelhand clan, for there are a number among them that have no desire for an apology from you, including myself. Regardless of which, this conflict will end, and all else will be dissolved, and those who caused the trouble will be reprimanded as such. Seeing as it was primarily select individuals, there will not be any sort of formal apology given. This conflict has grown to childish levels, and as such, neither side need apologize, and just move on with their lives and leave one another alone.

To continue this needless conflict would suggest that Enki Lok-Nigishzida desires for such a needless squabble to continue, instead of doing what is best for both parties and leaving it behind both of the groups. Should You wish to end the conflict, we will speak over blood oath, that no more petty squabbles like this shall occur, unless one side actively tries to threaten or harm the other in a serious manner.

Wisdom Guide,
Bjorn The Fellhanded

Do not act like you have any moral high ground, Godrun committed great crimes against me and you defend him. I would not care if you had not asked for an apology from myself, now I do, Godrun Cultists.
Do not act like you have any moral high ground, Godrun committed great crimes against me and you defend him. I would not care if you had not asked for an apology from myself, now I do, Godrun Cultists.
No one is defending Godrun. Though, by your assumptions and childish answers, I presume that you continue to refuse the opportunity to make peace, which only goes to show further that you desire this kind of conflict. Should you ever change your mind, you are welcome to pen me a letter aiming to reconcile. Until then, you are barred from entering the Charging Ram, unless it is with the intent of reconciling with those involved.