Archived Pipes

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Apr 13, 2013
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I was thinking if perhaps a Pipe could be added to Massivecraft, and when right clicked it will let out a puff of smoke. However, there will be a cooldown time so people cant just smoke away and cause a lot of lag, it will probably be like this-
When you right click your pipe, it costs either a paper or a plant within your inventory to emit a puff of smoke while you hold the pipe, and it can be used once every 10 seconds, and attempting to smoke it when the cooldown is not over it will say:
Calm down and breathe slower! You have /// seconds before you can puff again.
There really isn't a huge incentive for requesting this to be added, but it would be a pretty cool detail to some roleplay!
edit: No, there will not be any tobacco or marijuana,
instead of using a plant or piece of paper, you use one charcoal to create one puff
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I could see tobacco shops growing in Massivecraft...
This could be cool, but what item even remotely looks like a pipe, even with the resource pack?
Kirby12352 perhaps we can look into some items in minecraft that cannot actually be used, retexture it, and maybe make it buyable for like a silver near regalia spawn?
Blaze Rod as a Pipe and It costs Leaves(Plural for leaf) as tobacco but must be treated by a certain shop person (opens up a new Role-play job) and it should also have certain special(but illegal) ones like certain dyes act like Marijuanna
I suppose since smoking would sometimes woo some people, I'd have it there is a Chance that when you puff the Cigar, it can cause Nausea/Weakness. And re-texturing an item isn't truly needed, is it? Perhaps just using a stick and right-clicking would be good enough, as pipes weren't always good works, just basically a hollow stick to burn Tobacco in.
I suppose since smoking would sometimes woo some people, I'd have it there is a Chance that when you puff the Cigar, it can cause Nausea/Weakness. And re-texturing an item isn't truly needed, is it? Perhaps just using a stick and right-clicking would be good enough, as pipes weren't always good works, just basically a hollow stick to burn Tobacco in.
Thats a good idea. Maybe they would need another item in their inventory though, like green dye or something.
Sorry, just have played on a lot of "Drug Wars" servers in the past, and green dye was always weed or something close.
We can retexture the piston head thingy to be a pipe, as it cannot be placed and is only available through /give, and then we can use the recipe thang to give it a simple recipe of sticks :)
I was thinking if perhaps a Pipe could be added to Massivecraft, and when right clicked it will let out a puff of smoke. However, there will be a cooldown time so people cant just smoke away and cause a lot of lag, it will probably be like this-
When you right click your pipe, it costs either a paper or a plant within your inventory to emit a puff of smoke while you hold the pipe, and it can be used once every 10 seconds, and attempting to smoke it when the cooldown is not over it will say:
Calm down and breathe slower! You have /// seconds before you can puff again.
There really isn't a huge incentive for requesting this to be added, but it would be a pretty cool detail to some roleplay!
I'll quote this from the rules:
We run a family-friendly server.
I highly doubt Cayorion wishes to see people smoking/anything that encourages the use of drugs.
We can retexture the piston head thingy to be a pipe, as it cannot be placed and is only available through /give, and then we can use the recipe thang to give it a simple recipe of sticks :)
That texture is also used for the front of pistons. I like my crusher pipe-free thank you.
Artilles I was only wondering if this could be implemented because of the fact there are taverns, and alchohal and stuff, so I thought maybe something as stereotypical as a pipe could be added.
I'll quote this from the rules:

I highly doubt Cayorion wishes to see people smoking/anything that encourages the use of drugs.
Going off what Toxiclord said, it shouldn't be a problem due to the fact that alcohol is used and talked about daily, not to mention the fact that people usually talk about it as getting drunk, so a guy smoking tobacco is not that high up on the scale.
Just going to put it out there, historically, marijuana was smoked by a lot of people. One great example would be the native American peace pipe. Another, the various sultans of India.
There will not be any MAJOR smokable drug added in. Only Charcoal should be smokable.
Because a pipe is not really bad, its just a little questionable, but who would actually allow such BAD things to Massivecraft, considering someone can be smoking WEED.
Artilles I just want to say, if a stereotypical pipe, for some characters, is NOT allowed, why are there brothels and alchohol allowed?
How is pot any different from tobacco and alcohol? Scientifically, pot has been shown to be healthier then smoking and drinking. Plus, its not a bad thing at all due to the fact that it has saved countless lives and allowed people some peace in a time of great pain.
How is pot any different from tobacco and alcohol? Scientifically, pot has been shown to be healthier then smoking and drinking. Plus, its not a bad thing at all due to the fact that it has saved countless lives and allowed people some peace in a time of great pain.

This idea will NOT have marijuana, considering it is ILLEGAL in quite a bit of places, and it can seem healthier, but you lose focus, lose reflex speed, and moral choices. That's my stickin' and I'm story to it.
This idea will NOT have marijuana, considering it is ILLEGAL in quite a bit of places, and it can seem healthier, but you lose focus, lose reflex speed, and moral choices. That's my stickin' and I'm story to it.

And with tabaco you, shorten your life, destroy your lungs, and possibly give yourself and those around you cancer? Yep, seems to be way healthier. Also sir, lose focus,reflexes, and moral choices? That's a bit harsh and a bit of super propaganda. I have been friends with many a pot user and from what i can tell, it makes that a bit more relaxed. I have yet to see my friends lose their moral choices and go out and start shooting people.

Im not going to go into the science of it i'll let this guy do it!
I remember a shop is Regalia that was selling "drug" referenced items. And tried to sell tobacco. It had Paper for folding into stuff and adding something for tobacco and such.
So the entire drugs story aside,

I don't see a point in adding what we already have in our texture pack.

EDIT: Oh herpaderp, it considers actual pipes.

Minecraft does not have a small enough particle effect to create something that you want, the closest smoke is the vampire smoke which is way too large. I don't see this going anywhere.
So the entire drugs story aside,

I don't see a point in adding what we already have in our texture pack.

EDIT: Oh herpaderp, it considers actual pipes.

Minecraft does not have a small enough particle effect to create something that you want, the closest smoke is the vampire smoke which is way too large. I don't see this going anywhere.

All Hail MonMarty For he has spoken!
And with tabaco you, shorten your life, destroy your lungs, and possibly give yourself and those around you cancer? Yep, seems to be way healthier. Also sir, lose focus,reflexes, and moral choices? That's a bit harsh and a bit of super propaganda. I have been friends with many a pot user and from what i can tell, it makes that a bit more relaxed. I have yet to see my friends lose their moral choices and go out and start shooting people.

I seriously don't want to start anything. Reread the FIRST POST and I don't mean every single pot user, I mean the heavier users. I never even stated they would go to such measurements of shooting anyone at any point. I'm not going to respond if this continues.
So the entire drugs story aside,

I don't see a point in adding what we already have in our texture pack.

EDIT: Oh herpaderp, it considers actual pipes.

Minecraft does not have a small enough particle effect to create something that you want, the closest smoke is the vampire smoke which is way too large. I don't see this going anywhere.
Perhaps the Blaze or fire smoke on your character, if it is possible. I remember seeing something sort of like it, and yea, it did contain a decently large amount of smoke, but if you're smoking a pipe, you are most likely to have a good amount of smoke around you if you puff it a good amount of times.
I'd rather have liquors to be honest than pipes. I'm going to start working on that.
I just look at all of this, and I think of many areas in The Hobbit, (the book not the movie, I haven't seen the movie) where it mentions Gandalf's masterful smoke rings and other people smoking pipes. That is what I envision. And it would be pretty awesome for some rp characters. To tone down the possible drug references, there can be specific rules stating that using drug references, or drug reference toward pipes, in in Massivecraft leads to temp-ban, and perm-ban if more then once or twice. It is a pretty good idea though.
I seriously don't want to start anything. Reread the FIRST POST and I don't mean every single pot user, I mean the heavier users. I never even stated they would go to such measurements of shooting anyone at any point. I'm not going to respond if this continues.
Perhaps the Blaze or fire smoke on your character, if it is possible. I remember seeing something sort of like it, and yea, it did contain a decently large amount of smoke, but if you're smoking a pipe, you are most likely to have a good amount of smoke around you if you puff it a good amount of times.

The heavier users just get like super laid back, sure they don't have much want to do anything but chill, but that docent mean that their morals get wack. What you said however "but you lose focus, lose reflex speed, and moral choices." would mean that pot users even the recreational ones, are somehow not as good as a regular person due to the fact that they lose out on moral choices. Has anyone actually heard about someone smoking a bowl then going out and killing, stealing, or actually committing a crime that a normal person would normally not do?

The same argument can be said with alcohol and drunk driving. Smoking and KILLING yourself. Isn't a moral choice to not get into the car and call a cab, or stop smoking for the good of your own health and those around you? The fact of the matter is, pot doesn't do anything to effect any moral judgement you have except whether to be laid back and chill or to be somewhat proactive. Some people need the chill.

Kemo patients usually get prescribed medical marijuana because it eases their pain, due to the fact that kemo is more or less controlled poison to try and kill your cancer. Now, places in the U.S. (Washington & Collorado) have legalized pot. Why? Because one, it is a profitable business. And 2, there have been many studies to show that when something is made illegal, it causes more crime then when it's legal. A great example is in Australia when they banned firearms. Since the ban, home invasion and robbery has significantly increased. So, why should marijuana be banned, and why are so many people afraid to unban it? It's because of what we were taught.

When you were a kid, you probably had a law enforcement official come to your school and tell you about the dangers of drugs. Well, this is where the programming beings. From the beginning (unless you are raised by progressive parents) you would almost always be taught that drugs are bad. As time progresses, whether you believe it at first or not, you will start believing it. Eventually, you will become so convinced that if someone showed you evidence that it isn't bad, your mind will do it's best to try and keep these ideas out. To simplify this here is a experiment.

A boy since the day he was born has always seen a Green cube on the wall, but whenever he asks about it, he is told it is Blue. He is told this all his life, this is what he knows. So when his friend comes over and asks him about the green cube the boy will say it is blue. Despite what his friend says, the boy will continue to believe that this cube is blue. It is a form of brainwashing used since the dawn of religion, this is not new news.

Marijuana, has been show to be healthier in almost every way compared to alchole and tobacco, so why, dear god why, can we as free people of massivecraft, be able to live free and take the healthier option instead of blackening our lungs, and destroying our kiddies?

(God i feel as if i'm writing a persuasive essay for English xD)
The heavier users just get like super laid back, sure they don't have much want to do anything but chill, but that docent mean that their morals get wack. What you said however "but you lose focus, lose reflex speed, and moral choices." would mean that pot users even the recreational ones, are somehow not as good as a regular person due to the fact that they lose out on moral choices. Has anyone actually heard about someone smoking a bowl then going out and killing, stealing, or actually committing a crime that a normal person would normally not do?

The same argument can be said with alcohol and drunk driving. Smoking and KILLING yourself. Isn't a moral choice to not get into the car and call a cab, or stop smoking for the good of your own health and those around you? The fact of the matter is, pot doesn't do anything to effect any moral judgement you have except whether to be laid back and chill or to be somewhat proactive. Some people need the chill.

Kemo patients usually get prescribed medical marijuana because it eases their pain, due to the fact that kemo is more or less controlled poison to try and kill your cancer. Now, places in the U.S. (Washington & Collorado) have legalized pot. Why? Because one, it is a profitable business. And 2, there have been many studies to show that when something is made illegal, it causes more crime then when it's legal. A great example is in Australia when they banned firearms. Since the ban, home invasion and robbery has significantly increased. So, why should marijuana be banned, and why are so many people afraid to unban it? It's because of what we were taught.

When you were a kid, you probably had a law enforcement official come to your school and tell you about the dangers of drugs. Well, this is where the programming beings. From the beginning (unless you are raised by progressive parents) you would almost always be taught that drugs are bad. As time progresses, whether you believe it at first or not, you will start believing it. Eventually, you will become so convinced that if someone showed you evidence that it isn't bad, your mind will do it's best to try and keep these ideas out. To simplify this here is a experiment.

A boy since the day he was born has always seen a Green cube on the wall, but whenever he asks about it, he is told it is Blue. He is told this all his life, this is what he knows. So when his friend comes over and asks him about the green cube the boy will say it is blue. Despite what his friend says, the boy will continue to believe that this cube is blue. It is a form of brainwashing used since the dawn of religion, this is not new news.

Marijuana, has been show to be healthier in almost every way compared to alchole and tobacco, so why, dear god why, can we as free people of massivecraft, be able to live free and take the healthier option instead of blackening our lungs, and destroying our kiddies?

(God i feel as if i'm writing a persuasive essay for English xD)

I already told you I am done with this conversation. Now PLEASE stop like I have. I really appreciate on how you are doing so much to prove your point, But I really just need for you to know We are not using Tobacco. People can think it that way, but it isn't. Please read my first post.
I guess in the end, we could just continue to Role-play smoking a Pipe and such.
I mean that's not a big deal is it?
We role-play Bar fights, can can role-play this too.
I already told you I am done with this conversation. Now PLEASE stop like I have. I really appreciate on how you are doing so much to prove your point, But I really just need for you to know We are not using Tobacco. People can think it that way, but it isn't. Please read my first post.

Then what is in the pipe eh? Blaze powder? Seeds? What?
The heavier users just get like super laid back, sure they don't have much want to do anything but chill, but that docent mean that their morals get wack. What you said however "but you lose focus, lose reflex speed, and moral choices." would mean that pot users even the recreational ones, are somehow not as good as a regular person due to the fact that they lose out on moral choices. Has anyone actually heard about someone smoking a bowl then going out and killing, stealing, or actually committing a crime that a normal person would normally not do?

The same argument can be said with alcohol and drunk driving. Smoking and KILLING yourself. Isn't a moral choice to not get into the car and call a cab, or stop smoking for the good of your own health and those around you? The fact of the matter is, pot doesn't do anything to effect any moral judgement you have except whether to be laid back and chill or to be somewhat proactive. Some people need the chill.

Kemo patients usually get prescribed medical marijuana because it eases their pain, due to the fact that kemo is more or less controlled poison to try and kill your cancer. Now, places in the U.S. (Washington & Collorado) have legalized pot. Why? Because one, it is a profitable business. And 2, there have been many studies to show that when something is made illegal, it causes more crime then when it's legal. A great example is in Australia when they banned firearms. Since the ban, home invasion and robbery has significantly increased. So, why should marijuana be banned, and why are so many people afraid to unban it? It's because of what we were taught.

When you were a kid, you probably had a law enforcement official come to your school and tell you about the dangers of drugs. Well, this is where the programming beings. From the beginning (unless you are raised by progressive parents) you would almost always be taught that drugs are bad. As time progresses, whether you believe it at first or not, you will start believing it. Eventually, you will become so convinced that if someone showed you evidence that it isn't bad, your mind will do it's best to try and keep these ideas out. To simplify this here is a experiment.

A boy since the day he was born has always seen a Green cube on the wall, but whenever he asks about it, he is told it is Blue. He is told this all his life, this is what he knows. So when his friend comes over and asks him about the green cube the boy will say it is blue. Despite what his friend says, the boy will continue to believe that this cube is blue. It is a form of brainwashing used since the dawn of religion, this is not new news.

Marijuana, has been show to be healthier in almost every way compared to alchole and tobacco, so why, dear god why, can we as free people of massivecraft, be able to live free and take the healthier option instead of blackening our lungs, and destroying our kiddies?

(God i feel as if i'm writing a persuasive essay for English xD)
I do not know that much about these studies and whatnot, but I do know that in my opinion, marijuana and other such drugs should not be in Massivecraft, and that the whole subject of marijuana is off-topic on this post. Argue it out on an off-topic thread, but I would bet all my silver, times 100 since I don't have much of it, that any kind of drug will never even be considered in Massivecraft by the admins. Also, if so many people are going to think of marijuana when introduced to such a simple thing as smoking an old-fashioned pipe, then I may have to withdraw my support for this. Please refrain from bringing up junk like this in a perfectly good idea

I also do know that a great many of these examples are inaccurate, and some of the others are accurate, but do not go for marijuana. Drugs are bad, there is a reason for it. This reason, is that it typically endangers other people besides the user, in a direct fashion. I personally don't like smoking that much more then drugs, I think it is just another form of drugs that people can get addicted to and spend all their money on. Marijuana is currently used for psychological medical reasons, I think it is counterproductive. People become dependent on it, and it is more problems. I don't know all the facts, I don't particularly care, but I know enough.

Also, the whole guns in Australia example? Yes, there is more crime when it is made illegal, as it is in many states in America, (and yes, I do know my facts on this) for one reason. The people who commit the crimes, are going to break the law anyway, so they commit one more and have a gun. The people who need to defend themselves from the criminals, do follow the law, so they don't have a gun. Prime example, look at the difference in crime rates between Texas and California in America. There are better examples, but that one is the most obvious. This also has nothing to do with drugs, they are two completely different situations, so why you would use guns to prove a point in drugs, I have no idea.
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