Character Information
Attack Stat - 5
Defense Stat - 5
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Full Name - Lynn vun Sëlwange
- Pinlin (nickname), "Pinlinius III" (fake name he gives to sound important)
- Heritage / Culture - Remet Asha, Leutz-Vixe Ailor, Brood
- Age - 18
- Gender / Pronouns - He/him
- Religion -
- Occult - No
- Character Occupation - Soaper, aspiring knight and/or mercenary and/or world famous fencer
- Eye Color - Ruby red
- Skin Color - Pale
- Hair - Strawberry blonde
- Height - 4'5"
- Body Type - Slender, feminine
- Additional Features - A few moles dotted around his face, freckles over his nose. His upper lip is somewhat pinched like a cats, giving him a subtle permanent :3. He has cat ears in place of human ones with long ear fur, and a lion's tail. His upper back, shoulders, triceps, and outer thighs are covered in a thin but cotton soft layer of fur. His legs aren't digitigrade, but he does have cat paws in place of feet, and his palms have more pronounced pads as well.
- Hobbies and Talents - Medical Hobby, Athletic Hobby
- Mechanics - Remet Asha Mechanics
- Languages - Lëtz, Common
- Born in Tirgunn to an Asha woman and an unknown man.
- His mothers poor health made it impossible for her to work, so that responsibility fell onto him from a very early age.
- Due to his status as a brood, he found it difficult to find work, but managed to get a job under a blacksmith, who apparently knew his mother.
- He still made very little money and often went without, prioritizing caring for his mother over himself.
- She would always talk about Regalia, so when she died, Pinlin made the trip there without a plan in mind.
Attack Stat - 5
Defense Stat - 5
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Strength: 5
- Technique Parry
- Concussive Blow
- Chaining Throw
- Tangle Strike
- Weapon Throw (Free)
- Constitution: 5
- Intelligence: 0
- Stupid af
- Dexterity: 5
- Sharp Reflexes
- Escape Artist
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