Preserved Sheet Pieter Of Magnamere

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score


  • Full Name: Pieter of Magnamere.
    • Pete. (Nickname)
    • Peetah! (Given by Bronwyn Cuffburt)
    • The Coal Knight. (Self-given title)
  • Age: 25.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor.
    • Anglian.
  • Main Ambition: To reconnect with his family.
  • Religion: Old Gods.


  • Proficiency (26 points, 45 cap.)
    • +20 Longsword. (+10 Bloodcast, +10 code.)
    • +10 Large Shield. (+10 Bloodcast)
    • +15 Judicial. (+10 Bloodcast, +5 points.)
    • +15 Anglian Longbow. (+5 Culture, +10 points)
  • Cultural
    • +10 Smithing. | +10 points.
    • +5 Body Care. | +5 points.
    • +5 Dancing. | +5 points.
  • Languages:
    • Common.
    • Alt-Anglian.

  • Eye Color: Silvery blue.
  • Hair Color: Jet black.
  • Hair Style: However he woke up that day. Clipped solely to keep out of his eyes.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Peasant levy clothes, often with the Bloodcast cape.
  • Height: 6'2".
  • Body Build: Muscular.


  • First Paragraph:
    • Pieter doesn't bother hiding who he is. He's blunt, to the point, and often shows the ability to cut through what he believes a facade quickly. He's prone to making big assumptions about others, and usually lets a bit too much poison seep into his words. His sense of humor overlaps his insults and sarcasm, often meaning he leaves quite a split between those watching. Some find him entertaining and comedic, in a dark sense, though most targets find him annoying, rude, and insufferable.
  • Second Paragraph:
    • The inner mind of Pieter is one stained in anger, mostly directed at the world and his stepfather. He can't get over being abandoned by his original family, and deals with rejection badly. He lets his anger tunnel out in times of crisis and stress, though direly regrets it afterwards. Though he's taken steps to bury his anger, most attempts end in his situation growing worse and his self-esteem being dragged down with it. Instead, Pieter puts on a mask of pride, bragging about as many deeds and interesting trivia as he can. Every negative situation is shrugged off in hopes that others will not notice his problems, as he doesn't want them fixed.
  • Third Paragraph:
    • Pieter is probably the best at holding back around those he trusts and respects. He's able to at least stop himself from talking when all he's got to say is negative, though if the situation is just too perfect to ignore, quips and insults can trip out. Friends are hardly ever assaulted beyond merely poking fun, and mentors are given the upmost respect, to the point where silence is downright necessary. Family, however, is a different beast entirely. The Tyrannians are treated as the rich men and women they are, and given respect for the inevitable day in which Pieter will hope to integrate. Though the Vossens are hated, hardly ever talked about, and simply avoided in general. In Pieter's mind, his mother betrayed him in joining the side of a person he hates, and he's far too stubborn to forgive her. Not as if she'd take him if he came back anyway.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • Pieter's morality is shifty, overall. As a Bloodcast, he was told to assist others and "Do good". Though, Pieter utterly ignores the former, and just barely follows the latter. He does good deeds, for himself, and for his client. He's not above assault and maim, as such is a lovely way to let out aggression. Though, mostly out of fear, Pieter utterly avoids killing things he can even slightly relate to. As a rule of thumb, if it looks Human or speaks Common, Pieter can't drive himself to end it. Not out of a desire to be good, rather, out of avoiding the potential consequences of their death.

Pieter of Magnamere, as he was initially named, was born to Annabel of Magnamere (Originally Tillens), the daughter of two middle-class Anglian farmers. His father was the nobleman Samus Tyrannian, who had since cheated on his wife mostly out of boredom. The Tillens were suitably outraged at the pregnancy of Annabel, disowning her as soon as they discovered the absence of the soon-to-be-born Pieter's father. Annabel fled to the nearby city of Magnamere, taking up residence there as a maid, as she'd been taught no skills aside from cooking and cleaning. Pieter was born shortly after she fled and found a home.

Annabel, forced to raise a child on her own, struggled to support the both of them, latching onto the first man she could. Her choice was a middle-class writer by the name of Alwin Vossen. Vossen was a decent father, though considering his introduction into Pieter's life was well into the boy's 9th year, Pieter struggled to accept him into his life, leading the two to often battle verbally. Of course, Pieter was too young to ever really understand, much less win these fights. As he grew, so did his hatred for this 'false father' he'd gained. By thirteen, he'd physically lashed out and slapped his stepfather. Alwin and Annabel both decided on shipping Pieter off rather than consoling with him, sending him to Regalia in hopes that the best knightly order they could afford would teach him the error of his ways.

Isolation only strengthened Pieter's rage, which funneled out in his training. He found quite a few friends during his time in the castle, and began to branch out socially, even if he had a few issues with lashing out against those who didn't deserve it. A friend offers the nickname "Coal Knight", after his fiery temper and troubling path.

Once he returned to Alwin and Annabel, Pieter was thrust into yet another battle with his step-father, who hadn't really... done anything. If anything, he'd improved as a person while Pieter was gone, and welcomed him with open arms. As an adult, who had remained relatively isolated from talk of family and parenthood, Pieter still believed Alwin to be equivalent to the devil, and everything that pointed otherwise made his stubborn self even more enraged. Soon enough, he struck Alwin again, and left the home to never return.

Needing to get out of Anglia, Pieter returned to Regalia, where, coincidentally, he began to act under the Tyrannian family as a House Guard. He struggles to admit his heritage to his commanding officer, and waits for trust to be given to him before he admits his sinful birth.
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Here are my edits:
  • Whereas he'll gladly mention his year of travelling as a mercenary and He has trouble working with people.
    What does this mean? I'm assuming this was meant to say something else.
  • I'd also like you to expand on exactly why Pieter wants to be the greatest Bloodcast Knight. Is he driven by a childhood dream, or does he simply want to be the best for the glory of it?
Other than that, the app looks good! Mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done. Happy editing!
  • First flaw was a problem with the copying over. Used an old version of the Google doc. Oops.
  • Expanded on the ambition.
Changed Pieter with the recent Unionism stuffs.
  • Magic felt like it was an add-on for the sake of being special. Whereas the Aspect of Knowledge is basically the same, it makes more sense for a Unionist Knight to become a radical rather than learn some heretical stuff willingly.
  • Point rearranges! Added Acrobatics and Longsword proficiency, lowered small shield proficiency.
  • Changed Life Story.
  • Changed Second Paragraph.
Hey, sorry for the sudden rework, but, sudden rework!
Updated for:
  • Changes to Bloodcast.
  • Changes to backstory.
  • Entire rework of personality.
  • Replaced main goal as Bloodcasts aren't as competitive anymore.
  • Changed proficiencies in general, cultural and normal.