Archived Picking A Flower In Rp

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Dec 1, 2015
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Often I would find it useful if one could pick a flower in RP.

The way I imagine it could work is the 1 block flowers can be shift right-clicked and one would receive a copy of said flower.
I say COPY because if it broke and had to be replaced or even had its own replacement method, it would cause lag.

A possible problem might be that these flowers might be spam harvested to create dyes. I cannot think of a solution to that problem. Adding a cool down for picking another flower might get rid of the spam, but it would not solve the problem of using them for dyes.

This is mostly for aesthetic purposes to help RP, since one does not always carry a flower around, and sometimes a lady (or in my case, a sad Klein) might deserve (or need) one.

Another option to be considered is to have it a premium only ability.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
One could have it so said 'flower' is a ghost block. Not actually existing beside the little picture, after trying to be placed the server detects its unique nature and doesn't allow it. Forcing the player to let it despawn somewhere or burn it. Or the flower could just dissapear when aforementioned player tries to place it.
One could have it so said 'flower' is a ghost block. Not actually existing beside the little picture, after trying to be placed the server detects its unique nature and doesn't allow it. Forcing the player to let it despawn somewhere or burn it. Or the flower could just dissapear when aforementioned player tries to place it.
so this is totally possible.. i think..

like in kitpvp when u tried to drop something it would just disappear... i think it would work like that
Love this idea. Would be useful for picking up medicinal herbs as well.

One possible solution could be that the flower is a temporary item that disappears after say... five minutes? Much like the way a pickaxe changes into a temporary powered version when you use SuperBreaker and then changes back, the flower could have a timer where after five minute it disappears. 'course, that means you'd have a time limit on RPing.

Or there could be designated areas for picking flowers. Like maybe use the quest plugin, have quest signs or even better an invisible, hidden quest where you can click a certain flower-block in the middle of flower fields that gives you flowers. The quest could refresh once a day or once every two days to let the flowers regrow. You could have these spots in various parts of Regalia and in the sewers for mushrooms as well. It'd create a "source" for them which might be interesting for RPing. It'd literally create a type of IC herb lore, information about where certain plants grow.
Love this idea. Would be useful for picking up medicinal herbs as well.

One possible solution could be that the flower is a temporary item that disappears after say... five minutes? Much like the way a pickaxe changes into a temporary powered version when you use SuperBreaker and then changes back, the flower could have a timer where after five minute it disappears. 'course, that means you'd have a time limit on RPing.

Or there could be designated areas for picking flowers. Like maybe use the quest plugin, have quest signs or even better an invisible, hidden quest where you can click a certain flower-block in the middle of flower fields that gives you flowers. The quest could refresh once a day or once every two days to let the flowers regrow. You could have these spots in various parts of Regalia and in the sewers for mushrooms as well. It'd create a "source" for them which might be interesting for RPing. It'd literally create a type of IC herb lore, information about where certain plants grow.

I like this idea. I hadn't even thought about it. Now that I am thinking about it, this might allow to make use of the rest of the island, where you might have to venture out to find certain flowers/herbs.
Well unfortunatly it will probably be premium only if this is accepted and implemented. Not a lot of the current premium features are attractive to roleplayers and this would diversify the premium features a bit.
I sadly agree with this logic, I only RP and premium so far just isn't worth the money for me. If Prem had more stuff for RP then I would consider it.
Apart from that, it is sad that it would be exclusive.
This is.... undoubtedly adorable. Picking flowers in Rp ... wow, it doesn't get much cuter than this.

I am just rambling about code here, I certainly do not have the time to implement it (finals weeks), nor would it be priority for any of the tech-staff. Maybe as a one afternoon project somehow... ^^

Code wise, it would make most sense to make the flower disappear once you click it in your inventory. This means, you can pick it up (if you have a free slot) and are just able to hold it in your hand. As soon as you try to drop or move it, it will disappear. What do you think about that? This way, it would have a very short live cycle: pick up -> roleplay with -> drop/move -> destroy. No problem with duping, nor crafting dyes, nor anything related. ... or maybe we should allow it to drop, but as soon as you click it in the inventory, it disappears. This way your companion (loved one or sad Klein, anyone) could pick it up and you'd share the fun...

I love roleplay plugins .... let's see ^^
Sleep? Who needs sleep anyways?

Anyways, I was in the mood for it... it works, its fun and it only took me about half and hour to code and another half to debug ^^ When weekend is over, I'll present it to cay and let him decide whether he wants it on the server or not :P
Sleep? Who needs sleep anyways?

Anyways, I was in the mood for it... it works, its fun and it only took me about half and hour to code and another half to debug ^^ When weekend is over, I'll present it to cay and let im decide whether he wants it on the server or not :P
hot damn...

Only took me about half and hour to code and another half to debug

But in all seriousness, great work on having it coded within less than an hour; Amazing to see what the coders of MassiveCraft can do. Oh, and some sort of tip; If you haven't already done so if you could do the same with flowers in flower pots.
But in all seriousness, great work on having it coded within less than an hour; Amazing to see what the coders of MassiveCraft can do. Oh, and some sort of tip; If you haven't already done so if you could do the same with flowers in flower pots.

To all of you who are flipping about this: I cannot be totally sure If this even gets live on the server. i just did it because i thought it was so cute ^^ Flower pots are not really worth it, regardless what item was in the pot, it would only show the blank bot in your hands:/
While this plugin may now be possible, implementation is not guaranteed. We will have to wait and see if it makes it to the server.