Preserved Sheet Phyrra Shamaris

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Jul 11, 2018
Reaction score
"Some people feel the rain
Others just get wet" -Phyrra

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Phyrra Shamaris
  • Age: 62
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Suvial/Sundial Altalar
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: None
Skill Information



Total Points: 60 from age, plus 10 from race. Equals 70.

  • Arts Proficiency:
    • +20 Musical Arts
    • +10 Theatre Arts(Hobby Points)
    • +20 Dancing Arts
    • +10 Culinary Arts
  • Special Proficiency:
    • +20 Sorcery
Body Shape
  • Calculation:
    • 20 × 0.5 = 10
  • Body Shape: Average
  • Body Fat: Moderate Body Fat
  • Common (free)
  • Modern Altalar(Learned in childhood)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Sorcery: Wardrobe of Feeling
  • Sorcery: Paper Flash
  • Sorcery: Glitterdewoo
  • Sorcery: Primal Design
  • Sorcery: Elemental Influence
Visual Information



  • Eye Color: Dark green
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: A loose braid in the back
  • Skin Color: Light brown
  • Clothing: Belly dancer outfits
  • Height: 6'0"
Personality and Abilities
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Mediator INFP-A
      • Phyrra is an idealist, she's always looking for good in others and events. Always looking for ways to make things better for herself and others. She's very talkative and bubbly and can come off as annoying and clingy but she can listen well to others. Always finding ways to express herself through body language and tone of voice.
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Estel | 5/10
Life Story




Phyrra Shamaris was born on October 25th, in the Sundial islands. She was born a bastard. Her father is completely unknown to her. While her mother is a brothel whore. She was raised learning to be almost exactly like her mother. She was slightly in her footsteps but didn't quite follow. She wanted something more in life then just to be brothel whore. Nor did she wish to lay around like her mother. Due to her mother she made a promise to herself that she shall not lay with a man until she married said man.

Seeing Phyrra grew up in a brothel she had a slight idea how to count due to the gambling that also was part of this brothel. She later came to learn to read when she was 9 from a scholar that she meet in the gambling room. He would teach her everyday when he came by. But she to this day isn't the best reader. She is better at reading music then she is at reading words.

In Phyrra's many times of need she has prayed, she still does to this day.
She mostly prayed when her mother fell ill around when she was only 24. But later due to this illness her mother died. Thus bringing Phyrra to fall into a state of depression. She maybe didn't like the way her mother whored around, but it still doesn't mean she didn't love her mother. She later found herself doubting her God. Believing less and less as the years went by. She still prays for a sense of hope, but has fallen away from her belief in Estel.

By the time she was 30, she decided it was time for her to leave home for a better way of life. Seeking out more than just a routine of working at the brothel as a dancer then returning home to just lay in bed for the rest of the day and night until repeating the cycle all over again.


Phyrra traveled along making her way to the Princedoms (Successor Principalities). She traveled across them until she came across a circus. She joined said circus, finding herself a mentor in the circus. She spent her next 30 years in the circus learning her current sorcery spells and improving more in her other skills she had already had. He had taught her how to properly read sheet music as well. But in due time with her mentor she fell in love with him. He did not feel the same and she felt rejection for the first time. This breaking her heart and causing for their mentorship to end one year early then what it should of had been. But she was fine with this, accepting her fate of rejection. Thus had caused her to fall into a state of grief but later coming to become more accepting of rejection.

After traveling with the circus for many years. She decided to branch away from that in search of her father. She wanted to meet the man that had knocked up her mother and left. So she began her search by pursuing a life in Regalia. Being in search of fun, friendship, kindness, generosity, and love along the way.
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Claimed for review. Expect a reply soon
1. Please expand upon what 'Mediator INFP-A' means so that we have a proper understanding of your character's personality beyond a mere technical term.
2. Please expand upon your backstory a little more than what it already is. I feel like there is the potential to add a lot more depth to your character.
1. Please expand upon what 'Mediator INFP-A' means so that we have a proper understanding of your character's personality beyond a mere technical term.
2. Please expand upon your backstory a little more than what it already is. I feel like there is the potential to add a lot more depth to your character.

I did my best to expand and add more depth to her story, while also putting a paragraph under "Mediator INFP-A" about how she acts
Much better. Approved.