Preserved Sheet Phon Senajan (rewrite)

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Out there ON the sun
Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Phon Senajan
The candle in the abyss, burning itself to guide the lost to safety

(Art by @Lithiel , kudos very much)

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Phon Senajan (nicknames: Old Man, Shorty)

  • Phon was pulled from Typhoon, and Senajan was part of an obscure tribal language he came across, relating to the moon.

  • Birth Name: Feyren "Faye" Gilreth

  • Age: 44

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor

  • Main Ambition: None expected, but some could recall him saying something about becoming a legend.
  • Phon was nothing more than a respected commoner with an uncanny relationship with the then-active violet order (and some nobility). He resided in an inn with a prolonged contract. That was until he left the city for good. Anyone who contact said inn with his name will be granted his old room.

  • Phon was born in eastern Fendarfelle to Treger and Anna Gilreth, with 2 older siblings, Treger Gilreth Jr. and Mahoney Gilreth. All of which are deceased from various causes.

  • Living a life like his, it wouldn't hard to guess his wish of taking a rest and finally nail himself down.

  • School: Unique to his own
  • Level: Warrior
  • Source: Early bastardization from basic training in his early teenhood led to a total breakaway from any official categories as his skill level progressed, combined with constant adaptation, customization, and streamlining through countless combat scenarios creating something truly unique to him.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Matte Cyan

  • Hair Color: Old man Gray

  • Hair Style: ex-slicked, swept left and right

  • Skin Color: Biege

  • Clothing: Larger, comfortable outfits, favors trench coat. Don't forget the eyepatch.

  • Height: 160cm flat

  • Weight: 56kg

  • Body Build: Compact and Athletic, packing decent horsepower behind his small size.

  • Weapon of Choice: Various, depending on the situation and coolness factor (yes, he really picks a weapon based on how badass it makes him look). But the most matching one would be a pair of Katars. He also likes to gear himself to look cool or "armed to the teeth", thus making it a rather common sight seeing him with 2 or even 3 weapons present on his person, maybe even more.
  • Phon's face is naturally oval shaped, having almond shaped eyes with small irises and sharp nose. His hair reached down to the base of his neck and was swept aside in what used to be a handsome slick style, and a large, imposing scar was dragged diagonally down across his face, as if grazed by a blade. He also has low jawline beard. His overall face however, appears much older than he actually is. His hair was fully grayed out and his wrinkles could compare to those in their mid-late 50s

  • Phon's steady routine of exercise has kept his body amazingly toned and healthy. He possess almost no excessive fat and athletic muscles are spreaded evenly throughout scar-ridden body. He however, has no bulging muscles like most people of strength. The powerhouse is instead hidden in his seemingly compact build, resulting in him being deceptively strong for his size. (think: Muay Thai fighter)

  • He tends to favor casual, slightly baggy tops, having plenty of breathing room for air to pass through. But will switch to a more size-fitting articles in combat. An eyepatch is a signature item on his face, he wouldn't look like him without it. His trademark garb includes a well-sewn jumpsuit of padded leather armor (aptly termed "Under-Armor" by him), it was almost a perfect suit for him as it offers full body protection without restricting his movement too much. It is thrown over by various belts and topped by a brown trench coat to further reinforce his protection and increase his carrying capacity without adding actual bags.

  • On a side note, trench coats are the best thing to ever exist, at least for him.

  • Phon's voice can be described as "spicy" and "hard boiled", retaining the youhtful vigour. But he will often pronounce each words individually, favouring clear pronnunciation over speed. He only appears to understand common, but also shows proficiency in universal sign language.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits
  • Just - Bigoted views and biased judgment just aren't Phon's things. He gained reputation from his investigations on different matters. He strongly believes that true justice must not be connected to personal beliefs. And so this is why he is often seen arguing with guards about how they deal with things and how he think they should. And a reason he took to the vigilante way. While this puts him under the annoying light to the guardsmen, it shone a better light to the common folks. As they are at most times the ones who benefit from his input. Some can also go so far as to believe he is a figure of authority when he's just correct in some arguments.

  • Kind - Actually, Phon is a benevolent guy. He likes to spare coins for the poor and bread for the hungry. Promising people to right their wrong and try to make people happy in general. The sight of grateful smiles on dirty faces bring a sense of joy to him. It's in his nature to help others in need. This also benefits those around him with a casual happiness boost, as they have someone to vent out their problems to, have a little laugh with, mooch a few regals from, and run to when troubles come hounding. It's a win-win situation. He seems like a good guy, almost borderlining abandon selflessness in dire situations.

  • Defiant - The antithesis to domineering and authorative folks, Phon is often seen as an insolent little prick by the higher-ups due to Phon's lack of submissive attitude and constant questioning of their authority. It takes an effort for him to follow orders without hesitation. As he likes to ensure that he is walking down the right path. His lack of respect for his betters also cause a crack between them every so often. He is a lost cause in term of re-education, too old to be bended to a good measures. Of course this sets Phon apart from those indoctrinated to follow orders such as knights or public servants. The nobles and people of high authority are usually irritated when he's around, as they can never get anything done without him constantly sticking his leg out. The most common thing to do would be requesting that he be carried outside as soon as possible.

  • Wacky - Phon had always been identified as a major goofball. Jokes and pranks of various qualities are an abundance with him around. He has a tendency to play his antics whenever he has a chance or an idea of how to do it, no matter how cheap or ridiculous it would be. This can easily make an annoyance out of himself. Some people can also go so far as to denounce him as some crazy dude. But those who seek to irritate their friends will find him a good partner-in-crime. Tagging him on for the pranks, jokes, or the banter (which often costs them a punch or two afterwards).

  • Detached - Phon, despite being kind, dislikes people tying their lives to him. He was born without much responsibility and never want to start weighing himself down. So he tends to be a bit disconnected when someone is in constant need of his aid or try to pull at his loyalty. He simply doesn't care all that much about things, be it good or evil. They don't phase him as much as they do to normal people. This also contributes to his Defiant point as he doesn't like to "officially" join in on any organization and wear their specific color, prefering to hop around at his own discretion. People may have an idea that while he is a good guy they could never really get a grasp on him. Resulting in their confident not being concrete. Maybe less inclined to let him in on some information lest he tell another party about it, or not inside enough. And more a lucky encounter than a reliable protection when they see him when they need help.

  • Wise/Rational - As to be expected from a man who saw the world. Phon is a wise man who has a unique world view. He likes to give advices and share opinions from a different standpoint, as well as taking a professional stance. He could also link his thought to common sense and various factors to form a good critical thinking. This can make people respect him for his capability, or make people be annoyed because he tends to be a smartass at times. This ties to "Just" and "Defiant" points as his arguments can be sound and correct if one actually thinks about it. But he goes about it by slamming it onto the table without asking to give an input. This only leads to mixed impression between authorative and open-minded people. Some want him to pitch in a comment, and some want him removed from the premise.
  • Agility & Speed: Born with an affinity for being quick, Phon's life was set on a specific path. His exercise also further enhanced his speed-based ability and he still retains enough of it for advanced acrobatic maneuvers he want to do. His speed comes off as a huge surprise for someone of his age, able to outmaneuver some of the younger fighters completely. NOTE: While this seems to be a flighty property, in Phon's case it is rather geared to an offensive way.

  • Dynamic: A lifelong experience of combat both with and against various types of fighters and situations, in many forms of combat and weapon usage, ingenuity, and innate talent just for the fray. All these combined to make Phon a formidable and flexible fighter. He may not be as deeply skillful as expert trained fighters, but he makes up for it by being able to wield almost anything he gets his hands on and readily shift his combat to suit any situations.

  • Brave: Despite his stature not being exactly one for the brawl. Phon is actually admirably courageous. He is confident that he had seen all that Aloria had to throw at him and faces everything with high chin and clenched fists. He never backs down from a fight and leaves everything in there. Willing to come back out in a comrade's arms rather than on his own feet.
  • Deceiving Stature: One of a few good things that come with his physical build. He would come off as a small old man in the eyes of most people, his true capabilities only visible through fighting. This makes most of his enemies underestimate him to various degrees according to their ego, they'd think he would be easy to chew up only to find a rock hard piece of work.
  • Size: The bane of Phon's existence, his lack of height brought about much disadvantage. For one, he couldn't be taken seriously, two, he's always at the butt end of short jokes, three, dominating attempts are an abundance, and four, his toughness falls below bigger people. Phon finds it absolutely infuriating. Especially the first and second points.

  • Disregard for safety: Phon seems to hold a certain confidence in immortality or something along that line. As he regularly does things that can be hazardouz to his life and limbs. He can be the one sitting closest to the fight, climbing trees and rooftops without a second thought, or even fight without concern for his own well being. He just throws his life on the line and laugh about it. Coupling with his "Brave" strength and "Kind" personality meaning he would also gladly jump into any danger if it means he could save someone, even a complete stranger.

  • Damaged: As spicy as his dish would be. Phon had suffered numerous combat injuries both intentionally and unintentionally. His spirit may be a fiery one, but his body isn't quite following. It is actually rarely allowed to be fully recovered before he jumped back into action. This stretched his physical limit thin. And more so when the old man is in denial of his degrading performance and keeps on pushing it to meet his past glory. He is more fragile and tiring than he appears but makes no attempt to protect that, more contented to hide it behind his tough image and jump right in there like he used to. It's safe to say that he is tearing himself apart.
Fighting Styles
  • Move Fast Hit Hard: Although Phon is a versatile fighter, he would fall into the category of a Tank Destroyer - possessing higher speed with the cost of protection, but also armed with enough firepower to take on heavily armored opponents. That is to say Phon usually goes into battle with little to no protection (wearing light armor at most) and focuses on being offensive. He moves with his opponents in order to counter their attacks and defenses as well as outmaneuvering them. His lack of defensive equipments is further putting him in a disadvantage coupling with his recklessness. Sometimes even going as far as to intentionally shoving himself into his opponent's sword to show them his superiorty. He outclasses most of the fellow speed based fighter for his power, and is able to tackle heavy fighters with his speed. But his ability falls regrettably ineffective against medium well-rounded fighters, who could both keep up with his speed and power to a level. Thus giving him more trouble than those heavily invested in individual path. This makes him particularly dangerous against Turall bladesmen and Blackmark warriors. The expert in these schools however, still prove to be too much for him to handle.
  • Phon's quirks are his tendency to suck his lips when in pain, and to growl/snarl when he's frustrated. He's also left handed. Along with reports that he possesses an unnatural life-saving luck.

  • Phon's skills come as a package for a wildernaut. He could do some basic cooking, hunting, wound dressing, and survival stuff. A swiss army knife in his own rights. He can also play a Harmonica. The lack of vision from his right eye seems to make no impact on his capability, his body having re-tuned itself to compensate for such loss.

  • His talent has to be the fighting skills. Phon possesses extraordinary combat prowess along with the ability to quickly pick up and adapt new techniques to his experience pool.
  • Investigations: Phon absolutely loves it when there are things that need his attention, time, and resources to spend on. Most of these fall on crime cases that he takes a liking to slowly creep his way towards a culprit, one clue after another. He likes the experience and the event that he does unmask them and have them arrest is always priceless.

  • Rain: A personal liking, Phon loves everything about the rain. From the forewarning weather to the downpour. Nothing gets him happier than sleeping to the sky's lullaby.

  • Talking: While he is often quiet without a reason to talk, Phon will quickly grow more talkative when hit with an interesting topic. He loves discussing different things and share the views from other perspectives. It can be said that he welcomes a good debate.
  • The Golden Willow: Favorite tavern in Regalia and his most common battlefield. Phon enjoyed hanging around the place and took to some late night tampering to hide weapons in the nooks and cranny of the establishment. If something occurs he could virtually arm himself from anywhere in this tavern.
  • His "height": Phon doesn't neccessarily despise his lack of height. But he absolutely hates it when someone points it out in an insulting way. He thinks it wasn't his fault for being short and no one should, of all the other things, make a joke out of that. It will always garuntee an aggravation on him if anyone knows their ways with words.

  • Gambling: Despite having high amount of luck, Phon never does well in gambles for the life of him. He had lost much of his life savings into it and regrets every single second he spent there. Never again.

  • His "reputation": Phon does not like it when some people recognize him as some ruthless vampire hunter. It draws unwanted aggression towards him even though he doesn't have a single idea where they got it from. He isn't ruthless and he isn't even a hunter of any kind to begin with.
Relationships (Optional)

Lithiel Losseniel [Savior] @Lithiel - At first, Phon thought nothing of this young elf and her constant emergency (and even started to get a little tired of it). But found himself in gratitude when she found him when he was hiding away and nursed him back to health.

Anthony Kade [The disappearing Kade] @MrHappyTinkles - Phon was completely bewildered with the man, they envisioned an adventure when Phon newly entered his service, but then the Kade disappeared, without a trace. Phon still wonders where he had gone to.

Tristan Lampero [...How?] @SupremeCripple - At first Phon stood opposite with Tristan, but later the negativity died down and the two became neutral towards each others. It would've stayed like that until Tristan recruited Phon to be a guard intructor for house Lampero just before the rebellion. To this day Phon still wonders how Tristan got through all that had happened in his life. More so how did he manage to tumble through ups and downs like a drunken bear.

Life Story (Required)


On the sleepy morning of September 2nd, 261AC. A family of nomad in Fendarfell outlands saw birth of their third offspring. A boy. Feyren they named him.

Feyren was a bubbly kid, raised playing with other children in the embrace of lush fields and endless blue sky. Life was light and free, there was nothing to worry about.

Then comes when they were old enough. At the age of 7, children of the caravan were put through practice in weapon usage to be the next generation of guards. This training would continue until they grew into teenagers.


Feyren would have been just another boy in the bunch, were it not for his unusually short height. It seems he simply stopped growing in size since age 12 while continuing to develop. But the roving folks were too simple-minded to care. As long as he was doing a good job training, which he was. In fact he seemed more at home wielding a sword than the other boys, even enough to bring a second sword to the spar.

It was also at this age that Feyren developed a wanderlust, he often looked out into the horizon and talked about how the entire world is out there waiting for him. This did not go unnoticed and soon everyone in the caravan knew about it. But they collectively disapproved of his dream, telling him he was not ready. He was ready to toss the thought away until an incident happened. At age 18

A band of bandits attacked the caravan and Feyren's unique fighting style first saw light. He managed to survive through the attack and somehow save his father in process. As the caravan and the men were recovering from the skirmish he saw an opportunity. And Feyren Gilreth barged through with his request- again, to break off and explore the wide world on his own. This time they made no objection considering the shock they were in and the fact that his father, the caravan leader, was spared by his hands. And off he went, walking away into the sunset with his belongings on his back. Aloria welcoming his arrival with cold moonlight.


5 years later. Feyren had completely broken off from his old caravaner ways and turned into a wildernaut, albeit still a rookie one. He was trekking through the woods one day and came across a one-man camping ground. And in the pond nearby was a sight almost surreal for him. A woman, no more than a few years older than him, was taking a bath. And he just stumbled right into her domain. With both sides startled, the woman took the sword that was with her clothes by the bank and rushed at Feyren, who was actively shielding his eyes. After a brief struggle, the little man was able to convince the woman that he was an innocent man and not a creep stalking her, though not before she managed to take a good swing at his face, creating a large diagonal scar across it. She then (reluctantly) spent a while nursing his face back to its functional state as an apology for almost shearing his face off. And in that timespan the Florence Nightingale effect set in, and the woman ended up falling in love with him, persuading him to go with her instead of wandering alone. Feyren was surprised but made no objection, deciding to simply go along with it.

Fast forward 6 years and Feyren was 29. He and that woman, revealed to be named Rosamund, had fully became intertwined as couples. They have gone from the usual Fendarfell forests down into the more airy Ithanian plains, taking up small oddjobs and fighting off numerous bandits along the way. They visited a small town to restock on supplies and were enjoying a good drink in the tavern when an alarm bell suddenly rang. A roving undead horde was closing in. Feyren and Rosamund joined up with the town guards and more able-bodied men to protect the townsfolk. The battle was hard and nothing like Fenton had ever seen, and though the living emerged victorious half the population were slain that night. Rosamund was also fatally wounded. Before she died she revealed to Feyren that she could feel another dying life inside her, a child. And off she went, into the embrace of the veil.

After that, Feyren just...broke. He was locked in shock that he lost both his wife and newly conceived child on the same night. He buried her in a seperated grave from the townsfolk and wrote his name on the gravestone next to her, honoring Rosamund's memories by putting his old life down with her. That was when he decided to change his name and his identity. Feyren Gilreth was lowered down into the grave and now stands Phon Senajan.

He continued to drift on, but rather than taking small jobs just to get by on his own he had turned fully into being a street saint, helping all those who need it, with whatever and however. The globe spun on and time still walks forward. About a decade later, Phon had enrolled in a Nicoloan temple and graduated from it, further honing his skills and combat ingenuity. He moved on and lived a colorful life, temporary joining guards and doing investigative works, being a farmhand, and having to raise swords in the name of justice regularly. He moved on to New Ceardia and somewhat became a base for a few folktales concerning forest spirit or wandering hero. And then when he was about 43, Phon began to think about a retirement plan. Then he heard about Regalia, the metropolis of Ailor kind, and decided that it would be a good idea to try and visit.

Much to his dismay, Phon's mental image of Regalia being all angelic was utterly washed away as he saw the city. Vampires, criminals, injustice. He wanted to change that.

Phon then spent some time working in contingent with the then-active Violet Order to root out criminals and illegal activities until one time. He hit a stump as he found out that a tigran kidnapping he was investigating led to a noble being the culprit. A murder feigned to be self-defense was attempted, but Phon miraculously lived, albeit severely injured. He found himself struck with amnesia when he woke up again, and promptly went out to look for his shattered past as soon as he could walk. He spend almost a year picking up the pieces and putting them back together until he came across a group of Drows recruiting people for the endless battle of Drowda. The purple elves recognized Phon as their old comrade and got him to join them. Phon resided in a Drowda castle for a few months with a rigorous physical treatment/training regime. And soon enough he was out for the void mutated creatures. But that didn't last as Phon's already compromised condition scored him an illness that requires him to be shipped back out in order to recover. He landed in New Ceardia, in an abandoned farmstead outside the city of Mithranna.

Phon then thought again, taking a look around himself and at his age. He then decided to make this place his retirement home, refurnishing it and reviving the wheat field that was left to nature. Taking the farmstead as his 44th birthday gift.

Fate played tricks again and Phon found himself on a ship back to Regalia to a friend's request, despite having no recollection of his time in the isle. Phon was greeted by old friends he could partially recall. He then wrote a letter to house Kade as a joke, but was actually accepted as Anthony Kade's personal butler right before his disappearance. Confused Phon was, then Tristan Lampero got in contact with him, recruiting him into the house guard roster, then the Vultaro rebellion happened. After helping the family escape certain death Phon decided that Regalia is too much trouble for him. And he sailed back to his home in New Ceardia, intending to live the rest of his life in peace.

Months passed and a commotion was heard from the forest not far from his house, Phon went to check what was going on and found that a slave caravan was being raided by the wild bandits. He was going to leave them to slaughter each others before spotting an escaping slave girl being recaptured, then his heroic tendency kicked in. Phon wound up disabling the captors and took the unconscious girl back home, breaking her chains with an axe and cleaning her before going off to alert the city guards.He came back the next morning to greet the girl and inform her that she was freed. He was going to let her walk away but seeing her having "problems" sparked a weird mercy within him. And he decided to let the girl live with him, adopting her as his daughter. Marianne was her name, she said. They were together for many months and life seemed well for the both of them, but then one evening the surviving slavers showed up at his doorstep, demanding the girl be returned to them. Of course Phon objected, and they fought. Phon eventually emerged victorious but once again severely injured. He thought he was surely going to die and exchanged his last words with Marianne before blacking out. And she buried him in a shoddily made grave just behind the farmhouse before leaving. His story would of ended there was it not for his sister following someone to New Ceardia just a month later in her quest of vengeance. She visitted his grave and found that it was empty. The little old man was nowhere to be found.
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Firstly, the personality traits section. You mention how his traits affect himself, though you go into little detail as to how they affect the people around him. Now, I know Phon to be a pretty sociable guy, so I feel like this could be a good thing to focus on in his case especially. Include more detail on the impression he leaves on others close to him as a result of his personality traits.

Secondly, his fighting style mentioned in the weakness. Within the extent of the application, I don't see any detailed mention of what his fighting style is. You say that he's 'small, agile and quick' but to me that just seems like he'd sooner try and escape a situation than be confrontational. To contradict that, you say that his talent is his 'combat skills' and that he's able to pick them up with more fluency - which in itself sounds a little strange to me, but I'll leave you with benefit of the doubt. I want you to go into more emphasis as to why his 'fighting styles' are a weakness, if combat also happens to be his forte. If you choose to remove the fighting styles from his weaknesses, I want you to expand on his known fighting styles within a separate section of the application, with a paragraph to itself.

Thirdly, luck isn't necessarily a strength. At all. If anything, you could replace it with something more substantial that Phon could work on improving as opposed to something that'll only serve as a chuckle for anyone reading his application. A little more seriousness wouldn't hurt.

Moreover, should you choose to keep Phon as combat applicable as he is now, I want to see at least one proper combat weakness that hinders his seemingly versatile fighting that isn't his height. I recall Phon suffering numerous injuries within Regalia alone, many of which could have left badly healed bones or weakened muscles. On some instances he's even fallen or jumped off rooftops. I doubt you'll have trouble settling on one properly hindering weakness for his many fights.

Finally, the life story. I don't even know where to begin on this one, so I'll be blunt. A number of people write their life stories in short lines to convey information without having to make the sentences flow. I'm revoking that privilege for this application, mainly so that you'll actually put a little more seriousness into this character you've maintained for so long. Quite frankly, I refuse to give the life story any proper review until it's presented in a manner that is worth reviewing. I understand that Phon's quirky and wacky nature 'might' in your mind fit this kind of life story best, but keep in mind that I'm taking the time to give your character a proper, thorough review. Please put the effort in to restructure and review the current life story, to write it out properly; because we both know you're capable of doing so. Be sure to include his combat progression.

Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions pertaining to the review here, @Phon_Disapproves !~
Firstly, the personality traits section. You mention how his traits affect himself, though you go into little detail as to how they affect the people around him. Now, I know Phon to be a pretty sociable guy, so I feel like this could be a good thing to focus on in his case especially. Include more detail on the impression he leaves on others close to him as a result of his personality traits.
Added as such
Secondly, his fighting style mentioned in the weakness. Within the extent of the application, I don't see any detailed mention of what his fighting style is. You say that he's 'small, agile and quick' but to me that just seems like he'd sooner try and escape a situation than be confrontational. To contradict that, you say that his talent is his 'combat skills' and that he's able to pick them up with more fluency - which in itself sounds a little strange to me, but I'll leave you with benefit of the doubt. I want you to go into more emphasis as to why his 'fighting styles' are a weakness, if combat also happens to be his forte. If you choose to remove the fighting styles from his weaknesses, I want you to expand on his known fighting styles within a separate section of the application, with a paragraph to itself.

Thirdly, luck isn't necessarily a strength. At all. If anything, you could replace it with something more substantial that Phon could work on improving as opposed to something that'll only serve as a chuckle for anyone reading his application. A little more seriousness wouldn't hurt.

Moreover, should you choose to keep Phon as combat applicable as he is now, I want to see at least one proper combat weakness that hinders his seemingly versatile fighting that isn't his height. I recall Phon suffering numerous injuries within Regalia alone, many of which could have left badly healed bones or weakened muscles. On some instances he's even fallen or jumped off rooftops. I doubt you'll have trouble settling on one properly hindering weakness for his many fights.
Changed "Fighting Style" point into another physical one and explained the styles seperately. Also replace "Luck" with "Brave".
Finally, the life story. I don't even know where to begin on this one, so I'll be blunt. A number of people write their life stories in short lines to convey information without having to make the sentences flow. I'm revoking that privilege for this application, mainly so that you'll actually put a little more seriousness into this character you've maintained for so long. Quite frankly, I refuse to give the life story any proper review until it's presented in a manner that is worth reviewing. I understand that Phon's quirky and wacky nature 'might' in your mind fit this kind of life story best, but keep in mind that I'm taking the time to give your character a proper, thorough review. Please put the effort in to restructure and review the current life story, to write it out properly; because we both know you're capable of doing so. Be sure to include his combat progression.
On a more serious note, that was not the character. That was me trying to retain the constant humor that I used to have when posting something. Nevertheless, you know that I know that you know. And so Phon delivers.
P.S. I was doing life story in that style in accordance to the new template, don't blame me.

All changes are in blue, greenlight for reviewing. @TheBioverse
Raugh... are ye using this char... I want him :P