
The room had been dark for nearly three hours past the rise of the Regalian sun. The Wodenstaff nanny crept into the nursery of one, seeing how the other babes were off elsewhere. In her slumber, the little girl that laid curled up underneath her blankets took no notice of her caretaker until the sudden break of daylight in her room, causing her arm to lift on instinct to protect her eyes. The nanny stood by the window of the room, drawing back the curtains of the nursery in a way to, not only lighten up the tired room, but also the tired three year old. Mathurine whined, rubbing her small fists against her eyes when it finally came to being lifted from the warmth of her sheets, the cooling air having seeped a bit into the room from the glass window during the night.

"Lady Mathurine," said the nanny, her voice thick of an accent that the young child didn't yet know the name of. Her long, white shirt was pulled over her head, causing the little girl to shiver a bit in the few moments she had before she was redressed in a pretty, green dress that bore long, white sleeves to accommodate the weather change. The young noble girl eventually was sat on a stool and the older woman brushed through her short, dark locks of wavy hair as to tame the rat's nest it had become in the night from the girl's twisting and turning.

Within the midst of her tiny flats being tied on her feet, there was a soft rapping of knuckles on the door before a familiar Daen peered into the room. Mathurine had twisted around upon hearing the knocking and at seeing the entering man, she squirmed away from her caretaker and bumbled over to the newcomer with an expression as bright as a candle.

"Papa!" The little girl squealed, giggling even more so once the nobleman had lifted her into his arms wearing a broad smile. The Wodenstaff gave his daughter a small kiss on the cheek in greeting, holding her in a warm embrace and not taking notice that one foot of her's was only socked due to her fleeing from the nanny- said nanny still sitting on her knees with the abandoned flat in hand, taking several moments to pull herself to her feet and curtsy respectfully for the Lord Wodenstaff.

"My little Matty, you've certainly gotten all dressed up today, haven't you?" Lautaro said in a adoring voice, his love for the little girl undeniable. Mathurine nodded her head, a proud smile on her small face, chubby cheeks reddened with joy.

"Her mother is taking her on a walk today, Lord Wodenstaff," the nanny piped up, folding her hand together and bowing her head as she spoke.

"Well I'm glad, I'd like my wife and daughter to be getting out rather than sitting in this boring estate all morning," Lautaro said back as his daughter began tugging on a lock of his hair, much to his disappointment. The conversation came to a stall for a moment when Matty finally tugged far too hard on the wavy lock of her father's hair and caused him to not only flinch but curse quietly- the little girl's mouth forming into an 'o' at the word before she exclaimed:

"Papa, that's a bad word!" Much again, to her father's disappointment, though it did certainly amuse him and perhaps the nanny who seemed to try and stifle a laugh at the tot's outburst. Not long following, the second familiar figure of a woman appeared, gazing into the nursery filled with her daughter, husband, and the nanny. The Half-Ithanian paused before truly greeting anyone with a gentle 'bonjour, loves,' towards her beloved and a nod to the caretaker. Matty outstretched her arms to her mother, who lifted her gracefully from Lautaro's arms and into her own with a loving grin.

"Bonjour, ma petite une," Juliette said before kissing her daughter's forehead and glancing at her husband who placed his own kiss on her cheek. The two held each other's gaze a moment before smiling as Mathurine continued on her chatter, something of a button being in her hair- which was all imagination, they both knew, as her hair was too short to hide anything in it yet.

It didn't take long before peace fell back over the empty nursery. Lautaro had soon excused himself from the room, kissing both his daughter and wife on the cheek before making off to wherever he was needed. Juliette on the other hand had made her way out and fetched a carriage, one bound for Regalia where she intended to take her daughter on a walk at. The nanny was the only one that remained, making the small bed of Mathurine with a content smile, musing to herself quietly about the little girl in her care.

In Regalia, the little girl carried on, her hand enveloped by her mother's. She may have tripped once or twice, but never was she allowed to fall. With the sun rising higher on the Regalian day, Juliette smiled despite her late night nightmares and watched her daughter spin around and around until she eventually tumbled in a fit of laughter. The darling little girl managed to her feet and approached her mother, placing her elbows on the sitting woman's knees and smiling up.

"Mama, I'm hungry," she said finally to Juliette who laughed and stood, lifting her daughter into her arms as she did.

"As am I, come on, ma petite une." With a bright smile, the woman carried off from the park as her daughter held snuggly to her, her eyes eventually closing as the day's adventures took their toll on her. By the time they reached a carriage, the girl was fast asleep.
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The room had been dark for nearly three hours past the rise of the Regalian sun. The Wodenstaff nanny crept into the nursery of one, seeing how the other babes were off elsewhere. In her slumber, the little girl that laid curled up underneath her blankets took no notice of her caretaker until the sudden break of daylight in her room, causing her arm to lift on instinct to protect her eyes. The nanny stood by the window of the room, drawing back the curtains of the nursery in a way to, not only lighten up the tired room, but also the tired three year old. Mathurine whined, rubbing her small fists against her eyes when it finally came to being lifted from the warmth of her sheets, the cooling air having seeped a bit into the room from the glass window during the night.

"Lady Mathurine," said the nanny, her voice thick of an accent that the young child didn't yet know the name of. Her long, white shirt was pulled over her head, causing the little girl to shiver a bit in the few moments she had before she was redressed in a pretty, green dress that bore long, white sleeves to accommodate the weather change. The young noble girl eventually was sat on a stool and the older woman brushed through her short, dark locks of wavy hair as to tame the rat's nest it had become in the night from the girl's twisting and turning.

Within the midst of her tiny flats being tied on her feet, there was a soft rapping of knuckles on the door before a familiar Daen peered into the room. Mathurine had twisted around upon hearing the knocking and at seeing the entering man, she squirmed away from her caretaker and bumbled over to the newcomer with an expression as bright as a candle.

"Papa!" The little girl squealed, giggling even more so once the nobleman had lifted her into his arms wearing a broad smile. The Wodenstaff gave his daughter a small kiss on the cheek in greeting, holding her in a warm embrace and not taking notice that one foot of her's was only socked due to her fleeing from the nanny- said nanny still sitting on her knees with the abandoned flat in hand, taking several moments to pull herself to her feet and curtsy respectfully for the Lord Wodenstaff.

"My little Matty, you've certainly gotten all dressed up today, haven't you?" Lautaro said in a adoring voice, his love for the little girl undeniable. Mathurine nodded her head, a proud smile on her small face, chubby cheeks reddened with joy.

"Her mother is taking her on a walk today, Lord Wodenstaff," the nanny piped up, folding her hand together and bowing her head as she spoke.

"Well I'm glad, I'd like my wife and daughter to be getting out rather than sitting in this boring estate all morning," Lautaro said back as his daughter began tugging on a lock of his hair, much to his disappointment. The conversation came to a stall for a moment when Matty finally tugged far too hard on the wavy lock of her father's hair and caused him to not only flinch but curse quietly- the little girl's mouth forming into an 'o' at the word before she exclaimed:

"Papa, that's a bad word!" Much again, to her father's disappointment, though it did certainly amuse him and perhaps the nanny who seemed to try and stifle a laugh at the tot's outburst. Not long following, the second familiar figure of a woman appeared, gazing into the nursery filled with her daughter, husband, and the nanny. The Half-Ithanian paused before truly greeting anyone with a gentle 'bonjour, loves,' towards her beloved and a nod to the caretaker. Matty outstretched her arms to her mother, who lifted her gracefully from Lautaro's arms and into her own with a loving grin.

"Bonjour, ma petite une," Juliette said before kissing her daughter's forehead and glancing at her husband who placed his own kiss on her cheek. The two held each other's gaze a moment before smiling as Mathurine continued on her chatter, something of a button being in her hair- which was all imagination, they both knew, as her hair was too short to hide anything in it yet.

It didn't take long before peace fell back over the empty nursery. Lautaro had soon excused himself from the room, kissing both his daughter and wife on the cheek before making off to wherever he was needed. Juliette on the other hand had made her way out and fetched a carriage, one bound for Regalia where she intended to take her daughter on a walk at. The nanny was the only one that remained, making the small bed of Mathurine with a content smile, musing to herself quietly about the little girl in her care.

In Regalia, the little girl carried on, her hand enveloped by her mother's. She may have tripped once or twice, but never was she allowed to fall. With the sun rising higher on the Regalian day, Juliette smiled despite her late night nightmares and watched her daughter spin around and around until she eventually tumbled in a fit of laughter. The darling little girl managed to her feet and approached her mother, placing her elbows on the sitting woman's knees and smiling up.

"Mama, I'm hungry," she said finally to Juliette who laughed and stood, lifting her daughter into her arms as she did.

"As am I, come on, ma petite une." With a bright smile, the woman carried off from the park as her daughter held snuggly to her, her eyes eventually closing as the day's adventures took their toll on her. By the time they reached a carriage, the girl was fast asleep.
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not gonna lie the last sentence makes me think that mathurine is gonna die in some freak accident