Petite Fille



(*Disclaimer* This is a lore story about one of my characters being under the influence of the Curls of death vampire mutation.)


The aged wooden floorboards creaked as the wind and storm outside moved the poorly built old town house. A musky smell of damp mould and blood lingered in the air and invaded the noses of whomever stepped into the abode. The whole structure of the home rattled and shook as thunder rumbled in the horizon.

Claudia remained curled up upon the rug in her room, the only light source coming from an ember of a candle soon to burn out. She shivered and wrapped her arms around her head, fresh bite wounds were dotted upon her forearms and neck, clotting a dark maroon. Her dark brunette locks stuck to her bare shoulders, as the young girl shuddered in a cold sweat, bunching her palms at her dress.

"Petite Fille.."

Words came from an intruder to the room, a middle-aged looking woman, sporting luscious golden blonde hair curling down her shoulders, styled with an almost obsessive precision. The sound of her footsteps grew nearer and nearer to Claudia, to the point where she felt a light kick to her side, receiving a soft whine from the laying girl.

"You are almost as useless as my son. But you have some uses." The woman uttered in a blank and unforgiving tone, grabbing the young girls chin and forcing her to look at her.

"G-Grandmother." Claudia fumbled for words, a fearful gaze was sent back to the woman. Attempting to turn her head away from the vice-like grip to her chin. Scrambling to sit up as the woman moved to drop down onto one knee, staring at her younger counterpart. The woman maintained a firm stare at the girls features, which seemed to just draw the girls attention to her. Though sent a cold chill down her spine, almost as if she could see right through her.

Then the screams began to flood her mind, at first it was quiet, like it was happening from outside.

"Claud! Help me! NO!" The screams of her adolescent brother rattled around her head.

"N-No Grand-mère please, don't..Please." The brunette whined, bringing her palms to squeeze against her ears, just hoping and praying it would muffle the sounds, albeit it just seemed to infuriate the woman playing tricks, earning a scoff in response. Shaking her head back and forth, her hair falling unruly down her front. "I-If you're hungry just do it. I won't fight."

"CLAUDIA!" A bittersweet yell from her former lover, was loud and booming, sounds of pain and anguish in his voice flooded her senses, causing her to thrash and kick out her legs towards the woman kneeled beside her.

"Stop Grand-mère! Please." She whined, her eyes squeezing shut and she curled up upon the floor after finally breaking the grip from her chin. Convulsing in pained wheezes, shaking her head side to side, hitting her palms against her ears in futile attempts to stop the mind-trickery.

"Claudia, you have an obligation to me, I gave you the gift of vampirism, it is in your debt to fulfil my wishes. Petite File. Don't. Forget." The older woman snarled in a venomous voice, no remorse, no kindness, just a painfully clear hatred layering in her tone. " Repeat what I just said, girl."

"I..I won't forget Grand-mère "
