Preserved Sheet Peter Sieger Winslough

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Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
House Norinn
Peter Sieger Winslough

Guy of Gisborne.jpg
Basic Information:

  • Full Name: Peter Sieger Winslough "The Brisk Knight".
  • Age: 25.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: New Regalian Ailor.
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Skill Information:

Skill Proficiency: 24 (-10 into School, +5 into Culture).
  • +20 Longsword (+10 from Viridian, +10 from Points)
  • +10 Large Shield (+10 from Viridian)
  • +10 Horse Riding (+10 from Viridian)
  • +5 Battle Command (+5 from Points)
  • +5 General Command (+5 from New-Regalian)
Culture Proficiency: 24.
  • +10 Stage Performance (+10 From Culture Points)
  • +10 Carving (+10 from Culture Points)
  • +4 Smithing (+4 from Culture Points)
  • Alt-Regalian (Fluent)
  • Common (Fluent)
  • Skodje (Learning)

Visual Information:
  • Eye Color: Vibrant Green.
  • Hair Color: Raven Black.
  • Hair Style: Messy.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Usually wealthier clothing representing the colours of his House. Or Viridian clothing, including armour.
  • Height: 5'11.
  • Body Build: Ripped. FalconThreadStuff.jpg
Personality and Abilities:

  • Perceived by others: Peter is often conflicted. He has certain days where he feels the need to show dominance, and others that he wishes to humble himself. He is often influenced greatly by those around him, particularly family and close friends. Peter is rarely found light-hearted and a joy to be around. Though on occasion, and usually in a more private setting with those he trusts, he can show a more cheerful side.
  • Feelings: Peter is often quite moody. He can sometimes appear as unpredictable, and conflicted. Peter truly wishes to support his family and friends, and raise the overall status of his House. He desires power, authority, and respect.
  • Friends and Family: Peter will often remain similar when in public as he would with strangers with family and close friends. It's at comfortable home that Peter truly starts to open up. He also favours some family members over others. And this is no secret to most of them.
  • Morality: Peter is not exactly the ideal Viridian Knight. His morals are mixed. It is often that he will do whatever he can to reach the top of the ladder, despite whether it appears right or wrong to do such.
Life Story:

Early Life (0-12)
  • Peter Sieger Winslough was born to Dorothye and Leopold II Winslough on June 24th, 282 AC.
  • Eleven months after birth, Peter said his first word. That being "T'ee."
  • At age four, Peter had already taken an interest to sword-fighting, and had begun playing with the other squires and stableboys around Habichtsburg. Along with this, he was starting to be taught the history of Aloria, but especially of Ostlaukirchen, Hinter Calem, and the Old Wirtemcaller Kingdom. He also was assigned a tutor from Drixagh, and began learning Skodje.
  • At age ten, Peter had to say goodbye to his parents, friends, and other family members, as he was sent to the Viridian Castle. From here, he would train to become a Viridian Knight for ten years.
  • When Peter was twelve, he was well adjusting to the Viridian Castle, and finally coming out of his shell. He won his first spar against an older page.
Teen years (13-19)
  • Peter remained in the Viridian Castle, occasionally going on missions with his fellow Viridians around the Archipelago.
Adult Life - Present (20-Present)
  • At age 20, Peter graduates from the Viridian Castle as a Paladin. He then returns to Habichtsburg.
  • At age 23, Peter takes part in the Battle of Curag Fields alongside fellow Viridians.
  • At age 24, Peter moves to the Capital with his parents, and other family members. His father had become the Nobleman of Ostlaukirchen, and Peter the heir to all titles and holds.
  • With his father receiving a Writ of Sin and retreating to retire back in Habichtsburg, Peter is left with the responsibility of leading House Winslough in the capital, and becomes the Nobleman of Ostlaukirchen.
  • Peter Winslough becomes the Grand Duke of Ostlaukirchen, and possesses the largest House Guard in the Capital.
  • Within the most recent times, Peter is put under a lot of pressure with much hate against his House, and a possibility of war. Along with the permanent suspension of his House Guard. Peter pledges himself under Grand Revain Rodderick Howlester in order to maintain peace.
  • Upon being ejected from nobility, Peter returned to Habichtsburg.
  • At age 25, Peter rallies supporters and returns to Regalia.
  • Peter Winslough is accused of treason after returning to Regalia with a band of armed supporters. He is arrested twice, the first time released by the Foreign Legion. The second he knew his fate, he knew he was to be put to death. With his sister having been flayed to death earlier that day, Peter was emotionally defeated. He decided to make a final act of defiance against the State Council. With the help of Narvae, one of his most trusted followers, Peter Winslough plunges a knife into his lower torso, ending his own life.
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I would claim this for review, but I'm incredibly unclear on whether or not this character is played anymore given the Noble update. Please let me know and I'll either review or reject based on your response.
I finished this a few hours before I was notified of the ejection. Peter will still be played in the future likely. Though he is currently shelved for the time being.

Alright, for the time being I'll reject the sheet on account of this being a shelved character. Please tag me again when/if Peter returns to being a played character.
Any character updates/changes?
Peter Winslough had a birthday and is now 25 years old. I upped his prof in Battle Command from +4 to +5. Other than that I just added a sentence to his life story.

Added a paragraph to his Life Story. Peter Winslough now being dead.

In that case the sheet is rejected.