Archived Permission For Faction Builders To Gain Access To World Edit Commands

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Nov 30, 2015
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Hi everyone, as a builder in a faction, I encountered some difficulties trying to break tones and tones of blocks.

I was planning to build a manor on a hill but the hill top wasn't so flat. So I began breaking the blocks. Time passed, it was taking ages. So decided to see if the sever had the world edit plugin. It did.
I typed in
and it said something like, Are you on the right mode?

But only if I could gain the access to that plugin, it would definitely provide convenience for builders like me and it will also save time.

Here are the possible advantages of allowing builders to have access to the plugin.
- Economical time management
- Convenient when building large structures

And there are probably way much more that I could not think of.

Please write comments and opinions about this idea. If you agree with this plugin becoming initialized, please help me getting this demand accepted!
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Hello there,

as fellow builder, that built a lot of structures in the survival worlds myself I can understand how tempting the use of WE sounds. No longer hours of mining work, no more falling to death from a giant pillar while trying to fix a part of the roof that was somehow messed up, no longer looking for clay and other valuable mats. Brushes that take care of the detail work and no longer you have to build these damned custom trees by hand, only to see later that they somehow look strange ......

But unfortunately we will never add WorldEdit to our survival worlds. Next to loads of reasons regarding plugin abuse, etc. there is one simple truth. They are survival worlds.

In the survival worlds we want you to create something amazing with your friends, be it a cute little hamlet, a mighty fortress or even an empire. We want you guys to be able to say, "See, that's what we built with our own hands" while standing on top of your first class ship of the line. We want to see how you guys knock our socks off with all these amazing builds that litter MassiveCraft's survival worlds.

And even if you can't use WE, there are a couple tips that make building in general much easier. First off, we have our own creative universe, where you can use WE and design your builds before actually building them in the worlds. Also always build with your friends, there is nothing more fun than hanging out on Ts while working on your next big project. And last but not least, use traits. Be it fallimmune or haste, they can be extremely helpful.

I know what I said just now sounds rather optimistic, especially when you just started out here on MassiveCraft. But believe me
there are builds in all our worlds that will make your jaw drop when you see them, and all of them were built in survival.

Good luck on your future building endeavours. Locking.
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