

[Irrespective of the story this is a stunning performance to listen to.]

I do not have answers for those wishing to know: how, why, what happened in the space of those fifteen minutes. I do not think you will find any peace in knowing, so, please… do not ask. It will not alter how it happened; what is done, is done and nothing will change that. Knowing remains reserved for those that were there, it is now their story to tell, to mould as they see fit… The truth is that it does not matter what happened, this was not my story...

It is the story of another child who will grow up without her father, perhaps another man will take his place, perhaps she'll never open the letter on her nineteenth birthday…

It is the story of a fiance who only received one ring, the other being buried at the back of a desk that will no doubt take years to eventually find the strength to open. It is a story of promises unfulfilled, plans forgotten and tears shed.

It is the story of a voice that has now fallen silent, though his words still echo now and again, on the pages of journals, in the back of the heads of those that still remember how he was. Perhaps they'll take on some of what he'd said, perhaps they'll forget him in time. Reminded by the little things in life until one day. Nobody remembers at all.

Perhaps… it is another story entirely, a story that I will never know... Perhaps I got it all wrong. It is your story, perhaps it has always been your story.


-=-OOC Section-=-
And so, Thelamir's chapter closed. No heroics send-off, no planning, no coming back.
I want to thank anyone and everyone that roleplayed with this character in the time he was around, no matter how brief or long our encounters had been., You've all been wonderful, shaping him and Regalia around us. I hope you're not too upset about this all, and if you are then know that I am glad that I did you justice with a character you could believe in. I hope that you gain from it.

It's not easy saying goodbye, but sometimes you have to...
A special thanks to Rez, for all the trouble I've put him through <3

There is also a will on his app for those that might be mentioned but unaware of it.
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Thel was a beloved character & I'm thankful that every single interaction I had with him was a fun one, great job Phoenix.