Preserved Sheet Perci Piérette

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
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~ Perci Piérette ~
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ugly boy
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Perci Piérette

  • Age: 31

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ithanian Ailor

  • Preferred Weapon: Iron Knuckles
Skill Information

  • Total Points: 36
    • Stealth Rogue Skill: 8

    • Burgling Rogue Skill: 6

    • Theatre Arts Skill: 7

    • Unarmed Combat Skill: 15
  • Body Shape:
    • Physical Stat: (1* 10 unarmed combat): 10

    • Body Shape: Athletic

    • Body Fat: Average
  • Languages
    • Common

    • Ithanian
  • Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
    • Werebeast: Scorrico Soul-Line
      • Mutations
        • Crawl the World

        • Stingers for All

        • Webbing Spray

        • Chrysal Stasis
  • Perci's position in regalia is that of a sort of gangster/criminal, but also as a survivor from inheritance and a caretaker. He's in Regalia because he enjoys some of the societal liberties that men are given in Regalia when compared to Ithania. He is also in Regalia because his family migrated there and lived there for a brief time before their slaughter. Perci currently lives off of inheritance and what little he can muster from his crime ordeals. Sometimes he picks up odd jobs for money. He currently lives in a sizable house with his great grandmother.
  • Perci was brought up practically as a servant to his family. He was the only boy in his household of 4 generations, and treated as though he was worthless. He had no siblings until Quincy joined the household, who he despised greatly. Quincy was very fond of Perci but Perci really didn't like Quincy and found him very annoying. Perci was born in Ithania, shortly after his father died.
  • Perci has a secondary ambition to give his great grandmother a nice birthday party, for each birthday could be her last. He also wishes to find a girlfriend by the time his great grandmother dies, and to make his great uncle respect him.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Silver

  • Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

  • Hair Style: Wavy, all about head

  • Skin Color: Slightly tanned

  • Clothing: A leather coat with red embroidery and shoulder pads, black pants

  • Height: 6 feet
  • Perci has a very square jaw and aggressive facial expression. His head is very square, coming to quite a halt when his jaw comes into play, ending in a pointed chin. Though, the top of his head is rather round. He has high but wide cheek bones, along with fairly slim eyes. Although his eyes can widely vary in size based on his emotion. He has no facial abnormalities but he has wavy and dirty-blond hair, with bands tucked over, fairly short everywhere else. He also has the typical scorrico canine teeth.
  • Perci's body shape is also fairly square. He has a high shoulder-line that cuts at a sharp angle. His body then begins to become lanky, the further down you go. His waste then jots back out, leading into a strong pair of legs. He has barely any body hair, and no major body abnormalities. He has little body fat, but he also doesn't have much visible muscle.
  • Perci is always wearing his large leather coat. It's rather tanned with built-in shoulder pads, which are responsible for his sharp frame. This coat is also fairly big and stretched out, with several rips from Perci's werebeast transformations. He is also often seen wearing a nice yellow belt.
  • Perci has two distinct voices. In the sewers and with friends, he often speaks with a hint of blasphemy and wrath. Though, he has a soft speaking pattern when around his great grandmother and when in fear. Imagine a masculine male antagonist dub from an anime. He has an inflection of confidence in everything he says.

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In werebeast form, Perci gains a preying mantis head. This head has large red eyes that appear to bulge. His skin (above the upper arm) turns to a green color, This line stops right below his pectoralis major on his chest. The transformed parts gain a plate-like texture and his stature changes slightly. His upper body becomes a bit more muscular along with his arms.

Personality Information - Question List

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Perci expresses happiness and contentedness by getting his friends a round of drinks, wasting the evening away in a series of drunken escapades and charades.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Perci would respond to fear by hiding behind a group of his friends and by working together to fight back. If he is alone, he will run away from fear about half of the time. The other half of the time (which is often when he is less sober), he will respond with violent retaliation and brute force.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Perci responds to immense stress by attempting to convince himself that the stress doesn't exist, often confiding in his friends with questions like, "I shouldn't by worried about x, right?" If this doesn't work, he will often try to forget his fear and drink away his worry until it hopefully subsides.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Perci believes that the legal system is far too convoluted. He has been entangled in the differences between Ithanian and Regalian court, and finds no need for such a complicated system. He also notes the sort of "justice" that can be found even in anarchy, like thieve's honor.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Perci feels that other races are all decent, but that some stereotypes are true. Though, he also believes that someone can overcome stereotypes through enough work, so you can't really judge someone immediately.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Perci is quite ignorant to most religion. This is due to the fact that he was raised as a strict unionist, and isn't even aware of the religious implications of his affliction. He blindly worships unionism and is barely aware that other religions exist. Though, he isn't the best Unionist, and often couldn't cite a lot of Unionist principles, thus his affection for magic.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Perci doesn't understand most of the magical and arcane aspects of the world. But, he sees them as gifts, a little contrary to his unionist side. He can't quite tell what is so wrong with magic, and thus believes that the most of regalia is a bit wrong in their opinion of magic.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Perci hates his most of his family. Most of his family members are dead except for his great grandmother, who he actually likes. He despises everyone else in his family for forcing Perci into the Ithanian role of a male. So, if a member of his family is even mentioned, he reacts negatively and attempts to change the topic of conversation.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Perci is most proud of his potential. He feels that without the oppressive power that was his parents, he can achieve anything, especially with his werebeast affliction. He feels that his beastism's negatives are far outweighed by the immense abilities that the Scorrico soul line gives him.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Perci is motivated by the idea of success. He feels that he can gain so much wealth, fortune, and power if he applies himself. Whether he does this through criminal means or gang conduct, he feels he can succeed. This is increased by his disdain of his family, who believed he would be nothing more than a lowly soldier or manual laborer.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Perci's biggest insecurity is his love for his great grandmother. He's seen the people of the sewers and how easily they lose everything, and he worries that one day, his antics will jeopardize the one person who has been there for him throughout his life.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Perci is afraid of loneliness and dying alone. He knows that his grandmother is going to pass soon, and that he alone is weak. So, he hopes that he can find people to protect him and stand with him by the time he does wind up alone.

  • Knees ~ Perci has bad knees. He was forced to crawl in small places to clean attics at a young age, and his knees never grew very strong. Thus, he has incredibly difficultly crawling and running for long distances. He will feel incredible knee pain that won't cease until he rests for a good night's sleep.
  • Wallet ~ Perci has a metaphorical hole in his pocket, especially for luxury items. He is willing to spend as much family money as he wants on wines, furniture, cheese, and other items that nobility commonly buys. He realizes that he can't even eat these things, but their age will increase his wealth in the long run, and he enjoys owning nice things.

  • Perci tends to talk back to himself. If he asks a blatant question, he will often answer what he thinks the answer is under his breath and then retort himself with a question of his own. One example is if he asked his boss, "do you want me to move these crates?" But then he would immediately respond, "of course you want me to move these crates, why wouldn't you want me to remove these crates?"
  • Perci will mess with his fingernails when he is board or annoyed with someone's obviousness.
Extra Skills

  • Perci has a skill for writing poems. He likes poetry, especially ithanian poetry, but he isn't an amazing poet himself. He tries to write a poem every now and then and sometimes places it in random places for passerby to see. He never really gets reactions to his poems but he is always trying to improve. He likes finding books of poems and historical poems in book shops and has a hidden closet for poetry. He often worried that other crooks will find out about his hobby and think less of him for it. He gained his knowledge of poetry from the classes he had in Ithania, which were the only places he could truly express himself without his parents caring. He sees it as an escapism.
  • Sandwichs Jambons Buerres ~ Perci likes these classic Ithanian sandwiches, however hard they are to come across. And when he can eat them... Of course.
  • Poetry ~ explained above
  • Shiny things ~ Perci enjoys shiny jewelry and furnishing items he can place around the house and adorn his grandmother with. He becomes giddy when I'm possession of nice jewelry and when seeing his Grandmother adorned. He also becomes happy when he is buying or stealing shiny things.
  • Fish ~ Perci hates everything about fish. He hates the smell if fish, the taste of fish. He hates seeing and feeling fish. They are offensive to every sense he has. He even hates the idea of things living below the water and thus doesn't enjoy freshwater swimming. He thinks if fish are so great, why don't they come up here on the land and take us on. This worries him when he sees a maiar...
  • When others eat around him ~ The thing Perci hates the most about being a werebeast is that he's lost his ability to eat. He misses the sweet sensation of food and likes it far more than consuming someone's soul energy. He gains a slow temper as others eat around him and it will slowly diminish his attitude the longer he stays around those who are eating.
  • Slavery ~ Perci is well aware of the prevalence of slavery in aloria. His family never had any varran slaves, but he often found parallels between the work he did and the work that other family's slaves did. He hates his housework and couldn't even being trapped in it for his entire life, so he grew to despise the notion of slavery.

  • Arrière grand-mère ~ Perci loves his great grandma. She has been there for him since the beginning.
  • Grand Oncle ~ Perci's great uncle is more of a business acquaintance than family member. His uncle owns a small shipping business, but Perci only really comes to him for loans and for the rare emotional guidance.

Life Story

  • Childhood (1-12)

  • Perci was born in Ithania, 2 months after his father died, drowning after a naval accident. He was left the only boy in a house of 8 other women (his mother, 3 aunts, 2 grandmothers, a great aunt, and a great grandmother). He was raised as a traditional Ithanian boy, dolled up every evening and strut about by his family. He went to the average school, even though his family was in the upper-middle class. He often had to clean up after his family's drunken escapades and wild parties, that he was not permitted to go to. The only one who would often help him was his great grandmother, Piérette, who was disgusted by Ithanian culture, being raised in Regalia.
  • At age 11, Perci's great uncle came to town, and elected to take Perci back to Regalia for a few months. Perci was overjoyed on the trip. He was able to dress how he wished. He didn't have 8 other people to clean up after, just him and his great uncle. He was able to go into the street and wrestle with the other boys, playing rough sports and getting into friendly brawls. It took a good bit of convincing to ship Perci back to Ithania, where he would lose all of these privileges.
  • Adolescence (12-20)
    • Perci grew to despise his family in Ithania, considering running off on multiple occasions. He hated all of the privileges he lost, for he enjoyed being brutish and staying out all night. His disdain was reflected in his general attitude and his grades, which began to slip. In response, Perci's family opted to get him another sibling, a boy, to bring him back on the Ithanian track. Thus, Quinze, a boy of 12, joined the family.
    • Perci hated Quinze. The two were forced by Perci's family to sleep in the same bed every night. Quinze had a dire affection for Perci, often staying up late to simply stare at Perci. He knew what had to be done.

    • A year after Quinze arrived, Perci packed all of his belongings and left. He fled to Regalia, using his great uncle's contacts to get him to his great uncle's house, where he stayed for a few days before the entirety of his family flocked to Regalia to find him.

    • The trip to Regalia changed Perci's family. They realized that they would be an entire social class higher in Regalia, due to the smaller amount of tax, and decided to stay in Regalia.
    • The entire family moved, they all decided to go out for dinner to celebrate the new house and style of living they would soon be joining. The entire family (aside from Perci's great grandmother, who was sick) waltzed down the road, all dressed up for dinner. At the time, two werebeasts were quarreling in the district. A Scorrico and Utherenn were fighting over control of the few blocks, and decided to engage in combat the very moment that Perci's entire family was walking by. Every one of Perci's family was killed that evening, as vicious and bloody combat ensued for about a half hour. His great grandmother survived because she stayed home. Perci survived by a thread, awaking only to see a Scorrico beast lording over his body, slowly feeding on him.
  • Early Adulthood (20-Present)
    • Perci wasn't very impacted by the death of his entire family. He was given an almost payed-for house to share with his great-grandmother, who he loved dearly. He had a plethora of dark rooms to live in while undergoing transformation, and his great-grandmother was too disillusioned with her Ithanian drama to notice any change in Perci.
    • Perci really enjoyed being a Scorrico. He wasn't sure what he was, until he started venturing to the sewers and about the slums, he figured out he was a werebeast. He loved this idea. Not only were his parents no longer able to hold him back, but he had a slew of new powers. He could do whatever he wanted, become rich, grow power. He pondered all of these things until the food ran out. The house wasn't completely paid off, funds slowly started dwindling. Perci began to realize that he would have to use his powers if he was to keep up a decent way of life, and keep his great grandmother happy.
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Last edited:
@Jonificus changed proficiency to replace squad tactic skill with theatre arts skill and bumped down unarmed combat.