Archived People Who Die Then Void It...

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The Dark Wolf
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
The Fields of Elysium
Roleplay Guilds
Ok I think I posted this in the right Area ima total forum noob lol.

So recently I've Seen Tons Of Roleplayers in Roleplay fights and the Instigator dies or even when They chose for there char to die there will be 5 People who see the roleplay fight and deaths and then a few days later they Decide they Miss There Character and Unstead of coming back as undead or something they decide they rather just say it never Happened they "Void" The Whole roleplay Wich is fine when its like 2 People but when You have a Larger roleplay with. 5+ People in it it can change the whole roleplay for everybody else by them Voiding it other people coulda died or hurt but instead of sticking with the Roleplay they already chose to use they end up Voiding it Ruining it for others. So I think there should be a Void Rule put it place Maybe not like you can't Void it but you need Perms from all he people there or you have to Redo the roleplay or something to stop all this. please Post a Comment of your thoughts
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And I screwed up to forum page title lol.. Supposed to say "Should people be able to void a roleplay Deaths becuase they miss there char"
Well Like this Fighht the other day 2 dudes was fighting I slashed my sword at one dude and the other took the hit and died. then few days later voided the Rp that they died But that would have Affected the Attack on the other and result of the fight
People can't just void it... without both party's consent, as long as no god rp or anything of the such was involved.
I look at it as this. If your character dies you obviously le it happen, you were the reason it happened at the least. So unless there was god RP or meta gaming it can't be voided.
Unless it reeeaaalllyyy needs to be voided, or makes no sense (Like... you were eaten by a T.rex inte middle of regalia) then it shouldn't be voided.
Unless it reeeaaalllyyy needs to be voided, or makes no sense (Like... you were eaten by a T.rex inte middle of regalia) then it shouldn't be voided.
Regalian t-rexes become a bigger and bigger problem each day. RIP all those who have suffered as a result.
I believe important deaths that involve/affect relatively large gatherings can be voided if approved/seen fit.
So you mean that only important or well known roleplayers could void their character's death, if approved? Well, that would be discrimination to the unfamous characters and the characters that still have to grow.

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
Not what I ment it as. Nobody Not Well Known not Noob roleplays niether or should be able to just Scream (Voided)!!! if they do not like the Outcome of the fight of they where losing and getting Ingured Or Killed. Personally I think they either need to ask the other Roleplayers if its fine with them to void it Or Just Deal with what happened. Sadly I see A lot of Roleplayers just scream (Voided) then Either Tp or a Run away from the Conflict before anybody has a chance to speak. If you where Badly Hurt or Killed you either LET it happen or Intigated the fight. Either way it be your Fault and you should not be able to Just scream (voided) then run for it
As long as it wasn't God Rp , MetaGaming , or power gaming then you shouldn't just be able to Void it out becuase you don't care for the outcome.
So you mean that only important or well known roleplayers could void their character's death, if approved? Well, that would be discrimination to the unfamous characters and the characters that still have to grow.

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
I meant it in more terms of if the character has impacted on people in a way important to them with the deaths. I'll give a bunch of examples;
  1. A character kills four people before taking his own life. The after-effects of this would be great as not only have four lives ended, everyone present or dependent on the five dead would be greatly changed. This being voided would be a lot of effort to change and might not be allowed to be voided.
  2. A lonely character quietly takes their own life. The after-effects of this can be rationalised easily (e.g. it was faked for debt evasion or something), and the character hasn't affected things too much with their death, so it would be easier to void.
  3. A character is killed due to injury by another player. This can be voided if both parties agree to it and haven't made too much of a fuss about it already. This could be rationalised with a "Well, he /looked/ dead, I didn't really check" sort of thing.
  4. A character is decapitated by another player/ This is similar to above but the logistics would have to be worked out a little more, as you can't really think someone's still alive after giving them a more-than-haircut. Body doubles would work but I think such rights would be reserved to richer, more important folk to rationalise that excuse. Maybe long-lost twin but again, unlikely.
  5. A character is killed by the guards. I'm not sure how the guards go about things but I presume most kills made by guards are pretty important and might not be as easy to put off. If they have reason to kill you then it's common courtesy to take the punishment your character deserves, be that death, imprisonment or exile.
  6. A character is torn to shreds by a upyr/avarr/demon et cetera. There is no way to void this sort of death except voiding the whole event anyways, and even then to annoy one of these will probably lead to death so you'd probably need to void everything from the point you ticked them off. This would affect a lot of roleplay so I doubt it would be valid.
  7. A character kamikaze-attacks someone. The voiding of this would take a little bit of work depending on the importance (as in, class system and popularity) of the characters involved- if you're both nobodies then easy, if it's a well-known person and a noble, for example, it's going to be very hard to completely void the event.
This is mainly speculation but as I've seen and heard about quite a few deaths I think I've done a decent job summing it up.
Of course, someone more informed could probably elaborate further if willing.
If everyone agrees and there is a good "solution" it could be voided.
If someone just randomly tried to kill me in the golden willow, and i then had to make a whole new character. I would get really pissed.
The solution is simple,
if it was a approved character then state on the character page that the character died (+ evidence, aka screenshots of the relevant chat parts.).
if it was not a approved character then treat the one still playing the character as god rper.

If a person lets their RP character die then that is final, normal characters can´t kill your character without your permission (which means you can avoid death in most situations). Altough there are some exception, guards for example can kill without permission.

Oh and in case of T-Rex attacks just go afk, they only react to movements.
Like other day a dude attacked a "Vampire" girl no evidence of the Vampirism just attacked her i saw him attack this girl and stepped in becuase he made her hit her head and black out. I ended up Fighting Him after a bit he face planted and I tried to stab his back since he instigated a fight with no proof of her bieng a vampire he then didnt like I was gunna hurt him and not the "Vampire" He then said (Im Voidin this) and logged off in rage...stuff like that shouldn't be allowed in my opinion
Him just attacking her with no evidence also sounds like Meta-Gaming
When he made her hit her head was this actions he did that led to this happening to her or did he actually type in that she hit her head. If yes then that's also Power-Gaming...
I think that voiding DEATH is perfectly fine, so long as it isn't a dead with their approval and/or staff roleplay involved. Voiding what lead to their 'death' I think should be against the rules, but you never know, they COULD end up being saved by a passing/friendly light mage using healing magic, even if stabbed in the chest (ok, maybe pushing it, but what if the sword missed vitals?). That said, the events leading to death shouldn't be voidable, only the actual death itself.
If someone is avoiding roleplay death by trying to void it, please contact lore/roleplay staff. We'll review the situation and deem whether the death should be voided, but in almost all cases, it won't be. Screenshots, ass nray said, would be ideal.
Like other day a dude attacked a "Vampire" girl no evidence of the Vampirism just attacked her i saw him attack this girl and stepped in becuase he made her hit her head and black out. I ended up Fighting Him after a bit he face planted and I tried to stab his back since he instigated a fight with no proof of her bieng a vampire he then didnt like I was gunna hurt him and not the "Vampire" He then said (Im Voidin this) and logged off in rage...stuff like that shouldn't be allowed in my opinion
Vampires have a tendency to have red eyes... I only approach them about this trait when I know in an IC sense that there is good lighting and the eyes are a more vibrant shade, if it was night out and he claims he saw her eyes instantly then I would understand him attacking her for no reason.
Vampires have a tendency to have red eyes... I only approach them about this trait when I know in an IC sense that there is good lighting and the eyes are a more vibrant shade, if it was night out and he claims he saw her eyes instantly then I would understand him attacking her for no reason.
I wanna say It was Night when he Pushed her and she didnt Attack anybody or Instigate any Fight just saw her eyes and attacked her I saw him Push her off the willow tree and Then Fought em And He said "You Dont Have Kill perms On me Since vampires are auto Kill" Meenwhile Passerby Sent the Link for the Forum death etiquette page he read it and said it didnt know what it was talking bout then "Im voiding this!)" then he left..
I wanna say It was Night when he Pushed her and she didnt Attack anybody or Instigate any Fight just saw her eyes and attacked her I saw him Push her off the willow tree and Then Fought em And He said "You Dont Have Kill perms On me Since vampires are auto Kill" Meenwhile Passerby Sent the Link for the Forum death etiquette page he read it and said it didnt know what it was talking bout then "Im voiding this!)" then he left..
Vampires still hold their character's death rights outside the presence of guards. Vampires can as well kill anyone that instigates on them, I personally don't waste my time with it and just say anyone can kill my characters if they can successfully do it, people don't need my perms, as long as they have some decent IC reason to do it.
I'll use an example, Player X started abar fight with escalated quickly to the use of swords as he drew poison dippedcross bolts and started shooting people he was quickly surrounded and cut down in theory however her logged off abusing us and calling the lot of us "god roleplayers" and then attempted to void the entire situation
I wanna say It was Night when he Pushed her and she didnt Attack anybody or Instigate any Fight just saw her eyes and attacked her I saw him Push her off the willow tree and Then Fought em And He said "You Dont Have Kill perms On me Since vampires are auto Kill" Meenwhile Passerby Sent the Link for the Forum death etiquette page he read it and said it didnt know what it was talking bout then "Im voiding this!)" then he left..
Was this the person who ran away even though my sword was at the back of his neck? If so, I considered him dead the moment he ran off.
Only reason I would want to void an RP is because you murdered Ersa with a maiar I don't think exists anymore. XD
I can only see this being only useful if say someone died because 4-5 players just jumped on them- instigating a fight- and killed your character whether or not you consented or not. But aren't there are rules protecting bullies from just going around killing off people if they're alone?
Bottom line is, if you did not start the fight, and some people just decided to kill you randomly without your consent I can see this being useful. However, if you instigated the fight, and you happen to be outnumbered suddenly- I think a player must be prepared for the consiquences. meh...
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