Preserved Sheet Peigín Ní Árdghal Uí Blathmaic

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Urlan Advocate
Sep 12, 2015
Reaction score
Illinois, USA
The Wilderness
Basic Information:

Full Name: Peigín Ní Árdghal Uí Blathmaic

Commonly Known As: Pegeen, Peggy, Pegs, Rourke 1, and Rourke.

Age: Twenty Six

Gender: Female

Race: Ailor (Aontaithe-Gallovian)

Eye Color: Emerald

Core Concept:

Pegged is just your typical girl shit out of luck, trying to do what she can to get back into the grove of things, and live a very luxurious life... Though, getting to that's the tough part. Now, she's just a workaholic.





Dexterity: 5

Magic: 0

Last edited:
Body Build
  • At 30 Body Build Stats you'll be at Muscular rather than Ripped
  • In the question pertaining to how Peigín views magic, you write "she is willing to fight fire, with wood, and do what she can to stop the magic from harming people". What do you mean by this? By adding wood to a fire one would make it worse rather than neutralizing or hindering the threat.
Life Story
  • "Sheperders" isn't a word, I assume you mean "Shepherds"?
  • "Pegeen began to be known as a common thief in her town, and that was known." Unneeded repetition here
  • You write of how Pegeen learned to read by thieving, how is this so?
  • You later go on to write that Pegeen left to Regalia to follow her "partner in crime", however this is never mentioned before or after again. Who was this partner, and where are they now?
Personality and Life Story
  • The answers to the personality questions and the life story are littered full with unnecessary commas. Cut down on the sentence breaks.
Make your changes in blue and tag me when you've finished.

Thanks to two anonymous members of the Community, I was re-assured that I am able to keep the body build that I was previously placed.

Reasoning for this refute; It states within the Wiki that I may keep the body build that I have written.


Besides that lil' thing, I believe I have made all of the appropriate changes to my application.
Character sheet rejected, what must be changed?
Annnd who wants to take it over?
Peer review, everyone have 5 points to spend as well as those of age. In addition people have 10 hobby poo ts they can spend only in art proficiences.
Racial boosts were scrapped instead replaced with proficiences then can invest a higher amount into and some proficiences got removed and replaced with others. I'd recommend having a look at the proficiences page and getting familiar with it all.