Archived Paying To Use A Button Or Leaver

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
How it works:
  • walk up to a lever and try to operate it
  • notice the leaver does not work and you get a message
  • message says do /pay [defined price] then pull the lever/button to pass
Why? :
  • you could have tol passing bridges (getting payed for public services)
  • you could have vending machines with random or predetermined items.
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I like this idea. It may seem bad at first, but if implementsd properly, has no adverse effects and makes the server interesting.
Decent idea but it would need some sort of warning system. Maybe when you try to pull the lever it states "There is a toll on this entrance. The payment is ___. Do you confirm the payment?
Then you have to type /yes or something.
Else wise people can hide toll's and expect something like 100 silver or more.
You know when you right click a deadbolted chest like the sign? and it sends you a message saying /deadbolt bla bla bla
then you have to do /deadbolt line # message
Well its kind of like that and like how mattium said it should be.
But ofcourse you have to use a command on the lever or button to have it have that effect. Maibe have it so you can edit special player perms for it like allow your faction allow allies to use taht one or have everyone use it.
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