Archived Pay Gates

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Nov 30, 2013
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Pay Gates

This would be an extension to the deadbolt system already in place. The idea is simple, you pay a custom price on the deadbolt and anytime a player uses the door, that amount of currency is automatically deducted from their account and given to the deadbolt owner.

The owner of the paygate gets to establish the price of said paygate as well as any exceptions to the paygate. The owner may select to allow a small group of "VIPs" to pass through without paying, or even their entire faction or alliances. This new system would essentially combine two existing features into a third, unique feature. Utilizing the shop and deadbolt features, I feel like this game mechanic would be a relatively simple thing to add to the game.
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I can see this May have a few usefull I uses such as a toll for the abusment park, but I don't see much besides that. If Someone tried to make a toll highway people would just walk around. Maybe it could be a way for raiders to enter a base.
This could be open to major exploitation e.g someone could place a deadbolt above their door out of sight with the price of using it 10000 regals and when someone uses it they are deducted of all their money.
I can just imagine going around my faction and entering someone's home and find that I have been deduced of all my money.
I doubt this will be used for anything but exploitation and if someone put a price on the entrance to their faction or portal room then people would just avoid going through that specific door and find other routes since or flat out not go through there because of the deadbolt price.
The minimum price could be 1 or 10 regals but in all honesty I doubt anyone would ever really want to put a free on using a door or use a door that has a fee.
It's a good idea, but they need a very low limited value. Maybe something like 10 regals per door. This would work as a fee for a number of things, e.g, taverns, festivals, bath-houses, DrFong's fun-house.
To fix the problem of paying a large amount of regals without knowing it, you could have some sort of message sent to the player saying "Do you agree to pay ... to enter through this door?" And the player could respond with a command or something... Just an idea if this whole pay gate thing was implemented...
I allways wonder what kind of stupid ideas people have. I mean why should someone pay to pass a door in his own fac (drunk) ?
This is nonmedieval and I disagree, deal with it.
I allways wonder what kind of stupid ideas people have. I mean why should someone pay to pass a door in his own fac (drunk) ?
This is nonmedieval and I disagree, deal with it.

No need to be rude, and the original post says nothing about using this specifically inside a faction.

Pay Gates

This would be an extension to the deadbolt system already in place. The idea is simple, you pay a custom price on the deadbolt and anytime a player uses the door, that amount of currency is automatically deducted from their account and given to the deadbolt owner.


The owner of the paygate gets to establish the price of said paygate as well as any exceptions to the paygate. The owner may select to allow a small group of "VIPs" to pass through without paying, or even their entire faction or alliances. This new system would essentially combine two existing features into a third, unique feature. Utilizing the shop and deadbolt features, I feel like this game mechanic would be a relatively simple thing to add to the game.
This idea seems quite good and would be useful for charging people for entry into events and such, but could also be quite exploitable, as X0N3333 said.

Possible a good idea but until the exploit issues can be sorted no support from me.

To fix the problem of paying a large amount of regals without knowing it, you could have some sort of message sent to the player saying "Do you agree to pay ... to enter through this door?" And the player could respond with a command or something... Just an idea if this whole pay gate thing was implemented...
This could work but it could get a little repetitive/ annoying to have to type to go through a door. Maybe if for each door you could type the command once and as long as nothing changes in the door or the price you don't need to type it again. Though that would have problems if you forgot about a door that charged and used it.

Also one thing you need to remember. Deadbolt is not an inhouse plugin and Cayorion does not program it. As such massivecraft would need their own version or the plugin creators would need to add it themselves.
There could be a limit in place, like (as Mattium said) 10 Regs or something even smaller.
Perhaps this feature could only be put on iron doors? That way people would know to steer clear of iron doors they haven't been through, but still be able to not worry about wooden ones.
(Can't quote 4weird reason)
Aaronchuey good idea.
Maybe alsof a certain amount of zich Doors a chunk? I zee it happening that people just make a long hallway or something full of those doors
Obviously, there wouldn't be the problem of tolls of 100000000000000r, because the door wouldn't open if you couldn't pay the fee.
Way to abuseable.
While some persons may use it fair, most people will use it to make scams. Lots and lots of scams.
Tehehee... "You wanna come into my bank? You pay the fee. The 100r fee." -evil cackle-
In all honesty I can't think of a single situation that I can use this pay gate feature on the doors of my faction that won't be cheap or annoying to my members. I can just imagine noobs making housing with lots of doors with a fee on them. Maybe instead of paying to open a door each time how about paying for permission to open the door at anytime without fee, I could put a 5 regal fee on the ability to freely open a public enchanter at any time which would make automating the permission for one to use it in exchange for regals easier.
This is something that should only be available to the admins and such for things like the Abusement Park, (certain) plays, etc. Other than that, it's exploitable, so I'm going to have to disagree.
So your saying that I make people pay to let them pass a door..? Couldn't they just go around it? The only Real use this would do would be for admins for rp events or something..
Even if admins put a fee on gate that leads to rp events people could just ender pearl right over it.
Also if you had to pay money to get into an rp event then noobs who have no money or little to no money will feel very excluded since they don't have enough money to enter and they won't be free to enter the event free of charge.
A fee for using gates could become legendarily infamous regardless if admins use them or not. I really see no point in having to pay money to get into an rp event, it would achieve nothing but frustration and annoyance. Overall this idea is interesting but i don't think it is useful at all, why discourage exploration by making people pay to go wherever they want?
Even if admins put a fee on gate that leads to rp events people could just ender pearl right over it.
Also if you had to pay money to get into an rp event then noobs who have no money or little to no money will feel very excluded since they don't have enough money to enter and they won't be free to enter the event free of charge.
A fee for using gates could become legendarily infamous regardless if admins use them or not. I really see no point in having to pay money to get into an rp event, it would achieve nothing but frustration and annoyance. Overall this idea is interesting but i don't think it is useful at all, why discourage exploration by making people pay to go wherever they want?

Because, if there were a ball, for example, that only rich people were allowed to attend, of course there would be a fee to keep the poor people out. Either that or an invitation, but you know what I mean. People in real life can't just enter a museum without paying, and the same goes for Massive.
This idea would be fine, but it needs to be better built, like how would they know which door is for money and which is not? How would people not abuse it with pit traps with many doors? How would it be not a cheap scam of money, unless you can figure a possible way to fix these problems i am sorry, but i must disagree.
I think there should be like a chest shop sign that you pay at so then when you open a door it doesn't deduct you money instead it will ask you to pay the sign before you pass. so that players can't make a troll gate that steals all your monies with out your willingness of it.
We are not the coders of deadbolts so we cannot add features to the deadbolt plugin. You would have to make a ticket to the deadbolt developer to have him add in new things.
I allways wonder what kind of stupid ideas people have. I mean why should someone pay to pass a door in his own fac (drunk) ?
This is nonmedieval and I disagree, deal with it.
This will maybe get the most offensive post on massivecraft... I'm to mean, tho...
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