Pavisa Chapter |the L'orizzonte


neighborhood milf lover
Dec 2, 2015
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egirl applebees



Knightly Orders Registration | Knight Wiki Page | Regalian Law



I. Summary

Founded in 307 AC, The L'orizzonte Chapter is a branch of the Pavisa Knights located in the Holy City. Their main focus within the city is to aid the Violet Order with city disasters, assist the weak and the poor, and dedicate their time to over-all bettering the city within their legal limits.​

II. History

The L'orizzonte Chapter, or The Chapter of The Horizon, was founded in August 307 AC by Camilla dei Revello and Vivianne dei Moreno. The Chapter is the second Pavisa scutari commune to be established in Regalia. As a newly formed community, it's history is yet to unfold and it's achievements are undiscovered. For now, it's time-line remains in the present events and wars.​

The L'orizzonte commune, after recognizing the past mistakes of the elder commune Syfierni, decided to leave their crossbow practices for ceremonial and war purposes. Instead, they focus more on the honorable combat of staves and shielding within the city. Along with the change, the L'orizzonte have become more open to accepting all races bar Kathar and Manathar.

III. Knightly Code

The chapter of L'orizzonte follows the Ehren Code listed below.

  • Honor is the highest virtue. Do not cheat, commit adultery, engage in dishonorable conduct, raise a weapon against the weak, old, poor, or sick.
  • Obedience to the Order is paramount. Do not speak ill of the Elders, Code of Ehren, or the policies set by the Primae of the Order.
  • To turn cheek is the highest class. Do not strike back with vile words, do not demean and do not belittle others.
  • To engage in self-effacement is true sacrifice. Take no glory for one's actions, seek no other affirmation or pedestal, and reject all that is gold and silver.
  • Fraternity is the collus of the Order. Speak frankly and honestly with your fellow knights and show no restraint in your feelings.

IV. Land Holdings

Il Solare
  • The L'orizzonte are currently stationed behind /tp Knight HQ where they can easily be accessed. (Lioncourt20 & Lioncourt21)

V. Achievements / Progressions
  • TBA



Knight Commander - "Comandante"
  • Head of the L'orizzonte, the Knight Commander manages and directs the Pavisas beneath them. The Commander maintains public relations, events, ranks, and anything to make sure the Chapter follows Regalian Law while also enforcing the Code of Ehren.

The Hand - "La mano"
  • The Hand is the Knight Commanders go-to, taking their place in their absence whether it's due to injury, illness, or anything along those lines. This position is often held by someone close to the Knight Commander and is heavily trusted.

Knight Enforcer - "Imporre"
  • Knight Enforcers are the average Officer like that in the Violet Order. They have the authority to command those below them and are tasked with making sure all needs are met. Knight Enforcers often host trainings, take Knights around the city, and overall are trusted individuals.

Knight - "Cavaliere"
  • Knights are those who have completed their 10 years of training in the Pavisa Academy and have earned their Knighthood. Knights are to serve the empire, defend those who cannot defend themselves, and follow the Code of Erhen.

Squires - "Scudieri"
  • Squires are newly recruited Pavisas who have expressed interest in learning how to wield a crossbow and have their mindset on becoming a knight later on through training.

Current Members
  • Camilla dei Revello (@Ailethi)
  • Vivianne dei Moreno (@PompleMousse)
  • Nicolás Garcia (@Surrealizm / @JcRED)



    We're always open to helping people out if they're interested in becoming a Pavisa or merely want to discuss more about the Chapter, Knight School, or anything along those lines! I am easily accessible through Discord, which you can request via forums. (I promise we don't bite..)

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