Preserved Sheet Patolos A'evasiir

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground


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Character Information
◆ Full Name: Patolos A'evasiir
◆ Race: Cult of Pride Kathar
◆ Affliction: Power Silven
◆ Age: 164
◆ Gender: Male
◆ Eye Color: Golden

Core Concept

A turncoat Kathar General, loyal to Regalia despite his race and lack of true faith. Focused on philosophy and maintaining order in the world, whilst also gaining power for himself.


Strength: 3
◇ Tacticians Pack
◇ Fisticuffs Pack
◇ Duelist Pack​
Constitution: 0
Wisdom: 2
Dexterity: 1
◇ Parkour Pack​
Magic: 2 Void
◇ Protection Pack
◈ Dream Element
◈ Thanic Therapy
◈ Minor Resurrection​
◇ Displacing Pack
◈ Arcane Sight
◈ Sparkwalking
◈ Dueling Brand​
Charisma: 6
◇ Leadership Pack
◇ Diplomat Pack
◇ West Linguist Pack​
◆ Magic [ 2 Abilities | 6 Specials]
◆ Silven [2 Specials]
◆ Kathar [6 Abilities | 14 Specials]
◆ Common (Free)
◆ Katharic (Native)
◆ West Linguist Pack (Points)


Appearance Information
◆ Patolos has the characteristic golden silven eyes, along with a mutation that causes his naturally white hair to fade into a bronze color the longer it gets.

◆ Patolos is a tall, pale Cult of pride Kathar who stands at 6'10. He's rather lithe with an imposing frame, albeit not a wide one. His hair is white, though fades to bronze near the tips

Life Story
Tolos was born to Greater Mage, Idorri A'evasiir and her now late husband, Nouvar. He was born in Parthanaar on September seventh of 145 AC, Idorri herself being the leader of a lesser, albeit affluent, Kaahl. Raised in the Dread Empire, he was brought up with a mixed martial and arcane education. In his later adolescence he began taking an interest in art and philosophy, though more from an observer's point of view in terms of art.

In his early adulthood, Tolos began to see the turmoil within the Dread Empire as a weakness. Through conversation with his mother and other family members, he was able to convince them of such and the family left for Mineria, using their wealth to build up trade and trust within their new home.

With the Chrysant Wars, Tolos put his martial education to use, becoming a general within the Regalian military and helping to bring about Regalian victory. By this time, he had become rather loyal to the empire for its ability to keep peace and order. Due to his family's wealth and his military service during the war, he was ennobled as the Baron of Scandinaar.

After his ennoblement, Patolos primarily continued his military service whilst also supporting his lands however he could. He made several trips to The Crown City over this time, including returning in 311 AC after a long time away for various reasons.