Archived Past Premiums And Cannons

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Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
For those who don't know, only Premiums can adjust and load cannons. When a non-Premium attempts to adjust a cannon, it says "You don't know how to adjust this cannon." For a Premium, it would say "You adjust this cannon 1 degree to the left" or something similar. Now, why, when you lose Premium, does it say "You don't know how to adjust this cannon"? My suggestion is that there is a way for past premiums to be able to use cannons.
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It's functionality thinly vieled in rol play and maybe being non prem makes you magically dumber.
Dont complain because you can, even though looking rather stupid.

It's a premium feature, and we made it a bit RPish instead of ": ACTION (CANNONADJUSTDENIED) <-- Example.
How about, if you've never been premium it is: 'You don't know how to use this cannon'. If you are premium, it is normal. If you have been premium, it says: 'You push and budge, but cannot seem to move the cannon'. It could be as if there is some sort of spell that makes it heavy or something. Just an idea, I know you can't make a spell like that with the current magic lore, but think about it. The possibilities are endless.
I've seen a lot of complainments, but instead of maybe complaining about it and have a never ending discussion, you would maybe try to come to a clear conlusion. Yes maybe this suggestiom seem to be good but everyone is very busy with the coding as well as the other sharding stuff. So in my point this seems like just a smal adjustment which can wait until they are done.
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