Archived Partially Enabling Pvp In Regalia

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, I heard a few people talking about how it would be nice to enable pvp in Regalia, and after thinking about it for a while, thought it this idea. What if pvp was enabled at night? Not everywhere, mind you, that would be very chaotic and horrible, but what if it was only enabled in the Slums and the surrounding areas? I feel that it would be nice that as soon as night fell the Slums would become a dog-eat-dog world, where all pvp is allowed. I think this would be a nice compromise between enabling all-out pvp in certain areas and making it so there's no pvp at all.
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--new member joined server when server is at night--
Get spawn kill 1st day
-left server with an bad exprience-

I don't think it's great though people who have to make a run to the ship if they want to go else where or maybe innocent people get kill for no reasons
Perhaps have it work as follows: If you die in Regalia you don't lose anything - that is, being in Regalia turns off drops? Or perhaps have the health stop being lost at 1 heart, so you can fight but not actually die?
Only in the sewers, that would be interesting. In the RP it does say that the sewers are slums where Vamps and ner-do-wells lurk, and that it is dangerous. New players should read, and so expect dangerous things in the sewers. I think it is a good idea.
To prevent noobs from wandering in there would be signs around the slums that say "Beware what lays within the Slums. Not everyone who enters leaves..." or something like that.
If they're dumb enough to go into a high-risk area they deserve to die - this will however give cause for Crimson-Vampire combat in these areas and give some of the more badass players who want to repair their Rep while killin folks to act as a "Night Watch" to protect the noobs.
People could stand at he border of where PvP is enabled and keep everyone from crossing, or let people cross and ambush them, taking their items or (if drops are off) just piss them off for luls.
People could stand at he border of where PvP is enabled and keep everyone from crossing, or let people cross and ambush them, taking their items or (if drops are off) just piss them off for luls.

lots of ways into the slums/sewers. People could not patrol them all.
Also, if you really want to go into the slums you could just wait till day. In this suggestion Pvp is turned off during the daytime.
Pvp already is on in a "secret" fight area underneath a pub in the slums. Pvp is also sometimes turned on at the crimson building. Therefore, if noobs don't want to be killed, they can choose not to go in the arena.
Well, what about players going in the sewers to RP with their friends and some idiot comes in and screws it up by attacking people? Honestly, this isn't a good idea.
in the sewers can you really even tell if it is night or day? (without meta gaming and using the /time command) assuming you don't have a crafted clock with you that is. If you are alone in the sewer the fact it is day will not stop attackers (in RP). If you are alone anyway attackers will not be stopped by the time of day. The only reason the night is more dangerous is because there are less witnesses at night.
Hmmm.... yea the sewers might have all day pvp in that case. Also, if you're rping in the sewers what do you think is going to happen? You're in the freaking sewers! Expect threats down there.
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