Shelved Character Parasian Banyuayah Jeram

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Student of Hydration
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Asha gang(TM), Maraya gang(TM)
Basic Information
⇶Full Name |
Parasian Banyuayah Jeram
→Nicknames: Paras, Parasi, Paris, The Sendrassian
⇶Race | Allar
⇶Culture | Rumah-Allar, Paria-caste
⇶Age | 29 (Hatched October 26, 284)
⇶Gender | Identifies male, he/him
Eyes | Gold irises, concentric limbal rings, slitted
⇶Occult | Rejection Arkenborn + Void Occult
⇶Themes | Act II: The Mountain, by Dead Can Dance

Core Concept
Parasian is a hopelessly lost Rumah-Allar mage. Hatched with immense magical capability alongside his Arkenborn status, he was raised a prodigy Paria. Once a member of the Sendrassian mage-priesthood, violent and fanatical, even the Rejection Arkenborn went too far. Now a pariah of Parias, Parasian's shapeshifting magic let him blend into numerous other societies, only to be cast out again, and again. Teetering at the edge of Limit Breaking, he finds himself in Regalia, unprepared and volatile, seeking power and revenge against a world he feels wronged him.

Visual Information
Parasian is an Allar in constant flux, to the degree that calling him even much of an 'Allar' anymore may be somewhat dubious, alternative forms listed further below.. His natural, non-magically shifted for is somewhere between terrestrial and aquatic. He has an angular head shape akin to Potamites hydroimperator or the Strangled Stream Lizard, as Parasian is an Allar infused for the jungle rivers of Sendras. He has white and darker blue scales in intracite patterns all over his body, with otherworldy patterns of red crawling up his arms and legs, further evidence of his Arkenborn status. He naturally possesses a red cranial fin. Parasian has a spry, toned build, and stands at around 5'10 (178cm). Parasian of course, also possesses the telltale eyes of a Void Arkenborn.

Parisian has little in the way of fashion. He is only ever seen wearing a conservative black robe with a leather belt.
Basic Information
⇶Full Name |
Feivish Vultaroyay (Feivish ben Chaim mimishpachat haVultaroyay)
→Nicknames: Fabio, Fabian, Fei, Doctor, 'Doc'
⇶Race | Narim
→Society and Path of Life: | Hamasgiah of Derech Hasofer
⇶Age | 27
⇶Gender | Identifies male, he/him
⇶Eyes| Gold irises, red limbal rings
⇶Occult | Void Arkenborn + Void alignment (Occult)

Core Concept
Feivish is a well-educated spider-like Narim, and Void Arkenborn. He seeks power through the quiet domination of others so as to make the world in his own view: a world that serves him, and his whims. Once a semi-respectable academic in Vultaro following the rise of the Iron Duke, he has chosen a different path in life. He is self-centered, and has abandoned the bothersome morals he believes hold his kindred back. Yet, within his mind, there is one thing that gnaws: the power of the Covenant, and the consequences of his rapidly worsening sins.

Visual Information
Feivish closely resembles a male spider of the species Portia Labiata. Dark brown fur runs along his legs and two sets of arms (though said second said is almost always hidden for diplomatic reasons), whilst the rest of his carapace is covered in short, orange and brown striped fur, with two whitish chevrons running down the back of his head near, beginning near his secondary eyes and ending near to his mid-back. Feivish has eight eyes which sit over two white pedipalps, with all but two of said eyes being nearly vestigial. All of his eyes are of a Void Arkenborn's in nature, with gleaming red and gold being their dominant colors. His gaze can often be described to exude kindness, but only barely hides a ruthless intelligence. Feivish is of a slim, athletic build for his height of 5'7 (170cm).

Feivish dresses brightly, and smart. Generally taking on a Vultarin or otherwise learned style, it is common to see him in tunics and binary colors which contrast with his red and golden eyes. Feivish will often visibly carry a knife or dagger, and tends to wear capes which compliment the rest of his outfit.
Unknown artist. Lewi ben Yehoshua.
May 311 A.C. Oil on Canvas. Archives of House Gilead.

Basic Information

⇶Full Name |
Lewi Regalyai (Lewi ben Yehoshua mimishpachat haRegalyai)
⇶Race | Narim
→Society and Path of Life: | Shomrei Bayet of Derech HaLchama​
⇶Culture | Shomrei Bayet (City Narim)
⇶Age | 53 (Born Oct. 26, 258)
⇶Gender/Pronouns | Identifies male, he/him
⇶Eye Color | Bluish-black
⇶Occult | ???

Core Concept
Lewi is an experienced wasp Narim who follows the Derech HaLchama, with a goal to defend against the Demon of the Deep: never strike first, but hold fast. Born the devout scion of his father, a House Gilead guard, he served a similar ceremonial role until a falling out over the death of his brother Reuel. Lewi seeks the good and kind-hearted, forever a hopeful, benevolent soul in service of the Everwatcher.

Visual Information
Lewi looks akin to a European Paper Wasp (WARNING: bug image) crossed with a bumblebee (WARNING: bug image). With fur and carapace a consistent yellow-on-black, Lewi more than stands out in a crowd, especially combined with his above-average height. He has a broad build, which tapers like a triangle towards a narrow insectoid waist, before broadening into carapaced legs. Much of the 'bulk' that makes up Lewi's upper form is in fact a large, fluffy mane. Lewi was born with four arms, though now only has three, one of the smaller arms on his chest used for casting having been lost in a battle in the Sewers. Lewi additionally has a small wasp-like thorax and nonfunctional wasp-like wings. He dresses ascetically in a reddish tabbard, and rarely anything else save for a few beads.
Basic Information
⇶Full Name |
⇶Race | Slizzar
⇶Age | ???
⇶Gender/Pronouns | Non-gendered, they/them
⇶Eye Color | Fuchsia purple
⇶Occult | ???

Core Concept
Jatasya is a troubled Slizzar, and always has been. Failing to meet up to the expectations of his birth, he has spent his days trying to find meaning in life outside of the Great Game.

Visual Information
Looking upon Jatasya, one would be struck by the exclusive sight of a colorful Slizzar who styles himself Makara, who stands around 5'10 (177.8 cm), with a lengthy tail to boot. The Slizzar's scales are black, with a gray underbelly on his front. Jatasya's tendrils and shoulders are accented with a brilliant fuchsia-like color, as vibrant as any other Slizzar's. He dresses as lightly as one would expect of a Slizzar, usually sporting bracelets on his arms.

⇶Points spent | 14/14
⇶Combat styles | True Mage (7ATK, 5DEF)

⇶Strength | 0
→Melee Point Buy
→Diving Tackle Pack (Allar Free Pack 2)​
⇶Constitution | 0
⇶Intelligence | 0
→Adapt Point Buy
→Oceanic Pack (Mundane, Allar Free Pack 1)​
⇶Wisdom | 0
⇶Dexterity | 0
⇶Faith | 0 | Sendrassian Evolvism
⇶Magic | 14 | Void Occult
→Adapt Point Buy
→Shapeshift Pack (Magical)
→Mimicry Pack (Magical)
→Wardrobe Pack (Magical)​
→Magic Point Buy
→Magic Bolts Stance Pack
→Magic Snare Pack
→Magic Trip Pack
→Magic Smog Pack
→Magic Cleanse Pack
→Magic Barrier Pack
→Magic Warp Pack
→Magic Disengage Pack
→Magic Isolate Pack
→Magic Feather Pack
→Magic Revive Pack​
→Alchemy Hobby (5/10)
→Magic Hobby (9.5/10, Golden silk-like threads, acid, poison gas)
→Common (Fluent, Learned in Hadar)
→Pidato (Fluent, Learned in Hadar)
→Safah (Fluent, Learned in Regalian Undercity)
→Zoram (Basic phrases, Learned in Hadar)
Life Story
⇶ A Hatchling (284-292, 0-8): -

⇶ Volatility(292-300, 8-16): -

⇶ 'Hierarch' (300-308, 16-26): -

⇶ Sendras Lost (308-311, 26-28): -

⇶ Parasian Lost (311-312, 29): -

Plot Hooks
⇶Parasian is a Sendrassian-hatched Allar and shapeshifting mage.

⇶Parasian is a Rejection Arkenborn.
⇶Parasian is an evolvist.
Last edited:
we really do be updating this character