Preserved Sheet Panos Of Talon

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
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  • Full Name: Panos Athanasios Raptis.
    • Panos of Talon.
  • Age: 45.
    • Died at 25 years old, physically remains 25.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor.
    • Etosian Culture.
    • Mortis Kul.
  • Religion: Agnostic.


  • Proficiencies | 55 points. (45 points, 10 racial)
    • Combat Proficiency:
      • +20 Pole Skill. | +10 Etosian, +10 points.
    • Knowledge Proficiency:
      • +10 Hunting Knowledge. | +10 points.
    • Arts Proficiency:
      • +20 Visual Arts. | +20 points.
      • +5 Literary Arts. | +5 points.
  • Body Type.
    • 25 combat proficiency.
    • Ripped build.
    • Extremely low body fat.
  • Languages.
    • Etosian. (Fluent.)
    • Mirnoye. (Conversational.)
    • Common. (Fluent.)



  • Eye Color: A murky brown, glazed over as if blinded.
  • Hair Color: Pitch black.
  • Hair Style: Cut mid-length, cutting off right at the end of his neck.
  • Skin Color: Dead, pale.
  • Clothing: Lykófos Diakomódisi style.
  • Height: 6'0".


  • First Paragraph | Ball of quirks.
    • Upon first interaction, many would notice Panos' tendency towards repetition. He oft repeats the last words of other's sentences, and often rhythmically taps his fingers against anything solid. Many view him as anxious, as a result of such actions alongside his quiet voice that often doesn't go above a mutter. Some even consider him unnerving, as a result of seemingly random and uncalled for rants and tangents about things hardly related to the subject at hand.
  • Second Paragraph | Post-mortem problems.
    • Panos' struggle is one between humanity and aberrancy, an unfair duel between the desire to take other's lives and the desire to live his own. He suppresses his more violent urges through brutal executions of rats and other such pests, yet when his supply is low or he simply wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, Panos is prone to outbursts both verbal and physical towards people who test his temper. His affliction is the cause of many new anxieties, such as a fear of suffocation that is entirely irrational as Panos doesn't breathe. He fears being controlled by others, and dislikes the concept of finding himself under at the beck and call of another person who doesn't care for him, like the officer who took his life. Overall, Panos searches to live a normal life in spite of his unlife, and fears the idea that that life could be ruined in some form by the will of someone other than himself. Many a time Panos has found guilt in his actions after completing them, cursing himself for his horrid temper and self-control.
  • Third Paragraph | Good listener, not much of a talker.
    • Panos hardly trusts others, often on account of trust being what caused his demise in the first place. Though in the rare time when someone has thawed his cold heart, Panos often prefers to listen to them rather than speak in turn, deciding that understanding how others are functioning might assist him in getting over his own dysfunctional attitude. To learn from kind people so that he too can be kind.
  • Fourth Paragraph | Good man, bad person.
    • Overall, Panos desires to do what is right. He wants nothing more than to settle down happily and banish the voice in the back of his head telling him to kill. Though with good intent, Panos' creeping issues and internal struggle often draw him to a less than favorable route in terms of morality. If he's unable to keep his desires in line, Panos can be volatile and cruel beyond belief, yet if he is effectively able to suppress his desires, Panos can push himself back to his humanity.


In the outskirts of the city of Talon in Etosil, the Raptis family of farmers produces a child, named Panos. Panos was quite rowdy as a boy, often found pushing over things he shouldn't and scampering about areas he was told to avoid, much to the chagrin of his parents. Other children seemed to follow him along and join him in these little adventures, which were eventually cut off as his parents began to take more of a hands-on approach to his education once his younger brother was born.

Panos struggled in learning to write, and actively despised any form of mathematics, yet picked up the arts quite well. His father, thoroughly through with his son's rebellion, called on Panos' uncle, who served as a bodyguard for paying families. To the surprise of his parents, Panos picked up combat extremely well, especially in use of a polearm, as if it were the art he was born for. And so it was decided that Panos, now twelve years old, would apprentice under his uncle, as somewhat of a mercenary.

Panos flourished socially in this time, as working under a bodyguard let him meet many a new person. He frequently worked under Vladno families due to their influence on the landmass of Etosil, focusing his efforts on developing himself into something less rambunctious and more businesslike in the process. Panos enjoyed moving about, and suddenly grew aware of how restricting Etosil was. As his uncle grew older, he was stricken with a significant wound that prevented usage in his right leg.

This, prematurely, pushed the twenty-five year-old Panos into a new job with the Etosian military. He found new responsibilities, especially the feeling that he was now the 'man' of the home after his uncle and father were both aged and out of commission. He responded to multiple sieges against Undead, though was wildly unpopular in his squadron for his lack of formal discipline and naïvety. Before a planned attack against the Undead border, Panos was drowned in a well by his superior, though he thrashed and fought the whole way. Panos fell into a deep, deep sleep. He dreamed of what life could've been like and of his hate for his murderers.
And then he woke up.

Panos woke on the wrong side of the tombstone, screeching and frothing at the mouth like a wild animal. He attacked everything in sight, even the Undead scouts who discovered his rabid self. The scouts, recognizing his affliction, brought him into the lands of the Bone King, Vagrand Poplonnis.

Allowed to kill animals for nearly months at a time, until he was finally able to 'calm' in a sense, Panos became coherent in this new dead world. Hardly remembering his time post-mortem, all he could really recall was how he died, and the people who'd done it. Informing his hosts, Panos was given an answer that did nothing to help his sudden hate. The men who had drowned him were already dead, killed in battle against the Undead. Saddened that he didn't do the act himself, Panos faded into something he'd loved for a long time. His art. He practiced his sculpture, his painting, and allowed his hobby to consume him.

He only re-emerged when he was freshly thirty, penning a letter to his family to inform them of his change. They didn't take it well, and met Panos with nothing but distaste. He retreated back to hunting and art, hardly involving himself in combat.

Five years go by, Panos deciding that he's in fact tired of isolation, and instead joins the army of the Undead, honing his skill with a polearm through practical education. He struggles with his urges and thirst to kill, yet his position as a soldier helps quell these urges.

Panos, now fourty-four, battles Bone Horrors in the crisis. His family farm is razed to the ground, yet the Undead are slowly being accepted into Etosian lands. Having spent so long alone and isolated, Panos thinks he's not ready for the soon-to-be open arms of his family, and instead flees for Regalia a year later. He hopes that in the Holy City, he'll discover a way to come to terms with his affliction, or perhaps even cure it.
Last edited:
Making some significant edits since I'm very indecisive, I'll tag you once they're done.
@MantaRey Indecisive Changes™ made.
  • Panos is older now, changed immaturity to general culture shock and lack of autonomy.
  • Expanded on his brother a bit more instead of just making him background lore.
  • Changed reasons for moving to Regalia somewhat, making them less selfless and more selfish.
  • Points heavily edited.
Here is my review:

Personality and Abilities

  • I noticed a little bit of a contradiction in your first and third paragraphs. In the latter, you describe him as kind even to strangers, but we only get detail of his amiable attitude in the beginning. I think you could summarize the sentences you have in the first paragraph about his 'racist' behaviors (as they are mistaken to be) and use the extra space you'll have to kind of dwell on these kind moments. Specifically, you mention he'll speak with people who seem lonely (as found in the third paragraph). So maybe use this to better incorporate a detailed insight on this kindness to strangers as well.
Life Story
His father, thoroughly through with his son's rebellion, called on Panos' uncle, who served as a bodyguard for .
  • I think you forgot to add a word at the end of this sentence.
Make your edits in a legible red then tag me when you have completed them. @Anakyrivo
  • Added an extension to his first paragraph detailing interactions with strangers.
    However, Panos openly displays kindness to strangers, mostly surface-level things like complements on appearance or enjoyment of minor quirks. He's hardly ever openly insulting, and even meets genuine insults with laughs or continued serenity.
  • Fixed the typo there. Forgot to edit it when I was indecisive.
Changes detailed in this red!
Updated Panos to turn him Undead, aging him up to 45 in the process.
  • Changes made to basically everything, but the big things are:
    • Points reworked.
    • Personality totally reworked.
    • Life story adapted.