Archived Paluda (swamp Elves)

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
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Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
Well, I'd like to suggest a race of Elf/Naga/Maiar things, called the Paluda [Pull-uh-dah]. They would be divided into a range of different subtypes, like the yanar, and resemble giant elves (about 15 ft tall as a fully grown male) with amphibian/lizard characteristics.

Politics as a Paluda~
The Paluda would have next to no laws, and as a race, probably the smartest when it comes to common sense. They would not have jobs, a trading system, any kinds of buildings at all, and no leader. If their land is attacked, they will rely on the hostile terrain to destroy the attacker, or if the attacker reaches them, they will use their savagery and overwhelming population to defeat the threat. Paludai will never commit the same types of crimes human does unless it was done accidentally, as stated above, they have too much common sense to bicker with each other like silly regalians.

Paludai Homes~
Well just because they have a lot of common sense doesn't mean they're the brightest when it comes to technology. Paludai do not build any kind of shelter, living in the untouched swamps of Dretis. They can be classified as a kind of amphibious primate, being very hard to spot out as a sentient being and usually being mistaken for one of the 'swamp monsters' with whom they share their home with. If you are lucky, you will be able to spot a creature swim past wearing some form of clothes, and if you're even luckier, it may come and try to communicate with you.

A Paluda does not have a focused religion, starting with nothing, and let out to find their own. They speak using grunting, yelping, and sometimes even nightmarish screaming noises (with the exception of their subtype- a frog Paluda could make a 'ribbit' sound). Apart from this, when they speak common tounge, they use a type of slang accent (Australian. Just because I want to see a crocodile person rise from the water and start yelling at us for stepping all over their mangroves in a deep voiced Australian accent... don't we all...)

Sub types/Appearance~
Paludai have a range of different subspecies with different appearances and abilities, but all of them share pointed elf ears and human-like faces. They are all carnivores, so their teeth are all pointed.(These are only basic descriptions, I may add pictures later to make it more distinct.)

From smallest to largest~
Eel~ The Eel Paludai are the most inhuman looking, mostly staying underwater, as they cannot move on certain dry surfaces. Like an eel, they have no limbs, and rely on their tail and body movements to swim. As a Paluda, they have retained their pointed ears and human facial structure, but their teeth are needle-like, causing them to always have their mouth open. The eel Paludai are the smallest, growing to be about the size of an adult dwarf.
Salamander~ The salamander Paludai are the second smallest type, growing to be about the size of a human in their mid teens. They are slow moving, and unlike their cousins, have soft skin and flesh. they're most distinctive feature it the 'frill' they have on their necks, probably the first thing you notice if one steps into the room. Probably just as important though, is the tail, which does nothing but sway around and make young children laugh. their teeth are very small, as they will usually swallow passing fish whole, instead of hunting.
Spitter~ Spitters may not be the biggest, but they are probably the most dangerous. they do not have eyes, and on their necks are large pockets of skin that hold a slightly corrosive toxin. Aside from being corrosive, it's extremely poisonous, killing most things it get on, except for the spitters themselves. Spitters, like eels, have needle like teeth- unlike eels though, their teeth are retractable, meaning they can shut their mouths.
Crocodile~ Like the spitters, these are extremely dangerous if angered, able to kill things by whipping them in the head with their armoured tail, or just simply biting into the annoyance. Their teeth are not the longest, but they are the thickest, and their jaws clamp shut like a shark's- they will open wide until they are just about dislocated, then clamp together with a force strong enough to bite a raging orc's arm off.
Frog~ Like the salamander, the frog rarely fights. Although this does not mean they don't get into fights often. Frogs are like giant towers of defence, growing up to fifteen ft tall, and extremely muscular. Along with this they have armour-like growths on certain parts of their body, and are able to jump more than double their own height. They have a very long tounge as well, that can drag people towards them, and even throw people if the frog is strong enough (if need be. or.. well.. if their tounge wasn't cut off after the first five seconds of holding onto someone).

Frogs and crocodiles are both very tall and extremely muscular, with spitters being somewhat smaller and less muscular for their height (still though, a drunken spitter could knock the all-famous military commander thing, Joshua Kade, to the floor in a matter of seconds). Salamanders are like humans when it comes to muscles and such, and well eels... their still just eels with human faces.

Hope you enjoyed the race suggestion~! (well half of a race suggestion... the roleplay basics.) Leave your comments opinions below ;)
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Eel~ The Eel Paludai are the most inhuman looking, mostly staying underwater, as they cannot move on certain dry surfaces. Like an eel, they have no limbs, and rely on their tail and body movements to swim. As a Paluda, they have retained their pointed ears and human facial structure, but their teeth are needle-like, causing them to always have their mouth open. The eel Paludai are the smallest, growing to be about the size of an adult dwarf.
Salamander~ The salamander Paludai are the second smallest type, growing to be about the size of a human in their mid teens. They are slow moving, and unlike their cousins, have soft skin and flesh. they're most distinctive feature it the 'frill' they have on their necks, probably the first thing you notice if one steps into the room. Probably just as important though, is the tail, which does nothing but sway around and make young children laugh. their teeth are very small, as they will usually swallow passing fish whole, instead of hunting.
Spitter~ Spitters may not be the biggest, but they are probably the most dangerous. they do not have eyes, and on their necks are large pockets of skin that hold a slightly corrosive toxin. Aside from being corrosive, it's extremely poisonous, killing most things it get on, except for the spitters themselves. Spitters, like eels, have needle like teeth- unlike eels though, their teeth are retractable, meaning they can shut their mouths.
Crocodile~ Like the spitters, these are extremely dangerous if angered, able to kill things by whipping them in the head with their armoured tail, or just simply biting into the annoyance. Their teeth are not the longest, but they are the thickest, and their jaws clamp shut like a shark's- they will open wide until they are just about dislocated, then clamp together with a force strong enough to bite a raging orc's arm off.
Frog~ Like the salamander, the frog rarely fights. Although this does not mean they don't get into fights often. Frogs are like giant towers of defence, growing up to fifteen ft tall, and extremely muscular. Along with this they have armour-like growths on certain parts of their body, and are able to jump more than double their own height. They have a very long tounge as well, that can drag people towards them, and even throw people if the frog is strong enough (if need be. or.. well.. if their tounge wasn't cut off after the first five seconds of holding onto someone).

-cough-all can exist already-cough-
I think I read somewhere that race suggestions are not being considered anymore.
Yeah, I think Hentem's right that they weren't planning on looking at race suggestions for a while since there a few more on the way. Either way, good idea, but it is a bit too similar to the amphi.
The theory that humans evolved from amphibians does not exist in Aloria, it is a common well known fact that most known races, humans, elves, and orcs included, evolved from the Seraph.
I'm feeling offended, we elves are more then pointy ears, we are a race with a beautiful culture and a bright future. Also we are cruel to the point of sadism, the days we made tigran fight each other. -leans back, remembering the good old days-
I'm feeling offended, we elves are more then pointy ears, we are a race with a beautiful culture and a bright future. Also we are cruel to the point of sadism, the days we made tigran fight each other. -leans back, remembering the good old days-

We were cruel to the point of sadism...and only some of us...ok, a lot of us...but I agree with the first part of that.
and get back on topic?
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