Archived Pacifist Head Drops

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Former Leader of Tyberia
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Tyberian Empire
This is mostly a spitballed idea, I thought it would be interesting to talk about.

What if you had a higher chance of being decapitated while you were Pacifisted?
Maybe 10% when Active to 25-50% when inactive?
That way, there is an incentive to fight if you don't want to lose your head, while if you'd prefer to keep your items, you can still go pacifist.
This would create an interesting strategic value, I'd think. Right now, if you instance you are ambushed, you can just not fight back, and you have a pretty high chance of not losing anything. If with this system you are, you are more likely going to lose your head if you don't fight. It gives more of an incentive to raid people, and not just nonprems who drop all their stuff on death no matter what. You could catch a prem off their guard, and if they don't fight back, you're probably going to get their head, and if they do and you win, you get their stuff, while ultimately giving the victim the power of the choice between the two so it doesn't really feel unfair, even though it is lose-lose for them.
It would be more balanced, I think.
The reasoning for this, for lore reasons or whatever, could be that it is much easier to cut the head off someone who isn't trying to cut your head off too.

But again, this is just thrown out for the wolves, feel free to elaborate or expand, or tear it apart if you think it's stupid.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
While it is not a bad idea, i don't think thtat people care much about their player head if they don't pvp anyway, at least i don't. if this where to be a thing it wouldn't change a thing for me :)
While it is not a bad idea, i don't think thtat people care much about their player head if they don't pvp anyway, at least i don't. if this where to be a thing it wouldn't change a thing for me :)
They mean something to pvpers though. A lot of them enjoy collecting heads, so it gives them something for killing you either way, right now raiding you would be a waste of time because you wouldn't fight back and drop your stuff, and the head drop rates are so low you might as well not bother.
The issue is people that care about there heads would either drop their head or drop their loot
That's the point.
Although maybe, if it's possible, it could be disabled for faction leaders.
I like this idea. +1
any ideas that promote and encourage people that normally don't pvp, to pvp is a +1
This idea is now defunct due to the fact that everyone drops all their items now, active or inactive, so there is never a reason not to fight anyway. Plus the fact you can't get hit without going active anymore either so it's impossible to be decapitated passive.
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I will close this due to the idea not functioning properly now with the change to active/inactive.

If you come up with an alternate idea twist to this, feel free to create a new suggestion.
I will close this due to the idea not functioning properly now with the change to active/inactive.

If you come up with an alternate idea twist to this, feel free to create a new suggestion.
Okay I understand the "no keep inventory" because of the necessary EULA compliance. But what was the purpose of changing the way you become PVP active? Like.. Being PVP inactive when hit wasn't against the EULA. So why was that changed?
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