P.u.m.p.s Now Recruiting All Kinds Of People


The Pulchritudinous Northanian
Oct 4, 2014
Reaction score
Central Command
Roleplay Guilds
So basically, what Purified Minds is, or P.U.M.P.S is an idea to create a scripted recorded roleplay and to then post it on youtube. For fun, and to promote Massivecraft. The story has not yet been completely decided but I felt I should post this up anyhow. The main people working on this are, of course myself, @NotCvikota and @HoidOfTheNorth. We all felt this would be a fun experience and maybe even get it to work, has hard has that'd be .-. We've already gathered together a plot and theme. We plan to release 15-30 minute videos. The idea for this was originally created by @kswef but then after brainstorming we decided to go with a different approach.

What We Need?
                • Voice Actors
                • Skin Designers (Hd Preferably)
                • Editors (For The Video's Scenes)
                • Set Designers
                • Cameramen
I do hope we get some new people to join in, we need all the help we can get. Thanks for reading.
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Count me in, I am already working on doing a possible live action massive based story. I have editing experience and acess to final cut right now and premier pro (which will hopefully be the main one I have access to know). I also have experience in storyboarding and recording in general so I can help with designing sets. Basically I can do mostly whatever needed.
Count me in, I am already working on doing a possible live action massive based story. I have editing experience and acess to final cut right now and premier pro (which will hopefully be the main one I have access to know). I also have experience in storyboarding and recording in general so I can help with designing sets. Basically I can do mostly whatever needed.

Yes, that sounds great. I don't know when we'll be fixing up to start, but we will soon, I assume. What with school there's a lot of things I can't do at the moment.
For the first episode thing, we'll need 2 actors to play two assassin characters, one to play a noble hosting a party, 10-15 miscellaneous party guests, and 1-3 guards. There'll also be a bunch of extras as party guests, but the 10-15 listed earlier play a bit different role, and also voice actors to play those parts as well. An actor could also play a voice role, but we'll have to audition for voice roles. @WolferBooy @HoidOfTheNorth did I miss anything?
I'd be interested in being a set designer. Assuming I get a good mic, maybe a voice actor. So, where are we filming, an empty faction field?
That depends. We'd need the first episode to take place in a place that resembles Regalia, if not Regalia itself, so that would be a build we'd have to do. I'd like to avoid having to build such a structure though.
Yeah, if someone has a city that's pretty Regalia-like, that'd work just as well.
This seems like an interesting idea all together. You can expect me to keep my attention upon it.
Thanks! I've begun writing the first episode thing and I have a list of characters that'd need actors and voice actors. Let me know if y'all want the names changed or something.

Assassin "insert codename here" Played by:

Assassin "insert codename here" Played by:

Yorrik Dau'tern (minor character throwing a ball) Played by:

Dapport (Dau'tern's servant) Played by:

Guest 1 Played by:

Guest 2: Played by:

Guest 3 Played by:

Guest 4 Played by:

Guest 5 Played by:

Guest 6 Played by:

Guest 7 Played by:

Guest 8 Played by:

Guest 9 Played by:

Guest 10 Played by:

Guard 1 Played by:

Guard 2: Played by:

There'll be more guests, but the ones I have assigned to these spots play a specific role.
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Do all guests have to talk? I'd maybe be like one of those guest that's in the background that isn't important. :P
Depends on what guest role. The guests with numbers say a little bit that could be scripted or unscripted. All the numbered guests need to do is die.
We can do that once we're done writing the first episode.
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One of the scripts for the first episode thing is done, here's an updated list of characters we'd need covered. There'll be more opportunities for acting since there'll be more storylines going on at the same time as this one.

Swift ( Male assassin)
Viper: (Female assassin)
Yorrik Dau'tern (Wealthy person)
Dapport (Dau'tern's servant)
Shady Man (Shady dude)

And of course, we'll need extras. Let @HoidOfTheNorth @WolferBooy or myself know if you're interested in any of these parts as either an actor or voice actor.