Preserved Sheet Ovid O' Castor

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
The Nippy North
Roleplay Guilds
Estel Temple (
Basic Information
  • Ovid O' Castor
  • Age: 106
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Half Dwarf/Half Altalar (Dwelf/Dwelfling)
  • Main Ambition: To acquire and trade information among powerful circles of Regalian Society, and further his own economic ends.
  • Special Permission: Expert Folelsa Mage
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Hair Colour: Grey, with streaks of white
  • Skin Colour: Greying pink
  • Clothing: Simple slum wear, peasant trench coat, tartan scarf
  • Height: 4'5 ft
  • Body: Stocky
  • Weapon of Choice: Magic use/fists
Personality and Ability

How do others see Ovid?
Ovid could be said to appear dour, and brooding at times: his expression often projecting a sense of downtroddenness. The old Dwelfling is often grumpy with his words, sharp, and to the point of things, most likely before those around him can get a word in edgewise. Ovid could appear to be in a state of weakness to the trained eye, hobbling from place to place, and where ever his small frame can carry him.

How does Ovid feel?
Ovid is a confident individual, both in his unique skill, and his work at the Regalian dockyard. The old dwelf holds a great pride in his magical abilities, though despite this, the very possession of these skills brings a great sense of looming dread to the man. Should he be caught, Ovid's worst realisation would have very well came true. Ovid often holds back the urge to use his abilities, given this creeping fear of imprisonment. The old dwelf feels downtrodden, oppressed, and most of all held back from having done anything of note with his life. Apart from this, Ovid, like all Folelsa mages, is highly empathic, feeling great pitty for the 'oppressed' and beaten, of Ailor and non-ailor alike.

How does Ovid act to friends?
Ovid, to those who are close to him, can come off as gentle and caring. Though he has no family per-say, those who gain such a close bond to the dwelf, often are treated in a paternal, protective manner. There are times when Ovid feels an urging to return to his youth, and in such times he may act much more 'lad like' or jovially with his companions. Overall, Ovid holds a great sense of loyalty to his kin and friends, not oft broken for trivial things.

Ovid's morality
Ovid is a very flexable when it comes to minor 'sins' persay. To tell a lie is nothing to the dwelf, nor to steal, cheat, or rip-off his fellow Regalians. When it comes to these small things, Ovid holds no dire opinion of them, and partakes in them more than often enough. Where Ovid's morality kicks into full swing, are the bigger issues. Killing, without good reason, torture, brutality without restraint, these are all things which make the old dwelf sick to the stomach. Ovid could be said to hold a rather neutral moral compass, given this mixture of opinions.

  • Expert Folelsa Mage: As a young lad, in his teenage years, Ovid would often swim the canals of the slums, diving for fallen regals, and items of note. It was in the canal where Ovid found his Elsar Ring, for which the item rarely if ever left his fingers. Now, at an extended age of 106, Ovid has learnt all nine spells through the mysterious ways of Folelsa.
  • Reading: Uncommon for a mage, or any such scholar of magic, but oft too common for the 'common' folk, Ovid cannot read. The half-breed has never picked up a book for much longer than a second, in moving it, or casting it aside. Due to this peasant upbringing, in Regalia's heart, Ovid is unable to read a word of common.
Life Story

Ovid O' Castor is a dwelfling born to unknown parentage within the Regalian Slums, during the summer of 199AC. Ovid's upbringing was one typical of an outcast orphan, spending most of his childhood within one of the Sancella of Union's Poor Houses. In this upbringing, among the Father's of Piety, Ovid was often let loose among the streets of the slums, and more often than not played and swam in the canals of the dirty district. Young O' Castor found many things among the murky water of the slum canals, but nothing so rare or of vaule, than his Elsar Ring. The boy wouldn't come to understand what he had found, until his teenage years, though he sensed a great rareness in his find.

Teenage Years
Ovid would begin to wear his Elsar Ring, being struck by the magical potential of the item, and slowly learning Folelsa Magic, despite his illiterate upbringing. Over the 6 month period of 215AC. Ovid would learn his first spell, 'Sense of Clarity', which he would otherwise name his 'little' charm. Ovid would later use the skill to aid in earning himself odd jobs around the city, using his sense of clarity to subdue the rage of debters in a money lender for many years. Come 217AC., the small Dwelf had achieved a sense of unity with the ring, being endowed with his second spell, 'Channeling of Rage', of which served great use to the trouble making knife-ear. It was only in the summer of 218AC. that the dwelf started to realise what the strange ring had awokenin him: a comrade or friend may lay a hand on him, and all at once their emotions became clear to him.

Ovid would move from job to job, finally ending up at the Regalian Dockyard, due to his dwarven frame, and stocky build. The dwelf would feel a sense of lacking in his life, for many decades, though lacked the drive, or ability to medicate this. Ovid, until now, has lived a simple, and peasant like life, using his magic sparingly, after watching a close friend be dragged off to the Azure Tower. Ovid is desperate not to share this fate, and as he has grown older, the dwelfling often leaves his ring in a safe location. Despite the seeming trepidation, in 222AC. Ovid discovered by far his favourite skill, one that would bring rosey cheeked jovial fun, to the small dwelfling. An Emotion Duplicate was born that year, and amid his small slum home, bottles upon bottles of joyus vials, labeled crudely with chalken smiles. 228, and the small man would learn Social Cloaking. 236, Allure's Kiss (Though the halfling felt a little uncomfortable with this one to begin with: infact, he might'nt even know he has it). 249, and with a few more grey hairs, Feral Reduction struck the dwelf. 264AC., a scar, a few more wrinkles, and Mind Link to add to the library.

Finally, in 304AC., Ovid learnt the last spell he would likely be gifted with through his long life: Sensory Scrying, and more mischief, even in his twilight years. Though despite all these magical marks left on the dwelflings life, recently, something sparked in the old dwelf. An urge to do something with his life, before his time ran out. Do something with his gift, and make some ammount of coin while he was at it.
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Review time!
  • My only issues are in the life story, being that the age he began learning magic and the ages he progressed to learn each spell are not listed. Get those in and you should be good to go!
Make the edits in a new color and tag me once done!