• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Outstanding Aberrant Posters


The Storyteller
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score

Fiske Eberlin and Erwald Ravenstad could be seen nailing up posters decorated in blue detailing on various notice boards across the city and into the slums, with vague bust style drawing of people and information written below them. The top of the poster says "OUTSTANDING ABERRANTS" in bold, blue font. A note is attached to the bottom of the papers:

All regal rewards can go up or down in value, the stated ones are the general amount rewarded for those noble citizens coming forward. All those who come forward will be remembered by the Azure Order. Those who wish to report or collect should come forward to the Azure Order.


Asterion Fellmirr
  • Known Shunner
  • Past Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 200 Regals
  • Information Reward: 20 Regals
  • Known Sanguine and Shunner
  • Affiliation with Death Mage All'oa
  • Capture Reward: 250 Regals
  • Information Reward: 50 Regals
Vlad Palovich
  • Known Sanguine
  • Assault in Citizens
  • Capture Reward: 75 Regals
  • Information Reward: 15 Regals
Claude Mervo
  • Known Sanguine
  • Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 50 Regals
  • Information Reward: 10 Regals
Merina Taliesen
  • Known Shunner & Criminal
  • Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 150 Regals
  • Information Reward: 15 Regals
  • Known Shunner & Black Mage
  • Potential Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 500 Regals
  • Information Reward: 50 Regals
Ott Keppkuula
  • Known Aberrant
  • Potential Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 750r
  • Information Reward: 75r
The Necro Arken
  • Known Arken
  • Major Gang Affiliation
  • Major Cult Affiliation
  • Advised to alert Azure Order of Activity
  • Reward for Information: 50-150r
Arken Information
  • Arken Conspirators: 50r for information, 250r for Capture
  • Arken information: 150r
Void Worshippers:
  • Capture Reward: 150r
  • Information Reward: 15r
Rogue Aberrant Information:
  • Capture Reward: 150r
  • Information Reward: 15r

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Merina stared at her own name in horror, "What? I'm not a cultist... what's a Shunner?"
A worried look came over Alaine Atwood's face as she looked over a poster, which was pinned to a board just outside the willow. "Oh my," the withered old woman started "Regalia's got quite a few dangers on the loose, does it not?" The old woman shifted upon her cane in an unsafe manner. She frowned to herself, and returned on her daily stroll, soon that worry was forgotten, and she enjoyed the afternoon weather.

Later that night, The Spider was handed a poster by one of her faithful followers. Eight eyes, all beadier than buttons and blacker than tar, scanned over the words "I'm not on there." She said aloud, half in shock "Good."
Johanna Anne Sauer read the poster in the Golden Willow as she held the hands of her two children. The corners of her lips slowly curled into a wide smile at the all too familiar name.
"Oh, what a shame. Maybe she shouldn't have been so quick with her threats and actions."

Marie could only snort. "I didn't choose to become one, you know," she muttered to herself, giving a small shake of her head. She didn't understand, but the conflict rose even further. She could feel it rising in her soul, fighting over to do the right thing band keep herself safe.
The Shendar merc clad in leather armor perked a brow at the notice and nearly stumbled back when he shook his head in astonishment, "750 regals for capturing a damn Arken? These boys have been smoking far too much bloody Opium. Or maybe they think they're that untouchable..." The ash-skin scanned over the names and busts once more before ripping off a copy from one of the lesser active notice boards, tucking the parchment away into a pocket before heading off.
It was a small flap of parchment that caught Sylmaer's eye. The scrawny Shendar pivoted to peer at the wanted poster. His face falling and his bony fingers reaching up to run through his hair. "Oh void. Oh sodding void, blood void this is bad. I mean seriously...
They just can't get my bloody nose right."
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Bein' classified as Aberrant or whatever else sounds real bad'n all, but... Free art? It's tempting...
Theo blinked, then squinted further at the poster as she spotted Asterions name and face. After a few seconds spent reading over what exactly he was wanted for, the Altalar let out a sigh and walked away.
"Isn't 'Outstanding' a good word?" Mama would tilt her head thoughtfully. "Well, I hope they're all good at hiding~"
Poppy glanced at her surroundings, finally settling on the poster as she read it over, "Huh, lookie all my best buddies are up there, hah, friends with famous people! This could also mean free money?-- Just kiddin'-- Wouldn't do that to ya' all!" she said aloud to no one but perhaps herself.
Gale's golden eyes skimmied the poster, his lips pursed as he read over the names. His fists clenched, and eased upon readibg his silly nickname. The elf's ears perked up as he took a moment to glance about, he would have to watch his back more closely now..

Fiske Eberlin and Erwald Ravenstad could be seen nailing up posters decorated in blue detailing on various notice boards across the city and into the slums, with vague bust style drawing of people and information written below them. The top of the poster says "OUTSTANDING ABERRANTS" in bold, blue font. A note is attached to the bottom of the papers:

All regal rewards can go up or down in value, the stated ones are the general amount rewarded for those noble citizens coming forward. All those who come forward will be remembered by the Azure Order. Those who wish to report or collect should come forward to the Azure Order.


Asterion Fellmirr
  • Known Shunner
  • Past Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 200 Regals
  • Information Reward: 20 Regals
  • Known Sanguine and Shunner
  • Affiliation with Death Mage All'oa
  • Capture Reward: 250 Regals
  • Information Reward: 50 Regals
Vlad Palovich
  • Known Sanguine
  • Assault in Citizens
  • Capture Reward: 75 Regals
  • Information Reward: 15 Regals
Claude Mervo
  • Known Sanguine
  • Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 50 Regals
  • Information Reward: 10 Regals
Merina Taliesen
  • Known Shunner & Criminal
  • Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 150 Regals
  • Information Reward: 15 Regals
  • Known Shunner & Black Mage
  • Potential Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 500 Regals
  • Information Reward: 50 Regals
Ott Keppkuula
  • Known Aberrant
  • Potential Cult Affiliation
  • Capture Reward: 750r
  • Information Reward: 75r
The Necro Arken
  • Known Arken
  • Major Gang Affiliation
  • Major Cult Affiliation
  • Advised to alert Azure Order of Activity
  • Reward for Information: 50-150r
Arken Information
  • Arken Conspirators: 50r for information, 250r for Capture
  • Arken information: 150r
Void Worshippers:
  • Capture Reward: 150r
  • Information Reward: 15r
Rogue Aberrant Information:
  • Capture Reward: 150r
  • Information Reward: 15r

Lyal was pleased by the poster, though she dare. "It's time to bring justice to these abberants and keep this city safe...and earn a little coin." heading off to sharpen her arrows, and her bluesteel sword. It was going to be fun being a headhunter for these freaks, while also guarding it from such abberants.

Meanwhile Jaeyna didn't give two shits about whatever they discussed. She just wanted the Shendar with crutches dead.

Felix looked upon the poster carefully however. This Azure Order has that much coin? Might be a good place to rob. HARD true, but a good place to rob.
Fenoz took an abnormally long time to read the parchment, after he was finished, he nodded his head silently and left
The male slowly drags a finger down the poster, reading through the names, before coming to an abrupt halt over a certain name. "Oh." He blinks, squinting at the paper, carefully scrutinizing the name. "Oh. Oh. Well." He blinks again, shaking his head, blinking once more. "She.. Isn't dead..?" Questions he, blinking those forest green eyes before moving towards the slums, because where else would she be?
the grizzled skaggers deep blue eyes scanned one of the posters, his eyes squinting as he read through the list, "Hmm, I've some tracking ta' do."
"My type of work." the Mu-Allar says to a colleague on his right. He would point out a name struck out from the poster, "One down already, may as well keep going?" he says in a dignified manner, crimson plumage drenched, weighed down by a torrent of rain that begun to roll in over Regalia that afternoon.